March 18, 2020

Corona Mania LIVE Unbelievable bullshit from Adam Green and Christopher Jon Bjerknes


  1. Oh, i don't think Putin is in on it.

  2. Haven't listened to Adam much as for Chris, never did care for him and refuse to listen to him anymore since he stormed off an interview with Fetch! I see too many who want to give a pass to Adam.

  3. What an idiot! I can't believe Adam can't see through this loser buying the 'official narrative' of this CV scam! "Trump created it," "There still not taking action to protect us," "Let's go cashless" "We should make improvised masks" Uggh!

    When it comes to CJB, I think Adam is 'tappin that ass' now on a regular basis! Notice he didn't ask Dennis Wise to come back on. I think Adam actually looks up to this clown and has lost some followers in the process. Jerkness is just that! He is rude, lacks manners and style, and wouldn't know a sense of humor if it bitch-slapped him upside the head. Sadly, I've been dealing with CJB since I first discovered him in 2007!

  4. cjb gone full retarded, drinking the coolaid I see

  5. adam (((Green)) is a dirty kike, he censored my comments

    him and that other kike are now pushing agenda 21 and other jewish agendas

  6. In the first 2:27secs:

    "So Chris, you were on Israeli television earlier talking about Coronavirus, Zionism,Hitler.."

    Fuck this shit. I'm outs here.


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