March 13, 2020

Coronavirus - It’s Deadlier Than You Thought (LOL)


  1. sanity here:

    also, fwiw, we just had breaking news out of Pennsylvania to announce 33 people tested positive for corona (out of a state of 12 million)...nice masonic number, they are working so hard at drumming up the fear.

    last week, breaking news out of NJ, to tell us one guy died of corona--turns out the guy was 69, had hypertension, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, emphysema, and a GI condition that caused him to bleed internally,...yet we're supposed to believe that it was the scary virus that took him out...

  2. @Amanda - Non-fear based insightful comment.

    "turns out the guy was 69, had hypertension, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, emphysema, and a GI condition that caused him to bleed internally,...yet we're supposed to believe that it was the scary virus that took him out..."

    That guy had everything wrong with him under the sun - but no matter. As you said, that scary virus took him out - lol

  3. Greg Mannarino on the real Final Solution:
    "POTUS to declare NATIONAL EMERGENCY. This will give the Fed. a free-hand to pump and print MANY TRILLIONS/UNLIMITED DEBT... #FINALSOLUTION

    The Fed and other world central banks now have the GREEN LIGHT to BUY IT ALL.. Vastly flood the world with EPIC SUMS OF DEBT, MASSIVELY LOWER RATES.. A GLARING GREEN LIGHT TO OWN THE WORLD... THE NWO. #FINALSOLUTION

    Central banks will use their power to issue debt- to be the lender and buyer of last resort, making YOU the citizen, the BORROWER... This multi-decade plan is now becoming realized as "world leaders" call on their CB to issue even more debt, and lower rates.. This is THE NWO #FINALSOLUTION"
    sure looks like Trumpstein is working for the central bankster and NOT against them--probably has no choice, they own the MSM and are pushing the BS hard. Even ziohedge (which I thought was alt media) has been pushing the fear big time.

  4. Zerohedge =33 in gematria, its always been a operation to capture alt media eyes.

  5. Keep joking, People:

    Watch THIS, and, THEN, and ONLY THEN, will you appreciate-the-seriousness-of-this-bio-weapon:

    Listen to the screams:

    Are your seat-belts fastened, People, because, figuratively-writing, YOU-NEED-TO-BE-BUCKLED-UP, BEFORE -YOU-WATCH-THESE:

    You people, if you have never watched those videos, WILL NEVER BE THE SAME, AFTER YOU SEE, AND HEAR, WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO EXPERIENCE, and I am not being hyperbolic.

    Watch them...

  6. One dead in Norway; Norway goes into lockdown....

    "This is getting way beyond out of control! The coronavirus panic has lead to a complete governmental takeover of every aspect of our lives and it looks like at this point it's only going to get worse! In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth goes live to discuss the overhanded use of martial law as a response to this current pandemic."

    Coronavirus And MARTIAL LAW - They're Going For It Folks!!
    PFT Live with Dan Dicks

    Meanwhile, back in Australia, Max Igan chimes in. Looks like he's back to "normal".
    A Pandemic - and 30,000 US Troops to Europe (Without Masks)

    From Spiritual Plagues…Part Two:
    Hemorrhagic Stupiditas
    By Diane Harvey

    “Our so-called mass culture is little but a gargantuan petri dish overflowing with the virus of contagious stupiditas. Lethal germs of stupidity flourish in each crevice of its glittering crackpot surfaces. And the root cause of such overpowering levels of fatal ignorance is clearly observable. Mass stupification arises directly from the base motives infesting nearly everything manifested all around us.”

    “The conscious intention to create distortion, addiction, weakness and uniformity of profitable behavior is at work behind the scenes everywhere. The basis of our entire civilization is the direct control and manipulation of the whole human being in order to wring yet more profit from deliberately confused, enfeebled, and entranced human souls. So far relatively few of the total numbers existing within this horrific system seem even to be aware of the fundamental assault on human value and dignity inherent in such a bottomless pit of a bottom line. Nevertheless, it is this primary intention that has resulted in the manufacture and distribution of the contemporary spiritual plague of Hemorrhagic Stupiditas.

    To acquiesce and to freely participate in the deadly end products of a culture founded on the extremes of ruthless greed is fatal to natural intelligence. Nearly every corporate/military/government/social offering is deeply rooted in festering greed, and is therefore crawling with the highly contagious micro-vermin of profoundest ignorance. Short of merciful death, it is becoming impossible to avoid spending a great deal of time and energy trying to avoid direct contact with that which will make you stupider if you so much as touch it."

    For the rest of the diagnostic:
    Damn! Will the Zombie Virus Apocalypse never come?

    I say: Quarantine all governments, all media outlets (Shitstream Media), all politicians, bankers, financial terrorists, vaccine imposers, etc....
    Clearly, they are all suffering from sadistic fibrosis, hemorrhagic stupiditas and the disease of conceit!!!

  7. Thanks for introducing me to this awakenwithJP channel-- I like his mocking sense of humor:
    How Spiritual People Fight (LOL- I've crossed paths with this type)

  8. Just found this comment over at Jon Rappoport's nomorefakenews:

    "I’m only an hour’s drive from Seattle, which is reported to be the US epicenter of the CoronaVirus pandemic. Here is what our local health care workers said March 11th about the pandemic on our local news radio (KIRO).

    “Where all the patients? What we’re seeing on the television and the media is creating this widespread panic and fear, but here we are in the hospitals and the intensive care units are not filling up with patients,”

  9. And another comment from Rappoport's site:

    From Italy.
    Exactly. Virtually all “coronavirus” deaths are actually “with coronavirus”, not “of coronavirus” (sometimes they are officially referred as “with coronavirus among other diseases”, but people are led to equivocate); in other countries such as Germany the “victims” are counted differently. The dead are mostly people with “pre-existing serious health conditions”, generally old people (i.e. the usual flu victims).

    Total banker psyop IMO to cover for the collapsing financial system--virus will get blamed and bankers will get away with all they did, and they will set up a new system and do it all over again.

  10. Lindsey fuck off with your scare porn bullshit

    currently on this planet you have a 1 in 94000 chance of catching it and a 1 in 1'500'000 of dying from it

    Add LL to sgtreport chris martensens and all these cunts making money from knocking out all their fearporn videos


    Sounds like the trailer to a Friday the 13th movie!

    OgnirLindsey is correct and has won the debate.

  12. Hello!!!!!
    No / None / Nada / Nil video or audio is admissible evidence of anything other than the gullibility of the listener / viewer and the manipulative, sinister nature of the maker and by default the distributor.
    "That's Entertainment" and "Making News" which are one and the same, No? LOL.


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