March 04, 2020

Financial Warfare - Scott Roberts

BIG Brother ZOG has everyone dependent upon handouts, so that makes it easy for them to control us. All they have to do is threaten to withhold funds and they Goyim (local governments, private corporations, individuals) will fall right in line. Meanwhile, they use that stolen wealth to empower their Shabbos Goy and to engage in financial warfare against all of their (potential) enemies.


  1. Watched; thx for posting zap. A ~decade or so ago I was distrustful of Delaney/Roberts & that 3rd guy who produced 911 Missing Links, for being a little over-the-top re the JP + encouraging "anon/avatar activists" to dox themselves etc. I used to ref MD as Mike ADLaney... lol

    Scott Roberts was always the best talker among them, & this was a compelling pitch for shekels... sucks to see him pinched financially by dajooz like this.

    Pretty remarkable to consider though, how far "society's center" has shifted in the past ~decade to where we're not insta-shunned for pointing out the JP elephant in the room, & (((big social media))) has been smoked out to the point of having to take the mask/gloves off & become so transparent & ridiculous with their censorship.

    Here's Scott's bc:

    has Delaney still got a voice somewhere? Ah yes, I see his blog:

  2. Was just perusing Scott's BC vids; noticed this 20 min jobee from March '16 (reposted to BC Jan '20) where he rips @AngeloJohnGage re "Name the J00!"

    "3/7/2016 response to the 180 Angelo John Gage had just pulled."

    it's just illustrative of the "shift in society's center" I ref'd above, that AJG has become at least much less shy re naming JP/power working in the shadows.


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