March 07, 2020

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2020.03.06

Powers & Principalities Episode 141


Timothy's Podcasts



  1. 'French Revolution'...
    BTW..., Not one Joow owned Bank House or mansion was set on fire by the mob !
    Read Nesta Webster's 'The French Revolution'.
    Her masterly accounts of the key public events like the storming of the Bastille, the seizure of Versailles, the September massacres and the secret private Joow (Jacobine) background to all of them are based on historical facts, not on Joow Hollywood hype !!

    There NEVER was a "...Russian Revolution.." !!

  2. WE IN EUROPE NEED A REVOLUTION, otherwise OUR CHILDREN are Not going to have a future in their own HOME LANDS !!
    The European nations, PEOPLES, should stand together and organize a revolution. There is still time, it's not to late !
    We know WHO the enemy is and their corrupt Lackeys !!
    We could easily set up a 50 Million men fighting force, under the leadership of patriotic Colonels and high ranked officers.
    I am absolutely sure : The Military would NOT fire on their own folks !!

    FORGET THE USA, these Multi Culture melting pot people, they absolutely give a sh*it, they don't care for Europe

  3. It makes me wish the Germans won WWII. I bet we'd be living in a much better world right now!

    1. Timothy's co-host insist Hitler was a Rothchild plant who manuvered Europe into war as part of a depopulation scheme. Seems like he believes EVERY political movement that resulted in bloodshed was a depopulation scheme.

    2. Another old hippie like Dean Henderson and Kevin Barrett


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