March 20, 2020

The Graham Hart Show - With Brizer 2020.03.16

Brizer's guests:  Erika, Dennis Fetcho and JayQ.

Graham's blog

Graham Hart - Hoax Train.mp3

Cornwall Stream
Mami's Archive
The Graham Hart Show Players



  1. It seems you have your audience trained well Brize......they’re not only reserving all rights ,but reserving all words and their right to make no comment lol. Seriously though not a bad show.I saw in chat you’ve got a globetrotting medic with a specific interest in computers and A.I. on next week.Is this true and if so how the hell did you get Bill Gates to agree to appear?

  2. You people are arranging-the-deck-chairs-on-The-Olympus.

    You need to be doing programs, explaining how to sterilize rooms, one-by-one, with UV lamps-systems, and/or ozone-generators--they are the same thing, but different devices, with UV-lamps fully-exposed, while ozone-generators do not, and have a fan to blow/distribute the ozone, among MANY-OTHER-THINGS that people, in-general, do not know.

    Chelated-forms-of-zinc, -selenium, and -copper, are-of-critical-importance to prevent viral-infection, AGAIN, for just one-fucking-example-of-what-needs to be discussed.


    We are in WWIII, whether you people want to face-that-reality, or not.

    "I told you, so", at-this-point, doesn't even fucking matter to me, any longer.

  3. @ Ross. Ok I have sent that on to Graham.

  4. @ Brizer

    Thanks mate. Oh, and happy St Patrick's Day!

  5. Adolf Hitler was a man of the people by the people and for the people.
    He was NOT a member of the "elite", he never was a member of a 'Secret Society', was NEVER brainwashed at a university. He was probably the most beloved Head of State in human history.

    Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Britain :
    " Germany's unforgivable crime before the Second World War, was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the World's Trading System and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny World Finance its opportunity to profit.."

    Germany, especially the German working class, had the highest standard of living in the industrialized world!
    USA and Britain had at that time MILLIONS of unemployed people, living in misery, in large towns they had to stand in line for a bowl of soup....

    "I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets.
    The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire.
    I control the British money supply. "
    Nathan Mayer Rothschild

    This world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes..."
    Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish Prime Minister of Britain 1874-1880

    " These Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance..."- James Madison, 4th U.S. President

    "I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies.." - Thomas Jefferson, US President 1801-1809

    Right after the German Populace in 1933 voted in free democratic elections the National Social Workers Party into office, British and American Jew controlled News Papers had these headlines, google YouTube…
    Daily Express
    Friday, March 24, 1933 (!!!)
    Jews Of All The World Unite In Action

    The rest is history...
    Tens of millions of innocent civilians, women and children lost their lives in that most cruel war in human history.

  6. Thanks to Graham for the creation of this absolutely gorgeous song : " We fight the virus"
    This should be the anthem of the "Truth movement" !

  7. Thanks John but it's not my creation or choice. Brizer found it.

    Great song though.

  8. what is erika's website or last name to see her bitchute. link is broken?


  10. Zap - please make Lindsey head admin and abdicate your position immediately.
    Brizer - From this point forward, heed all of Lindsey's directives for topics on your show.
    I will do the same for my show once I receive marching orders from Lindsey.

    Thanks in advance,

    On a serious note, keep up the good work. Your show is top shelf.

  11. I'm leaving mami's in two days. As my goodbye gift, I will make Lindsey an admin. lol

  12. Yes, Hitler was loved, but remember, in the 21st c., Kadaffi was loved also, he was doing everything to benefit his people.

  13. "It was in what Reichsleiter/personal secretary of Hitler so wisely and aptly said in 1941: "When we National Socialists speak of a belief in God,
    we do not mean what naive Christians and their clerical exploiters have in mind-some anthropoid creature, which sits around somewhere in the
    spheres. [...] The power of nature's law which makes these innumerable bodies move in the universe is what we call the omnipotent force, or God."?"
    "God as a verb."

  14. To the best of my knowledge Adam Green doesn't touch the Holycost but I don't watch every show.
    The more I looked into the history of the NSDAP era the more it became apparent to me Hitler was the greatest politician of the modern era, maybe in all of history for that matter. All of his major policy initiatives were focused upon improving the condition of his people and nation. The animal cruelty laws were groundbreaking, he enacted socialism without the corruption which defines Western and Soviet variants, employment was near 100% in very short order, private ownership of businesses and industry remained but was forced to serve the Reich not vice versa. He reached out to the world sending motorsport teams to the Isle of Man TT, the Vanderbilt Cup in the US, fielded championship Grand Prix racing teams and even named his train America. All of that was returned with boycotts, vicious false accusations, fake MovieTone news clips of SA men beating old Jews in the streets, the cruise ships full of German workers on vacation were even barred from making port in NY!

    Good guest all the way around, thanks for the show.

  15. I 've been told by people who visited the country in the 1930 ties that Germany was a gorgeous country with extremely friendly people. Visitors to the Olympic games in 1936 were full of praise during their stay.
    Jesse Owens, the black US athlete who won 4 Gold medals :
    " When I passed the Chancellor he arose, waved his hand at me and I waved back at him. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticizing the man of the hour.."
    Certainly, the foreign writers were working for the Joow controlled press.

    Btw...The Olympic Gold medal winner Jesse Owens was NEVER, I repeat, was NEVER welcomed in the WH and congratulated by President Roosevelt and his Communist wife Eleonor who was in love with the Soviet mass murderer Stalin !! (she called him uncle Josef)..

  16. Btw...Jesse Owens,this black US Athlete who won 4 Olympic Gold Medals (!!!) during the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, had to make a living in the "Greatest country on earth" by racing against horses !
    He passed away only 66 years old...

    1. These stories on Jesse Owens are seldom, make that never, told.

  17. The time I traveled throughout Europe, 1975ish, I found the Germans to be very friendly people. The friendliest of the countries I visited.

  18. Another story that is seldom, make that never, been told, especially to school children...

    In the 1930 ties when the "Greatest Nation on face of this planet"- Mr.Roosevelt was President- had the 'Great Depression', small farmers lived in misery, were starving, they were not able to pay back loans, so they lost their little farms, confiscated by Joow Bankers.
    Tens of thousands of these farmers moved to California working as farmhands on big corporate farms owned by Joows….
    A sad story...

  19. Another story that is seldom, make that never, told, especially to schoolchildren.
    When the journalist Leslie Stahl asked the Secretary of State of the Greatest Nation on face of this planet: " Was it worth that 500 000 Iraqi children died during that war ?"
    Madeline Albright, a Jewess, answered : Oh yes it was worth it.

    PS: I've been told this &%$#@ woman is a mother and Grand mother....she received the WH Peace Medal.....

  20. @ John Miller "The Grapes of Wraith", Yes?
    Published as fiction, of course, in the late 30's, for memory, when the mind-raping was focused elsewhere.

  21. @ Liam..
    yes, a shockingly realistic portrayal of the suffering that millions of people and their families experienced during the Joow made 'Great Depression'
    My neighbors, an elderly couple, had tears in their eyes when I asked them about this period in their lives.
    Very sad stories

  22. @ John Miller. And prior to what was done in the USA, there was the "Enclosure Act" in the UK which was same play by same people on a different land.

  23. Re: Zap leaving Mami's-

    Zap leaving mami's- in two days (now one), appears to be an act of self-quarantine, to the extent of "social-distancing" himself from the internet.

    There's Zap for ya, leading the way on being a good example for others [bwah-ha-ha]


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