March 13, 2020

The Stock Market Got Destroyed. The Worst Is Yet To Come. Mannarino

Coronavirus?? Yeah right!!


  1. Trump hates socialism so much he gives away trillions of dollars to billionaires.

    The US is a fraud.

  2. Trump is lint....Get over the fake politics

  3. Thanks for this--these days, I've been listening to him twice a day, just to get a grasp on what's happening.

    He put this out today: (I thought the central bankers at the Fed already owned it all, but he says now they're really going to own it all)

    This is him from a couple of hours ago--he does a good job here of explaining the repo scam:
    WARNING: They Are Running Out Of Cash.. EXPECT A CREDIT FREEZE. Mannarino

  4. The wife and I went to our favorite restaurant last night and we and one other couple were the only ones there over supper hour. The power of mind control is amazingly powerful in my neck of the woods. Yet we have only a few cases. Independent businesses are struggling under normal conditions without adding this to the equation. This is a UN/banker scam. We are headed toward world communism folks. The transfer of wealth is a wave that is growing and is going to smash us soon. I dont give a fuck what Trump has to say. He is a piece of shit lackey working for the banksters just like the rest of the political actor worms.

  5. @chainsawmiller- Yup, Trump a total banker puppet--Mannarino says Trump is the best puppet the bankers ever had and that they will definitely give him another four years.

    Yes, banker-controlled MSM looks like it's deliberately trying to bring down the economy by constantly pushing the fear porn about the fake virus. Economy was already in free-fall b/c of banker policies and corrupt do-nothing politicians. They are going to put everyone out of business. In Mannarino's chat, there was a guy who said he got laid off b/c they cancelled the hockey games (not sure what his job was).

    Agree--greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world. I've also been watching Jeremiah Babe (says we are headed for the greatest depression the world has ever known), and Lynnette Zang, who basically says the same and has info on the new financial system of enslavement that they are setting up.

    People are going crazy where I am--grocery stores are getting cleaned out, shelves are empty, people are hoarding. US is full of brain-dead morons who are totally mind-controlled by the MSM. It's kind of scary to see how people are reacting over a fake virus--hate to see what they are like when the real SHTF with the economy and currency.

    Just started watching this last night--more on the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen. People are just too dumb and lazy (and mind-controlled) to figure out what's really going on. When this is all said and done, the sheep will think it was the virus that took down the economy, and once again the bankers will get away with it.

  6. "WARNING: They Are Running Out Of Cash.. EXPECT A CREDIT FREEZE." Mannarino

    They run out of cashisch so they steal it from the people. (once again)

    If you or I run out of cash and can't pay the rent, they throw us out on the street, homeless. I suggest that these bankrupt banks and governments be kicked out on the street, homeless. They just can't seem to manage a budget in spite of their hyper-criminal monopoly on money creation and allocation.

    Their illegitimately obtained resources shall be returned to the people who have been swindled by these bums. Those FEMA Concentration Camps will provide temporary food and shelter for the quarantined establishment while they await sentencing from the Honorable Minister of Justice and Punishment, Sir Umbra Bellator... at least until Jesus or the Moschiach shows up to take over the Great Work...

    Matrix | UAP

    UAP stands for Underrated Actual Physicist.

  7. oops forgot the last link:

    Money vs Currency - Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 1 - Mike Maloney

    seems like a good series

  8. @Chainsaw. "We are headed toward world communism folks". Can you allow me to correct you on that: We are heading toward world communitarianism folks". I know it's semantics but we got to define our terms. Hope you don't mind lol!

  9. Thinking you are actually taking a proactive role in this is plain delusion . :) Yet they are trying to sell the idea that through the Delphi technique you are being included LOL

  10. Communitarianism is the 'balancing' or subsuming of individual rights below the needs of the 'community.' The community is defined now as the "global village" LOL can you say "mind fuck"?. So anything identified as serving the global village takes precedence over the rights of the individual. In the United States, our people who believe in the constitution believe it guarantees our rights to life and liberty. Also the belief in ownership of property includes that of our own "persons". LOL Some of us on this site know better.. I'm sorry but the learning curve on this shit is above the average man. Sigh....

  11. I say United states because Canada is fucked and they are pouring enough people into historically monolithic European cultures that at some point they have to admit that they too are multicultural you dumb fucks/poor bastards!!!!

  12. The fact that they changed the rules of QE after 2008 made it very easy to creatively do massive QE schemes bundled up using other language.The repo market and mortgage backed securities is another huge scam. Real estate and insurance companies are in on this scam too. The time has come that we tell the banks to take their debt and shove it up their collective asses. That we tell the UN to piss off.Both of those organizations need each other. Global warming is bullcrap. Remove corporations as a business model and the law that has been built up around them.Revisit/challenge Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, 118 U.S. 394 (1886) on a class action basis. Bring enterprise back to people in business not a casino where parasites feed that have nothing to do with business. All these models are usurious and steal real wealth from real people. Wean ourselves off China. All these things if done would bring health back to all of us. I do however realize its not going to happen....

  13. Chainsawmillerman said...

    "The time has come that we tell the banks to take their debt and shove it up their collective asses. That we tell the UN to piss off.Both of those organizations need each other. Global warming is bullcrap.

    Remove corporations as a business model and the law that has been built up around them. Revisit/challenge Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, 118 U.S. 394 (1886) on a class action basis.

    Bring enterprise back to people in business not a casino where parasites feed that have nothing to do with business. All these models are usurious and steal real wealth from real people. Wean ourselves off China. All these things if done would bring health back to all of us. I do however realize it's not going to happen...."

    I pretty well agree with all you said there, Chainsaw Massacre Man...{{{smiles}}}

    George Sorass & His Mass Morass Dumbass Ensemble like "Color Revolutions".
    I don't think the color WHITE has come up yet...
    Something should be done to correct this inequality...

    When would be a good time for the color white revolution might one ask?

    One might answer: when the goons show up brandishing guns, badges and a syringe full of Bill Gates' special corona virus vaccine...?

    The Psychological Warfare Behind Economic Collapse
    By wmw_admin on March 14, 2020
    Brandon Smith – via Zero Hedge Dec 12, 2018

    I found Corona way across the sea
    Oh I found Corona, she came to work for me
    If you like Corona, you’ll really love Maxine

    Bull & Maligna Gates
    My Corona | "My Sharona" | Ayatollah |
    Corona Corona


    Little Story – Big Picture

    14 Saturday Mar 2020

    Posted by Monika in Germany, Holohoax, jews, Letter, Schaefer - Alfred

    It surprised me to receive an envelope from the same address that Alfred resides at, so it was with great curiosity that I dove into the letter. What I found made me speechless. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.

    If ever there was a story about one man that is a microcosm of the world we live in, it is that of Daniel Alexander Strele. Little story? Not at all! This one changed his life forever.

    I have received permission to publish it.

    Monika Schaefer

    Little Story – Big Picture

  14. found this in marrarino's chat

    Simpson's cartoon 2002 of Trump and two world leaders (couple of arabs) around a glow ball, looks like the real photo many years later. So, I guess this was planned all along and Trump was just a jew banker plant??

  15. also from his chat:

    Gregory Mannarino @LetsAllChatNow 7m
    People..The Federal Funds rate is going to below zero as debt issuance goes into hyper-drive, and soon you will be paying the banks to keep your cash in them. (legal theft on an Epic scale right out of your account(s). World central banks and their respective governments are now FULLY ENGAGED in a "RACE TO INFLATE." These Central Banks very creation at their inception has been, and is, to be the lenders and buyers of last resort.. creating BORROWERS en masse, both nations and individual citizens. This is the very nature of the debt based economic model-THEIR CREATION BY DESIGN... Make no mistake about it. And with the direct help from world leaders, central banks they are fulfilling their "destiny"... GM

  16. Hey Brizer, keep looping, no corona, no virus and, least of all the mind virus and all the strains thereof. lol.


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