April 15, 2020

Dawn of darkness

The consequences
of media hypnosis

They want you at home, in your house, in front of the TV.
Then they gotcha. Because once you watch the TV,
they own your soul.
— Harry Vox, 2014

It might seem funny to say but people aren’t actual people anymore — we have become consumers of electronic and chemical products who are perfectly happy to be manipulated slaves as long as we get our fix of our own preferred addictions and compulsions.

And when we believe what we hear on TV, we are the mercy of murderers.

Americans are getting exactly what they deserve for failing to recognize the events of the past hundred years that have produced the Jew infested rathole they live in today. As we act like starry-eyed children following the Pied Piper to our own oblivion, this ubiquitous media hypnosis makes us act against our own best interests.

It makes us eat bad food so that we get sick which makes us take a medicine to make us well, except we don’t get well, we just get more dependent on the so-called medicines that have been deliberately devised to make us sicker.


  1. Interesting quote--that's actually what I've been thinking these lockdowns were about (forcing us inside and for most people to get the news from the talmudvision). I never heard of this Harry Vox guy until a few days ago, when I found the video below from 2014. He predicted that if things ever got out of control with civil disobedience here, they would bring Ebola here, saying that these pandemics (he thinks real) are a tool in the tool kit of TPTB, and that pandemics give them ultimate control via quarantines. He notes that TPTB tries to say China is the model for how to handle such things. Also, that Rockefeller document he refers to is out there somewhere.

    Investigative journalist Harry Vox filmed 2014


    Not that it matters, real or fake, pandemics are clearly an extremely powerful tool, but I have links showing they were faking ebola in many places in Africa--apparently, in Liberia, they caught men putting formaldehyde in the water supply, which made people extremely sick, and then those people were declared as having ebola.

    And in Ghana, I saw a post over at globalresearch from someone in Ghana saying that it was not real, and that it was just being used as justification for the US to send troops over there. (I think it's easy for them to poison people and declare it's a mysterious scary virus--that's Jon Rappoport's take, virus as cover story)

  2. @Amanda:
    Friend sent email:
    Fwd: Confirmation pedophile rings are being shut down:

    Famous heavyweight boxer David Rodriguez confirms that Hollywood & all of the elites Pedophile rings are being shut down right now! Arrests are happening & will be made public!


  3. @Ruxpert- Yup, I'm sure it will be made public any day now...We even have a couple Q cultists over at the gold-silver.us/forum--they seem to think Trump has everything under control (just ignore the economy being destroyed, people losing jobs and businesses, the currency being destroyed, and the talk of medical surveillance, forced vaccination, and the coming digital totalitarian nightmare).

  4. @ruxpert- Well just after I left my comment, I found this y/t with SGT report on John Titus (I stopped listening to SGT report years ago b/c of the Q non-sense, but I was willing to listen b/c I like this John Titus guy and the topic was good). Anyway, it looks like Sean at SGT might be awakening from his Q induced brainwashing--at 14 min he says he disputes the idea that Trump, who he still likes, is allowing this (the destruction of the economy) to happen in order to make deep state arrests, and then he even flashes on the screen a couple of the youtubers who have been promoting this nonsense.

    John Titus, always the rational one, said he knew there would be no arrests years ago b/c the rule of law is dead.

    The REAL WAR Has ALWAYS Been The Bankers VS. Humanity -- John Titus

    So, anyway, I guess all of this is to say that maybe Sean at SGT report is waking up and will stop promoting this nonsense. But Dave @x22 is still promoting it.

  5. John Titus also calls out the BS about Trump bankrupting/taking over the Fed. Titus also says he's heard about "the plan" but he's an evidence guy and doesn't believe anything unless he can see it. So far, haven't heard any apology from Sean for promoting this Q BS.

    Titus talks about having Mnuchin at Treasury shows you the mafiacracy is in charge. Mnuchin from Goldman Sachs and how they had memos laughing about "ripping their own clients faces off"

    This Titus guy is a good guy- highly recommend his channel (he's rational and reality based, no hopium).

  6. Titus recommended people listen to this one:
    (looks very good)

    The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime
    "examines certain implications the DOJ's pronouncements, since late 2012, that the rule of law is effectively dead (having been supplanted by the management of oversized global banks)."

    we are so totally screwed!!!

  7. @Amanda: Agreed, and Thanks for the Titus tip, going to listen now.


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