April 02, 2020

Fat fuck jones to out q next Wednesday


  1. The MAGApede Qtard web shills have literally taken over 4chan /pol/, not just as topic creators but janitor and admin positions too. I guess when you have deep (((pockets))) behind you taking over is a easy task.

  2. impossible to wake up the Q people--we've lost our rights and freedom, we're living in tyranny, people are losing their jobs and businesses, we're being looted by the bankers, yet, the Q people somehow think this is "winning" and that behind the scenes, "secret arrests" are happening. Apparently, we are all in lockdown, so when the arrests happen, the deep state people don't attack us (we are locked up for our own protection)--PURE INSANITY (much from Dave @x22), but they believe it and you can't wake them up. We are being destroyed, the govt is waging war on us, and they can't see it. No point in bothering with these people--better to work on people who at least have some suspicion of the govt/doctors (people who have been screwed by them before).

  3. Not just Q-Tards, but also IQ-Tards.
    And Jew-Tards...
    I can do this all day.

  4. Okay, only listened to bit of each of these...

    Not sure what to make of the idea of AJ "outing Q" since AJ seems to be pushing the same nonsense as Q, which is that Trump took over the Fed and now he's the new chairman of the Fed (which I think is total BS)

    This Know More News guy Adam Green is talking about this here:
    I'm only 12 min in, and right now Adam is talking about Blackrock, which is apparently a Jacob Rothschild investment fund (according to this: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2018/01/23/meet-president-swamp-the-rothschilds-personal-bitch/)

    @2:30 (just like the Q people) AJ is saying Trump has taken over Federal Reserve, and shows story infowhores carried saying same thing....

    So, I guess this is more of the psyop BS to keep the sheep thinking everything is fine while the US govt wages psychological and economic warfare on the people and is deliberately destroying the economy, and we've lost our rights. (I guess I shouldn't be surprised--a number of weeks ago, when it was clear to me that Trump was bringing in the NWO/cashless society, I checked into infowhores to see what AJ was saying. I was fully expecting AJ to be warning that it looked like Trump was bringing in the NWO (since that was supposedly AJ's big thing---warning about the NWO), but instead it was all about the "Chicoms attacking us with a bioweapon")

    1. Fetzer's guest spouted the same IT'S THE CHICOMS TRUMP TOOK OVER FED WHITE HATS Q talking points and threw in Frazzledrip to emotionally condition the listeners for propaganda absorbtion.


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