April 03, 2020

Mami's Daycare Center

Mami's is not a fucking daycare center for fifty plus year old men.

On the same day that I lose "the room", I get fucking high school drama shit and cannot resolve it by talking with you guys. Talk about bad timing.

BTW. Ognir. Maybe you should add Lindsey to that list of yours while you're at it?

I understand that people are stressed and it mostly ain't because of the COVID-19 bullshit.

The stress is about the obvious depression coming about in a few months to a year and the whole loss of liberty which seems to be getting worst by the week.

Now more than ever, we need to stick together!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Was that veiled?

    I thought that what I wrote was in your face. Sorry about the misunderstanding Linds.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. STFU Lindsey any more drama out of you and you'll be on the list asap

    What is happening here on the forums have fuck all to do with you, so stop being a fucking drama queen

  5. Fucking Drama Queen.

    This is what I wrote: "BTW. Ognir. Maybe you should add Lindsey in that list of yours while you're at it?".

    Does that sound like I'm threatening your safety?

    Get a grip.

  6. fwiw the whole we need to stick together is the message from Greg Mannarino, Lynnette Zang, and Jeremiah Babe (all try to warn about what's coming and how to get ready-say we need each other, Lynnette tries to be positive)

    Medical tyranny is here (stay out of hospitals and testing centers):
    Guy refuses to be tested for COVID-19 coronavirus, denies it exists & fights with hospital staff

    “This happened at my sister’s hospital that she works at. A very obviously sick man demands a lawyer before he will be tested for coronavirus.”

    Guy- “corona virus is not real, you’re not fooling me with that BS” (looks like the goons got him in the end)

  7. Wow! My fellow Mami's bro's are snapping under the Covid-crackdown.
    I'm flummoxed by L.Summ's pearl-clutching and foggotry.
    Zap's mami's Shit is a no-homo zone, and best to take Zap's advice: Unify now, and stop the infighting bullshit.
    The real enemy is busy consolidating power, passing legislation destructive to the few dwindling liberties we still had, and are establishing conditions for a cashless, Pan-Judaica, fueled by surveillance capitalism.

  8. Boys, do I have to come around and make you spank each other's bottom in a public square? I mean, I know I could sell tickets to such an event! Toss the profits into Zap's coffee mug. Hope now you are laughing.

    We need to keep unified these days even more than ever. And Ever was already a pretty serious matter.

    I have no idea of what this was about, nor do I really care; what I do care about is unity in the face of a common enemy. Capiche?

  9. Here's some drama for you. I paid rent this month. I may not next month.

  10. We are all amateur detectives here but that's not much to go on there RickB

  11. You're an adult. Use your imagination.


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