April 20, 2020

Scorpio's Conspiracy Show 2020.04.18

Scorpio Show # 10 on Rev.radio

Topics Include:

1) Global Police State Coming Out Party
2) Operation Gotham 2020: Snacks and Drinks Will Be Served
3) Breakfast In Solitude At The Local Greasy Spoon
4) Utopian Tyranny Goes Viral

Revolution.Radio Studio A

64k CF Download

Archive.org  Download

N.B. From the time I post the show, it can take up to an hour before the archive.org link and player start working. zap


  1. Thanks, Zap! I really enjoy this podcast! For whatever reason. I can't put my finger on anything in particular, I just like it and I appreciate you making it accessible to us.

  2. No worries man. You forgot to thank scorpio for it. LOL


  3. Scorpio, you had it right:

    "One shop, stopping center!"

  4. Great show, Scorpio!!

    Yes, Chomsky- CIA or mossad IMO--I read some of his books back during GWBush days b/c I was very anti-war, but then I woke up to the Federal Reserve, and realized he NEVER talked about that, and that was all I needed to know.

    fwiw- Never heard of this guy before, but this investigative journalist, Harry Vox, talked about how declaring a pandemic is an extremely powerful tool in the tool kit of the ruling elite (psychopathic bankers), because it allows them to have total control of the population via quarantines and curfews. He predicted that if they ever needed to crack down on the population here in the US, they would bring Ebola here (he assumes CIA is behind alleged outbreaks of this over in Africa)

    Investigative journalist Harry Vox filmed 2014

    Also just found this doctor--Dr. Rashid Buttar. He's awesome!! Totally calling out the BS on the whole scam! Calls BS on the social distancing--says no scientific/medical basis for it. He thinks they are conditioning us for what's to come, which is RFID chips. Says the satellites can't read them if we stand too close. Anyway, I highly recommend his videos. This wake up series seems like it would be good for people who are still clueless. In part 1, he hinted at eugenics being part of the agenda

    Part 1 of 4 - Time to WAKE UP! | Dr Rashid A Buttar|

    Dr. Buttar recommends this documentary:

    seems like it would be good for the brainwashed

  5. Here's the doc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQc9s8JDVck

    Tyranny getting out of hand: https://www.theblaze.com/news/san-clemente-skate-park-sand?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=mixi&utm_campaign=theblaze

  6. 'social distancing--says no scientific/medical basis for it' - there wouldn't be as there is no scientific/evidence for the 'germ theory' of disease so it stands to reason all this is BS.

  7. @Amanda

    I do hope Ian R Crane is on the mend. Though he has admitted himself that he doesn't have long.

    Ian R Crane did mention that it was US military setting fire to oil wells in Kuwait in 2003, something that Dr Buttar confirmed in yesterday's video.

    Not listened to Scorpio yet, not even one word, about to now


    I'm going to find something I read yesterday and post it. Courtesy from one Christian, me to another, you.

    You are a Christian are you not?

  8. To listen click on download. Other not working as of yet

  9. BB III,

    John Friend just doesn't know anything.

  10. @RedOrchid - I don't identify with any religion actually, but I do get understanding from the Bible ( not taken literally though ).

  11. Yeah you just bang on about Christ like it's a random coincidence

  12. No one noticed the joke. This post was published on January 2030. LOL

  13. @Steve

    Aping Caiaphas

    Assange being arrested a year ago on April 11. 2019.

    "The pitiable Baraitser, of course, is simply a cog in the imperial machinery, a self-impressed, self-interested, rigid functionary aping the role of Caiaphas, the high priest beholden to an earlier Empire. “It’s better that one man die,” he is said to have explained, when another nonviolent truth-teller dared to expose the cruelties of Empire to the downtrodden of his day — including the despicable accessory role played by the high priests.

    Here is how theologian Eugene Peterson’s renders Caiaphas’s words in John 11: “Can’t you see that it’s to our advantage that one man die … rather than the whole nation be destroyed.” (“Nation” in that context meant the system of privilege enjoyed by collaborators with Rome — like the high priests and the lawyers of the time.)

    The lesson meant to be taken away from Assange’s punishment are as clear — if less bloody — as the crucifixion that followed quickly after Caiaphas explained the rationale. The behavior of today’s empire pretends to be more “civilized” as it manufactures stories of rape, leans on ratty satraps in Sweden, England, and Ecuador, and ostentatiously thumbs its nose at official UN condemnations of “arbitrary detention.” And, if that were not enough, it also practices leave-no-marks torture."


    Anyway, upon reading that part a few more times McGovern does a fair job of identifying the High Priests of Judah behind the death of Jesus. But personally I still don't think it had much to do with Rome. As usual it was Jews getting someone else to do their dirty work

  14. @RedOrchid - it's my belief for a long time now that there has always been a 'dark priesthood' behind the scenes, in the shadows, that are the real rulers. They have just exchanged their robes for suits and blend in to the culture without being noticed. I think we have only scratched the surface when it comes to the 'evil' of this world, its far beyond our knowing.

  15. @Amanda Yes, Chomsky- CIA or mossad IMO--I read some of his books back during GWBush days b/c I was very anti-war, but then I woke up to the Federal Reserve, and realized he NEVER talked about that, and that was all I needed to know.

    Yes, I went through a similar experience with Chomsky - and yes he could CIA and/or Mossad.
    Thanks for the links - great stuff as always. We are definitely being conditioned for what is to come - well said.
    But As I stated on the show, they don't have the manpower to implement martial law without our compliance which is something they don't want us to know. Time to stop being servile compliant slaves and imagine a new reality.


  16. Thought this was a great thing to see--young people (college or high school age?) waking up to this and doing video protest:

    from RFK Jr. website:
    instagram deleting too!!

    And this was news to me:

    Follow the money:
    "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claims the CDC owns patents on at least 57 different vaccines, and profits $4.1 billion per year in vaccination sales. According to RFK Jr., the CDC is not an independent government agency but is actually a subsidiary of Big Pharma."....

  17. @Steve
    We must always be conscious of those resolute to do us most harm; for it is those who have all the money.

    Not a great quote but one I'm happy to claim.

  18. We have best political system, when health insurances organisations, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals are the most profitable on our health-misery. Simple, just forbid profit to all those above as some states in Europe already done it. All pharmaceutical companies in USA who make vaccines confiscate the assets, arrest their owners and directors. But in today Jewstice and political system will never do so we have to doit our self. I hope this shit collapse everyday after tomorrow.
    The audio player doesn't work. In Canada is hour same as in USA ???

  19. Some good podcasts on here


  20. Steve - there's plenty of evidence that there are infectious diseases.
    Just because this Corona thing is a scam doesn't mean that all
    science is a scam.

  21. @Scorpio - yes I know that thanks. I don't think I've said ALL science is a scam.

  22. Noam Chomsky was the person that Pat Tillman wrote to about what he discovered in Iraq, and that he was coming home to expose the troops guarding the poppy fields. Needless to say Pat wrote the wrong person, Chomksy made sure he never came home. Friendly fire execution. Thanks, Noam.

  23. I'm afraid we will lose another Kennedy, Robert has nailed Gates to rights, and he will pay for that. If Kennedy is silenced - Gates will have free reign.

    It's instructive that if you punch in the phrase: "Bill Gates paralyzes 490,000 Indian Children with polio vaccine" .. Google/Duckduckgo/Startpage bring up crickets.

    On the other hand - https://searchencrypt.com brings up plenty of hits on that, and your search data is encrypted.

  24. BillB - Interesting info about Gnome Chompsky
    I was worried about RFK jr's safety as well but hopefully he's already well aware of the potential danger he faces given his family history.

  25. Scorpio,

    I just started listening to your show about a month ago and will continue to do so. You have a nice, steady, unhurried cadence in your delivery and you do a good job of incorporating your sarcasm without turning the show into Comedy Central. Good job!

  26. Another one from Lincoln Karim- in this one, he checks out funeral homes, apparently as a follow up to a news story saying the funeral home was handling 80 bodies a day. When he gets there, there's nothing going on--just looks like props outside, tent set up, etc. At 37:48, Lincoln talks with a couple of Hispanic guys, one guy lives across the street from the funeral home, says its been quiet, but two days last week they were really busy and the cameras were there. Lincoln assumes this was just staged activity for the cameras. He does a good job talking with these guys, trying to plant seeds. It seems like these guys weren't thinking critically about what they saw, but Lincoln did a great job IMO with what he suggested.

    Funeral Homes in Brooklyn NY April 18, 2020

  27. Here is good video, can open even blind people eyes on jew Fauci and his jewish masters !!!


  28. I doubt you need worry for Kennedy. How is he not leading the opposition?

  29. Amanda,

    I posed this question at Winter Watch, but nobody responded- yet! On Incendiary Radio last week, Jim Fetzer had mentioned something about the two hospital ships Mercy and Comfort formed a 'Q' in the water(or one of them did)when they arrived in harbor. I looked for any video conformation or any other information on it, but I couldn't find anything. Is this correct or just a bunch of BS?

  30. I'd say anything related to Q is BS. These people see Qs everywhere they look. I think at at some rally, Trump was moving his hand in the air, trying to decide who to pick and these people insisted he was making a Q--they are insane!!!

  31. I'm assuming you don't know anything about it then? I'm not a Q-tarder, but I still want to verify whether or not one or both of those ships made a 'Q' in the water when they arrived in harbor. When Fetzer brought it up, it was hard to understand whether he said they did or whether he said he read about it.

  32. You need to ask Dr. Fetzer, DIRECTLY, and I suppose that you could call him, on-the-air, and ask him that way.

    I, too, want to know if this is true, or not, because, if it is true, then this is something that can not be ignored.

  33. Lindsey - why don't you call him yourself instead of barking out orders?

    Amanda's explainationis probably the most likely. I tried to bring up
    the notion that Q is a bunch of BS to Dr. Fetzer and it didn't go over
    too well.

  34. John Titus- Presenting The Federal Reserve Script for Totalitarianism

    I seriously hate the Orwellian BS about all of us who are healthy actually are the ones who are infected and spreading the disease. They are not going to let this go--already predicting this will come back in waves.
    Listening to that clip w/Cash-carry (guy who help loot us with TARP) sure makes it seem like bankers are running the show and everything else is just an illusion to keep the sheep thinking they actually have a govt.


    I had no idea that Fetzer was a Q-tard. Apparently,that "former" CIA guy Robert David Steele also "trusts the plan." I feel like I'm living in an insane asylum. No wonder, when I sent them info about it looking like Trump is working for the bankers and bringing in the NWO (digital financial system and Agenda ID2020) they both ignored me.

    I think humanity is in terrible danger right now.

  35. @ Amanda; @ Adolf Richtar,

    This Dr Buttar believes the holocaust happened and relates this ludicrous shutdown and to what the "nazis' did to the jews.

    Controlled opposition moving the aim away from the jewish banksters,or, as Herr Hitler called them "the international clique"

    By the way, Happy birthday Herr Hitler, we need your spirit now.

  36. Amanda - I wasn't accusing Fetzer of being a Q-tard but he did not like my call when I deemed it to be a 'paytriotard fantasy' and I wasn't allowed to say much more during the rest of the show....but hey -it's his show. I'm not surprised that your info was ignored, however. Personally, I am always suspicious of CIA guys that spent their entire career working for the secret team and then suddenly 'switch sides' after they retire.

    ...and yes we are in terrible danger right now. I am noticing people seem to be adapting to walking around with a mask on and 'social distancing'...getting used to the 'new normal' - I find that very disheartening....and I agree, they're not gonna let things go back to 'normal'. We are being trained to live in a totalitarian society with diminishing rights rolled out slowly.

    Gonna watch that Titus vid later today - he has excellent info.

  37. @Ross from Scotland- Honestly, at this point, I just care about people calling out the current virus psyop BS--this is what they are using to deprive us of our rights and freedom, and this is what they are using as justification for the economic warfare (lockdowns) which is going to make it easier for them to usher in their totalitarian digital nightmare.

    @scorpio- Yes, Fetzer usually likes my info, but totally ignored that (I just assumed he was still on the Trump train--for me, that $6 trillion bail out for the bankers/corporations pretty much ended any faith I had in the govt. except for Massie). Yes, no surprise on Steele given his CIA ties. I had the same experience with Larry C Johnson (also former CIA)- he did a good post showing that MSM and US govt were lying about Iran sponsoring terrorism, so I thought maybe he was okay, but when I tried to post info on what the bankers were up to, the coming collapse, etc. my comment wasn't allowed.

    What I can't figure out is whether the whole govt is in on this virus psyop or just brainwashed by the MSM. Do they know the currency is going to collapse? Do they know digital is on the way? Are they all willing to sell out humanity like that? Don't they have kids or grand-kids? It sure seems like the Democrats are 100% on board with the tyranny.


  38. Amanda: I spent some time today conversing with an independently well-off person who had retired from a bureaucratic government position in DC. It's clear that at least some of them are bereft of deep reasoning ability, and that compartmentalization has nullified whatever is left.

  39. WWS- thanks for the update--I honestly don't know what to do. I wake up everyday with such a crushing sense of dread. I've thought about writing to a few of the seemingly less corrupt ones (Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Nunes, Massie) and asking what the hell they are going to do when the currency collapses--are they going to let the bankers force a digital enslavement system on us?? I know, it will probably get nowhere. I feel sick when I think about what they have planned for us, and it seems like the only way we can possibly win, is if all of the people wake up (yeah, I know, good luck with that). I didn't even get much done today b/c I just felt paralyzed by this nightmare.


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