May 02, 2020

The Graham Hart Show - With Brizer 2020.04.27

Brizer's guest: Nick Griffin.

Graham's blog

Graham Hart - Hoax Train.mp3

Cornwall Stream
Mami's Archive
The Graham Hart Show Players



  1. German scientist explain that no way the CDC or all those clowns in government got the prediction of deaths wrong, there is different agenda !!!

  2. I gather Nick G doesn't really "Do the JP" ??

    I heard the muzzies & "uninvited immigrant/colonizers" issues ref'd numerous times; but unless I missed other instances, I heard only one J-bomb dropped, by Brizer towards the end, in ref to what the people we want to reach, do/don't care to hear about.

    1. Talking about the JP is being phased out on MS.

  3. Jew, Jew, Jew,Jew. Okay now Panzerfaust/Zeebra ?

    I have given you simple remedy on my blog to handle ANY situation unless you have caused harm or loss.
    Can you do it Panzerfaus/Zeebra? No.

    Why? No Balls, No Balls, No Balls, No Balls.

    Do you think NG would have got to be an MEP if he "Jewed it Panzerfaust/Zeebra?
    Holy fuck! The stupidity of some people. I utterly dispair. :-(
    Our show will cointinue to Jew it when it is necessary. When it's not, we won't.

    All rights reserved.

    1. You know what I think? I think there's been a munity of preverts and Fetch found out about the preversions.

  4. Maybe all the Jp’ers went to live in the woods with the big ol American tough guys? You know the ones? The guys with AR15’s laid all over the house. Shot guns under their pillow and 50 cals mounted on their pick up truck roofs.The guys wandering the web bragging how free the USA is and how they take no shit from no one. Looking down on pussies who handed over their guns in Europe and elsewhere. The ones who’s ancestors bravely fought and expelled the limey pricks back in the day. Yep the guys with huge guns and even bigger mouths fall silent as the American people are gang raped out of their freedom,rights and even lives just like the rest of us.....meanwhile online where the real battle for planet earth unfolds......

  5. "Talking about the JP is being phased out on MS."

    the 'loss' of fetch would seem to corroborate that... he was the most 'blunt' of Mami's former regular roundup.

    those who missed fetch's Sat 4/25 show which zap didn't post (as mutually agreed w fetch), where he vents his perspective on the MS meltdown:

  6. I can’t believe you wrote the Jew word 4 times Graham. You’ll get guillotined 4 times now and that’s gonna be sore dude.

  7. Fetch put out personal information about Mami who hasn’t been around for ages and never harmed him in any way.He slated Zap and Mamis as a whole despite his issue being with only 2 admins initially. He rants about professionalism then posts openly something about as classy and professional as a crack whore. He threatened Zap with a DMCA notice when Zap did jack shit to him. What a great guy though as he rants about Jews. Maybe not so much once his 23 and me swab results come back.

  8. Carefool, Panz or you're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola company.

    1. I will not allow the international Jewish conspiracy to sap and impurity my precious bodily fluids

  9. I only drink rainwater and pure grain alcohol.

    1. Seriously the movie may have been a pro-floridation psyop, making anyone opposed to mass floridation and cognizant towards subversion conspiracies appear a nutcase.

  10. Just for the record I have asked Zap to remove me as an admin so this comment is personal and has zero reflection on the site or the thoughts of anyone on the site,bar me. To address some of your issues with me Fetch. Firstly I am delighted to ‘keep out of your business’.That is up to the point you slate my friend Zap,this site and all associated with it. At that point it becomes my business.It’s called loyalty,a word you may not know or grasp the concept of. We spoke along with Zap post this shit and your selective memory may recall I took your side entirely re Og’s video. I am sorry you were unable to distinguish I was a man. Voices usually give me a clue to someone’s gender,but maybe Asian women have deep voices and as you seem to favour or have no option,but to date mail order brides from the Asian continent then you have difficulty distinguishing gender? I repeated words you spoke or posted so describing my comments as dissinfo seems strange unless a confession? Your site described Zap as possibly compromised which is untrue as you know and hardly a compliment. The fact you merely threatened Zap with a DMCA and didn’t actually file one officially hardly puts you in a better light. Flip flopping around with one minute this site and all here are scum followed by it’s all good now days later shows little conviction.A commenter from here asking for trolls on your site is based on a screen name used by Lindsey. Lindsey is not well thought of here and there is no control mechanism that prevents commenters going where they like and saying what they like so IF and it’s a big IF ,the commenter was from here then how does that reflect on the site? You are a man of small stature with a large ego and mouth. I would be more than happy to meet in the real world and fix our issues like real men although obviously that seems unlikely.Why people worship a tough guy that wouldn’t last 3 minutes in a hair pulling contest with a woman I have no idea.I referred to your ITEL post re Mami’s as ‘as professional as a crack whore’,not called you a crack whore.You are a whore to your ego,but I don’t genuinely suspect you smoke cocaine and ammonia. My silly posts were requested by Zap and simply an attempt to lighten the mood a little. My heartfelt opinion is we’re in huge trouble and nothing less than extreme physical action will rectify it. Being serious and depressed 24/7 when you can interject a little humour seems pointless,but we’re all different thankfully. I’m done with this crap and won’t soil the site again with my garbage. No doubt your ego won’t allow it to end,but you’re posting into thin air as far as I go.Do a video cast with your shirt off like you do on Skype and your fans can see if the slopey narrow shoulders and man breasts match the tough guy talk.

  11. I never took Fetch serious. He is living in the middle east and he never said anything that really left me wanting more. I can't say I ever made it through one of his lovely broadcasts.

    The ones with an ego who tell the truth eventually stumble and fall. I think it's a dick thing and holding a mike in their hand to their mouth.

  12. Part-1:
    I am just the Typical Retarded Brain-Dead "Conspiracy Theorist" !!! ;-)

    I just "Ignorantly" BeLIEve: WHATEVER Other "Conspiracy Theory" Leaders SAY! ;-)

    So ...


    Alan-B-H Says: Hitler was a jew-Puppet! ...
    -- I BeLIEve Him!

    Brizer Says: We have ALL "Consented" to Rapefug... - I mean "Immigrants" etc.
    -- I BeLIEve Him!

    Jim Fetzer Says: "Mini-Nukes", NOT various carefully-placed over weeks Explosives, "Brought-Down" the Trade-Towers, etc.
    -- I BeLIEve Him!

    Kevin Barrett Says: Only some Stinking-Child-Rapist (1300 years ago) Really-KNOWS: How to / we should LIVE ...
    -- I BeLIEve Him!

    Rense Says: We HAVE NO HOPE, Even, (((they))) are simply too "Powerful" and "clever" for us Goyim ...
    -- I BeLIEve Him!

  13. Part-2:
    -- I DON'T HAVE ANY Ability to Ponder Things, or to even / ever THINK for Myself; even / Especially When there are Obvious Contradictions in What Others SAY! ;-)
    -- I Just "Parrot Like" BeLIEve and Mindlessly-REPEAT: Whatever Other: "Conspiracy Theorists" Tell Me! ;-)

    I am NOT SMART or Clever Like REGULAR-Normal-Folks ...
    Who Simply-KNOW "Scientifically" / "Medically" / "Authoritatively" / "Absolutely" / "Obviously"-Without-Any-Doubts-Contradictions: How it is / What is REALITY:

    By simply "Watching": all of the "Authorities", and (Pretty / "Diverse") "News Anchors", and "Narrators", and "Scientists", and "Doctors", and "Experts" etc, on "TV" ...
    And the REALITY Portrayed-Subtly in All of the Wonderful "Entertaining" Hollywood-Movies!

    About How Wonderful and "Chosen", and Yet How Horribly Auntie-Cementically "Persecuted" (By EVIL Racist White-Racists!) jews ARE!
    -- And the REALITY Portrayed-Subtly in All of the Wonderful "Entertaining" Hollywood-Movies!

    How "Enriching": Being Flooded-Constantly by: (Legally!) "Superior" "ENRICHING" "Diversity-Mobs" ... Which Have-ALWAYS-BEEN: "Our STRENGTH"! -- Obviously-IS !!!

    How "WE" Went to the Moon FLAWLESS:Y without-a-Hitch SIX TIMES 50+ Years Ago ... But simply CANNOT ever Go THERE Again, ever! (Because "we" Destroyed THAT-Technology!)

    How there ARE Thousands and Thousands of "Nukes" POISED-at-ANY-Time at-the-Simple-"push-of-a-Button" ... to Completely-Annihilate the Whole-WORLD 10x Over ...

    How Chimps ARE indeed 98+% the "SAME" as us! -- And there simply IS NO DIFFERENCE Whatsoever: Between US EVIL-Racist-Whites, and Saintly Wonderful Smart Always-Good/BETTER Poor Victimised Always-Kept-DOWN-unfairly by F&*king-Racist-should-all-DIE-already-Whites: Non-White Slightly-Different-Complexioned Wonderful diverse-Cultured and of Course PROUDLY-so "True" (Insert Country HERE) Citizens! (AND 1 Billion "African-Americans in Africa!)

    How there are NOW: One Million+ "Satellites" "Up-There" ... and "Counting"
    -- And the Earth IS OBVIOUSLY-"ROUND" !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    -- Even Though there ARE ONLY: Self-ADMITTED: "Photo-Shopped" ("Because they HAVE to BE!") "Photos": of "Satellites" and "Globe-Earth"!

    and How "Elected"-by-"us": "Politicians" / "Leaders" WOULD-simply-NEVER-LIE to us (except: "for our OWN GOOD!") Ever ...
    ... WHY Would They / ANYONE ... EXCEPT "Dangerous" / "HATEFUL" "Racist" "Conspiracy-Theorists" -- Ever LIE even ?!!!

    And, of Course !!! -- jews are indeed: "Chosen by G-d", Our "Greatest-Allies", Wonderful in-EVERY-Possible-WAY, yet always Horribly unfairly-Persecuted simply For-their-Superior-Religiosity-Moral-Character-Practices, yet "Equal", But Of Course so Obviously SMARTER and SUPERIOR to all of us, All Genius's Really -- THAT is WHY they are sooo "Successful - Dhuh!, and All Our "Rightful"-(Slave)-MASTERS
    ... And SOON, By "G-d's" WILL, they will indeed All Wonderfully Utopianly-ABSOLUTELY-RULE-OVER ALL of us: Should-ALL-DIE-already, unfit to Even LIVE: "Idol-Worshippers" Dumb Evil "Cattle"!


  14. To "own up" to the "Truth" ...

    -- I probably "did" "consent" to Brizer's Nice-Beautiful-Clean-Island-NATION ...

    Being totally-OVERRUN: by ni88ers, though!

    -- That's Probably "WHY" HE HATES ME!

    ... and I simply "MUST" be: PERMA-BANNED FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -- And WITHOUT any Free-Speech-Voice at-all ! ;-)

  15. Probably the "last straw" ... Leading to My Perma-Banning ...

    Was My (Original!) POINTED-"Joke":

    Two Irishmen walk-into a Bar:

    The First Says: Oooooga Boooga!

    The Other Says: Gibs me Dat!

    Yes! It WAS "provocatively" intended to BE "Pointed"!

    -- Such "Creatures" ARE Evidently NOT "Irish" !!! :-(

    But CERTAINLY NOT: "Divisive" !!!

    For THOSE who BeLIEve in all that "Consenting" rigamorole ...
    -- STOP "Consenting" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And UNITE to DRIVE-OUT the: Ni88ers, and BETTER-STILL the jews (((who))) soooo "cleverly" "Brought-them-IN" !!!

    -- There, I SAID what I "Had" to SAY .......

    And NOW I APPEAL to Brizer to: "Take ME BACK"

    Forgive and Forget .....

    Be UNITED, and NOT Fighting-EACH-OTHER ...

    But, Relentlessly "POINTING-OUT": Our TRUE: Them or US Rape-gangs etc) BOUND-to-DO-ALL-of-US-Great-HARM: ENEMIES !!!!!!!!

    :-) PEACE Brother !!! :-)

  16. Oh Lordy! I hadn't seen Albert's comments in awhile. I either thought he wasn't practicing his 'social distancing' properly or his personal accountant caved his teeth-in for using ALL capital letters instead of numbers on his tax return forms this year.

  17. Welcome back Albert. Were you really banned?

  18. ... Even WHEN I Tried to SAY Really Really NICE Things !!! ;-)

  19. Maybe it is Your Cool-Avatar-Image ... but I Always Like Your Comments Jacky !!!

    -- It is NICE to Be Once-Again "Allowed" to (Verbally Speaking) "Walk-Out" Again, in the Fresh Air + Sun Shine! ;-)

    It is SAD that the "Media" Seems to Have: "Successfully" Con-vinced MANY of the Young that: FREE Speech ...

    ... Is "NOW" "Unacceptable" "HATE Speech" !!! :-(

    Hopefully: They will SOON Learn-BETTER !!! ;-)

  20. I really Really MISS Chainsaw's POSTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -- It would be REALLY NICE ...

    ... IF he Could / Would: SOMEHOW COME BACK !!!

  21. I have RUN-OUT of Mami's Content Today !!!

    ... Chainsaw Certainly FILLED-OUT / Inbetween the "Regular-Content" !!! ;-)

  22. Well thank you Albert. And maybe Chainsaw will surprise us all ;)

  23. @ Albert.

    I never deletdd you man. In fact I have never deleted anyone. I don't know how to and even if I did I wouldn't. I'm a freedom of speech guy so speak your mind dude.

    Same goes for Bartholemew whatever the feck his name is.

    However if you upset Zap expect the ban hammer. He's the main man on here.

    And if you guys try cause me grief well I could not give a shit.

    I reserve all rights.

    Take it or leave it. The switch off button is over there if you don't like what I say. Thanks >>>>>>


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