April 01, 2020



  1. ` - You, jew, were recording a person without consent. It's against the Law.

    -2 You said: "We're not like THem." - Thank God, for that!

    3- Everybody is wrong except YOU! Right?

    4- "You feel so jewish."- Hahaha.

    5- "All we have is hasham."- "Hasham" is the jew god.

    The bottom line is YOU< jew, provoked the Black woman.

  2. I suppose if the woman with child had said to the Jew something like what's written below things might have been more to the liking of the chosenite.

    "The Jewish victim of a verbal racial attack that was posted in a video online says a three-year prison term given to the man who called him a "racist, homicidal maniac" outside a Perth supermarket is not enough.

    Brendan Lee O'Connell, 40, was sentenced in the District Court in Perth yesterday after being found guilty on Friday of six racial hatred charges." SMH

    All Jews in New-York ought to read the article E Michael Jones wrote about two weeks ago. Stirring up Negroes is not a wise move.

  3. Red Orchid,

    Please provide links to what you're talking about so I can understand what you're talking about.

  4. I was waiting for her to say "I'm getting verklempt...Discuss !" LOL

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Too funny.............maybe she should have told the cops that another shoah was about to happen. Someone needs to tell this Jewess that her people are the reason blacks act this way.

    Anyone have the direct url for this? Faceberg won't allow posts from Mami's. They claim the website offends FB users.

  7. Never mind, found the link!


  8. Yesterday, April 1, after entering a shopping mall, a female "security guard" asked me where I was going. I told her it was none of her business and never stopped walking. She followed me and said she needed to know where I was going as I walked up the escalator. I told her I don't care what you want and I don't care who you think you are. She said she'd call someone and I said Fuck You! I kept on going and went out since I was just passing through to go somewhere else.

  9. If this shit keeps up, I'm likely going to jail or worse.

    I don't put up with any bullshit from anybody since 9-11 and that will not change just because these fucking morons have decided to tell everybody what to do and think. This planet should be called Planet Dumbass. I knew the masses of asses were ignorant, stupid and cowardly but not to this extent.

    They've had 19 years since 9-11 to get a clue, and they stubbornly refused to give the proper respect to those who busted their asses to get the truth out.


  10. I also notice, the jew woman, kept on baiting the Black...on and on. She's lucky the woman didn't give her another nostril.

  11. So that's where Laura Loomer has been hanging out.


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