May 27, 2020

Blackbird9's Breakfast Club Podcast # 208 - 2020.05.27

Righteous Ruffian Playing The Long Game

Frederick C. Blackburn (also known as BlackBird9) studied engineering to become an electrical engineer and had a career in IT. He had a Top Secret clearance in the USA. He gave lectures to: Military and Naval Intelligence personnel as well as NSA, CIA and FBI personnel about cell phone and other technologies.

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1 comment:

  1. Wow !!!

    Frederick YOUR Puzzle-Pieces are GREAT!

    * Game Theory, Different Rules and Different End-Games, Folks Either "Making-Up their Own Rules" / Playing-By-DIFFERENT Rules, hence NOT Fair / ie Cheating!

    * Master Slave versus Peer-to-Peer

    * And MORE-Clearly Today: A DIFFERENT Species which is: NOT the Same as us Humans (With a Soul!)
    -- (((who))) are Fully-CAPABLE: of COLD-Calculating-MURDER and not only with NO "remorse" ...
    -- but even Chuckling / Laughing at our: Cowardly Betrayal, and Terrible Torment! :-(

    Souls are on the Bottom of our Feet

    LOVE is the Natural Growing-FLOW: that Comes From Being-ROOTED to Our Family-TREE!

    (((those))) (((who))) WOULD "RULE"-"Over" us ... Are: ROOTLESS-Cosmopolitans!

    (((vampires))) HAVE NO Soul / Empathy-for-US! -- (((they))) FEED-Off: Our-LIFE!

    I NEED to Voice-Box TALK to You Frederick !!!
    (I could Never TYPE all this, as my-finger-tips have-only-just-brushed it Today Myself! -- and in Fully-Awakening it almost-slips-Away!)

    Last-Night-This-Morning I: "Pieced-Together" Not-Only: "The Answer!", But Then, within an Hour of Semi-Awakeness-Processing:
    --> The ANSWER to the Question ... which-Follows THAT-Answer! ;-)

    I CAN Intriguingly Give You a CLUE:

    --> At, or Before Reaching-YOUTH: Our Father is Supposed to TELL (have Told / "Shown") us About: "The BIRDS and the BEES"! ;-)

    Yes! -- You are Totally-RIGHT: that THESE are: Peer-to-Peer, versus Queen-Worker! ...

    BUT: There is ANOTHER System: Which is NEITHER: Master SLAVE, NOR: Peer-to-Peer!
    (Yes! -- A tiny-bit of a "Riddle"! ;-)

    Master---Slave (Axis), and Peer---to---Peer (Axis), Can Each be Seen as Axes ...
    --> There is THIS THIRD-Axis!

    (Anti-Thesis) Master-Slave is MOON / Negative / Minus / MIND / DESTRUCTION ...

    (Thesis) Peer-to-Peer-(Sort-of-Maybe!) is SUN / POSITIVE / Plus / Head-Intellect / Powerful-CREATION ...

    (Syn-Thesis) This THIRD: TRANSCENDENT: "Black-Sun" is The GOAL / REALISATION ...

    and Helps to Unify / "Explain": All of the "un-necessary" PAIN on THIS-Plane !!! :-)

    (It ALSO Helps to Explain the Mystery of "Christianity's" / Jesus' LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Which would SEEM-to-Be: Weak / Foolish / un-reciprocated / almost-"suicidal"!])

    In a Sense: My "Explaining" this Third-"Axis" ... Would Seem somewhat of a: Disappointment / Anticlimax ...
    -- But: Fractal-Like: Repeated in Higher and Higher Levels ... it is the UN-ERASE-ABLE Source and Climax of the Mystery that is LIFE-Itself!

    While LIVING: This Short-Life is a "Learning" / "Choosing" Experience! ;-)
    After-DEATH: We (Self)-Sort-Our-Selves !!! :-)

    🌝 🌚 🌞

    For Decades I SAW: Young-MEN as Entering-Into the FRIENDLY-("Loving"/"Honest"/"Straight-Forward")-Realm of: "Peer-to-Peer" "Give-and-Take" ...

    -- Whereas WOMEN ALWAYS Engaging in ("Cold Calculating" -- "Loveless" -- "Manipulative" -- "Weak" etc...): "Reward and Punish" !!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

    -- This THIRD-"Axis" Unifies / Explains How ALL Can-UNITE to Form a TRANSCENDENT-Synthesis! :-)

    (Childhood is the "Mind" ["Taking"] [FEAR] : Youth is the "Heart" ["Give-and-Take"] [Feelings] : Old-Age is the "Intellect" [Generous "Giving"] [Head])


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