May 08, 2020

Leave it alone Fetch

Resume your fucking bullshit and stop talking shit about this site. Trying to plump up your jewy lips doesn't look good on you dude. You sound like an half baked idiot who thinks that what matters is what you say.

Most of us never cared about what you said. Leave it alone you fucking big ass ego maniac.

I'm fucking sick of it. Did I go after you? NO!

But yet you keep on bashing the site you Dumb fuck!

Misses Fetcho is all butt hurt because I never replied to her emails and Skype messages. WHAT A MAN with balls of steel and a mind like a fucking laser. 

What a joke.

As Giuliani would say: "Fuck you and the camel that you rode in on."  


  1. So why did you turn the keys over to Hasbara? You deserve every bit.

  2. An example of the absurd garbage that was going up here. Shit like this drags down the entire community, host included.

  3. Bruce. You have no fucking clue as to what is happening and what happened. I am baffled at the chutzpah you have going on. Don't put your nose where it doesn't belong.

  4. Calm down. Fetch has been cutting through the dissonance in the patriot music movement for years now.

  5. My last post on this site. Ever. Fuck you Zap. Traitor. Guess your coffee cup runneth over with shekles.

  6. Fuck you too Panzer.

    And no, I ain't gonna calm down UK. That mofo has been going after us like a crazy monkey and I never responded because I thought that he was smart enough to STFU after a while.

    I was wrong. How long has it been now? And Fetch is still bringing all that shit up on his radio show?

  7. P.S. I think I'm about to cry because Panzer left us.

  8. Fetch's Show has some enjoyable bits ...

    and, IF he could "Come Down off his 'high horse'!" ... I would Listen to him again. :-)

    -- I don't MISS all of the Time-WASTE Filler-Stuff like the Phillipines "cat [+one two-leg] report" , the Musiland weather summaries etc ...

    Hindsight is 20/20 ...
    And NOW we can ALL SEE that the "virus" Scam is a TOTAL-HOAX ...
    and so Fetch's sort-of "Inside-Knowledge"-Take: of the Bio-Engineered 'REAL' virus aspects ...
    are a Somewhat LAUGHABLE Last-Words-Note: to PRIDEFULLY-Go-Out-On ...

    Looking-BACK: Now to those weeks ago 'Final' Shows! ;-)
    (His OWN Upload sites are 'unimpressive' and thus, apart for the Saturday (I think!) Show AFTER his 'Last'-Thursday-Attack/Nuts show, I HAVEN'T: "Found a Time-Slot to Fit-Him-in!"
    -- In MY Very PACKED: Hard-Hitting Information-Rich Compact FAKE-virus Listening Schedule! ;-)
    ... so Far!)

    I READ in Mami's Comments for another Post:
    How Charles-jew-Lie-ani Had-NOT Honestly Replied to a POINTING-OUT of one of His MISTAKEN Historical-Opinions ...
    and How, the Poster had LOWERED his Estimation of Charles as a Brave (confronting-his-own-Ego) TRUTH-Seeker!
    (I appreciated Kyle's Latest critique of David-Icke's: Rose-III "Gestapo" etc BS! -- Yeh, SURE: The 'nazis' are Creating a NWO Total-Police-State Around us Now, as we Speak / Sit! -- LOL!)

    ANY of US can Easily TRUTHFULLY-Admit: that WE have Many Personal-Shortcomings! ;-)

    It is NOT so "un-reasonable" for us to "expect" / Require: someone, whom we "invest" Many Hours in Listening-TO ...

    -- To HAVE Commensurately: at-LEAST THIS Level of Personal-HONESTY !!! ;-)

  9. I Looked-through the Older-Posts and FOUND what I was sort-of-Remembering!

    (Panzerfaust has SAID some quite-vicious-Things Towards ME! ;-) so I am Not: "Defending Him"! ;-)
    -- But, I am Quite "Sensitive" towards Hitler-HATERS!
    -- and THUS, though I Didn't Conscious-Memory Recall: that it was Panzer...
    -- I DID LIKE and Remember What I had READ!)

    Panzerfaust said...
    "Don't expect David or anyone else in the "truth" movement who has swallowed the Jewish narrative on the Hitler subject to ever reverse themselves. The cost in ego is too great and it requires more intellectual integrity than they imagine themselves to possess.

    For instance I called in to Charles Giuliani's show after he gave an argument in favor of Communism-styled equal pay economics to counter with NS Germany's demonstrated success and HE WOULDN'T EVEN DISCUSS IT! What a coward. My opinion of him has plummeted.

    Here is a comment from the Renegade show page:

    A fellow calls in and makes the accurate statement that National Socialist Germany had the best economic system back in the 1930’s. This is true, but Charlie says he’s not a fan of Adolph Hitler. Yet it was Hitler’s leadership that produced the best economy. Charlie is always mentioning the mendacity of the tribe, which is also true. Who in history was adamant with warnings of the tribe – Adolph Hitler. No one’s asking you to idolize Hitler, but surely you should be able to speak on what Hitler’s NS did for the country economically and socially. Otherwise another good show."

  10. There is no question that Fetch didn't handle things very well. But I have to say that this website is a lot better now. I like being able to grab all the radio programs to listen to and not have to search a few pages back if I missed a couple days. Just wish everyone would apologize and be friends again.

  11. Get 'em Zap! Funniest fucking thing I have see in a while.

  12. Look at this stupid shit! Talk about trying to flip the narrative. Are people really stupid enough to fall for this?

    'What are we doing this for?': Doctors are fed up with conspiracies ravaging ERs

    Doctors are being targeted? Ahhhhh poor babies. Let me cry a crocodile tear. Such bullshit.

  13. Heh - Zap. No.

    I cleaned this place up for you. It is reasonably professional again. I did the job you should have done when it was clear the place was going to shit.

    You should thank me.

    I recall the first time you banned me was because I was dealing with trolls spamming the comments section and you were unhappy about it. Now you are banned because I was dealing with trolls ON THE INSIDE and I was unhappy about it.

    You had 8 years of what was basically an exclusive right to post my show. You held my passwords and was part of my inner circle. I have always been very open and fair with you.

    My show and Mami's were synonymous.

    Obviously people have a right to know that my show is no longer here and I have a right to advertise this fact to the audience. I plan to advertise for at least 2 months so stop whining about it.

    It ain't my fault you had shit for brains admins who thought if funny to spam endless garbage and when confronted with it, they resorted to trolling me PERSONALLY and PROFESSIONALLY. When it was clear I was pissed, did they have the brains to back down a bit? No. THEY DOUBLED DOWN.

    Shit for brains idiots, Zap.

    You know me well enough to know I have about as much tolerance for being harassed by shit for brains assholes as I do with Jews harassing me on my own show.

    Anybody that wants to surround themselves with shit for brain idiots is probably too stupid to really get what my show is about, anyways.

    SO STOP LISTENING ZAP...problem solved for you.

  14. So no more play dates between Zap and Fetch then? My world is destroyed. Oh my God what will I do? This is going to require some serious concentration.

    Oooooooh, let me think really hard about it. 3..2..1 OK got it. Nope. Don't give rat's ass.

    Blade Runner: MOVE ON!

  15. I've stayed out of this whole mess as I'm sure some of you have noticed but now I must speak my mind. I've lost track of how many shows he's done trashing this site. I listened to one of them and that was several weeks ago, yet apparently, it continues.

    Mind you, Zap has posted 'his' show for something like 7 years - editing out long pauses, adjusting volume levels etc - all for free. The notion that 'his' show was somehow the backbone of this site shows his hubris and ego driven boomer narcissism for all to see - especially during this time when we should all be unifying and not engaging in petty backstabbing.

    This site certainly has rough edges and it is sometimes like the wild west but personally I think it's appropriate given the subject matter here. Zap has posted countless shows from many different hosts with varying viewpoints - it's the variety of content that has made the site what it is - not one sole host. Zap is the one who almost singlehandedly has made this site what it is. Anyone who says otherwise in't being honest with themselves or others.

    Some have commented that they don't like the humor and sarcasm that this site sometimes engages in. I vehemently disagree with this viewpoint for several reasons: humor at it's highest level always reveals truth. Secondly, the use of humor and sarcasm makes this site more difficult for 'them' to understand, classify and try and remove.

    This all started because of some post that was obviously put up to show what a fraud it was. This site isn't necessarily for newbies or normies. People here don't need their hand held or have some great 'leader' to explain everything to them like a child. Nevertheless the situation mushroomed out of control and trolling ensued on both sides. I did make a comment when CSM posted a picture of a toilet and some guy with a blue tongue. I said that this was getting embarrassing on both sides but nobody listened.

    It's kind of hard to walk things back when someone posts Mami's Goes full On Faggot on his website. This whole affair has shown a distinct lack of class, loyalty and common decency...and now to continue with this bullshit is beyond pathetic - it seems like a desperate cry for attention and relevance.

    A much classier way to have handled this would have been to say something like I am parting ways with Mami's due to some personal differences and some differences with the direction I think the site should be taking. It has been good and thanks for posting my show all of these years. But instead, a scorched earth policy and total war strategy was enacted.

    Personally, I would be embarrassed to be over 60 years old and behave like that, especially during these troubled times - but hey, that's just me. People have made their choices and must live with the consequences - It's time for everyone to move on.

  16. "Obviously people have a right to know that my show is no longer here and I have a right to advertise this fact to the audience."

    But that's not what you do Fetch. In yesterday's show you twisted words to make it sound as if somehow that BS ognir post endangered your life. lol

    "I cleaned this place up for you."

    That's not in your job description which is dodgy at best. How about you cleanup your act and stop bashing the site.

    "You had 8 years of what was basically an exclusive right to post my show. You held my passwords and was part of my inner circle. I have always been very open and fair with you."

    Are you the king of some country that I'm not aware of? About your files, they were never in danger. I assume you changed the password but even today I wouldn't fuck with that and you know it.

    "I recall the first time you banned me was because I was dealing with trolls spamming the comments section and you were unhappy about it."

    Hell! Maybe Panzerfaust/Bruce in Texas was on to something. We may have had a Jew admin in the past. LOL

  17. Scorpio -

    Rule #1 in Radio Network Business -

    You NEVER ATTACK or go after fellow hosts on your network in a disparaging manner. Never. Many networks maintain zero tolerance towards hosts who engage in such behavior. It is just something you don't do. It is considered - CLASSLESS and counterproductive to the health of the larger network through which all hosts theoretically benefit.

    A percentage of hosts at RR hate me - but you won't hear them disparage me. They know and exhibit CLASS.

    Last I heard, you were on Revolution Radio, also? Correct?

    Have you heard me trying to disparage you or your efforts. No. Nor would I.

    Yet here you are and you want to lecture me (and the audience no doubt) as to who has or does not have "class"? Rich, Scorpio. Real rich.

    I am embarrassed that a fellow host like you is well --- never mind.

    Since you are on Rev Radio....I will leave it at that.

  18. I have nothing more to say - nice veiled threat, btw.
    Time to be a man and move on.

  19. Now who doesn't like a good beer hall knock down lip slitting fist brawl?

    Anyone else keeping score?

    I have it down so far as... 2 carry the 3... plus Scorpio's sucker punch to the groin...

    Zap: 3 solid punches to Fetch's ego. Damn, that had to hurt.

    Fetch: 0 and well of course, he's now as limp and wheezing as anyone would expect after seeing a 60+ year old grown man doing butterfly dances around the room like an idiot.

  20. Well Zap -

    Sounds to me like your fake news site has one less fake news show to post. You should probably thank me for relieving you of that extra burden, also. I mean, my gawd, to listen to the people surrounding you, I was supposed to forever grovel at your feet as if somehow you did not benefit from my work equally.

    So now you have your work and I have mine and I will advertise in whatever way I see fit and if you don't like it, you are always free to use your bully pulpit to go after me in anyway you see fit!

    You can even insinuate the I am a Jew! Now that one ought to get you some extra bonus points!

    Don't worry Zap - I still like yeah on a personal level.

    You should never have let your two admins walk into a trap where they could be caste as complete faggots, though. Are you trying to blame me because they were just complete shit for brains idiots?

  21. It is not a threat, Scorpio. It is what it is.

    And you should know better before lecturing me about "class". Now if you want to resign from Rev Radio, then feel free to take as many shots at me as you want.

    However, as long as we are colleagues on the same network, keep it professional.

  22. What a lame little weasel you are Fetch! Personally I could never stomach your stupid ego maniacal blowhard program. No loss for me.

  23. Harry -

    Not even Zap is stupid enough to believe an idiot like you...but what Zap can't escape is that idiots like you actually side with him and he has to own that.

    Embarrassing for Zap - you ain't helping him out at the moment.

    Hey Zap -

    Thanks for thinking about me and posting your complaints. I will try to keep this post in mind tomorrow.

  24. LOL who gives a fuck what you say Fetch? You are going to mention me tomorrow? Well that's one way to get an audience. Not sure it's going to work for you though.

  25. Harry -

    I have been watching you pop off like an idiot for over a month now. You remind me of some clueless dimwit social justice warrior trying to jump in with a few giggle comments to try to raise your self esteem. Other times you appear as some virtual signaling female who speaks while we shake our heads in WTF incredulity.

    Talk about stupid. Give it up already. Go do something productive, make your own show, share with us what you are doing - but to throw cheap shots from the peanut gallery?


  26. "I was supposed to forever grovel at your feet"

    WTF are you talking about?

    "you are always free to use your bully pulpit to go after me in anyway you see fit!"

    That is what I'm complaining about. You are using your radio show (your bully pulpit) to bash this site. Cease and desist!!!

    "You should never have let your two admins walk into a trap where they could be caste as complete faggots, though. Are you trying to blame me because they were just complete shit for brains idiots?"

    I was not aware of what they were doing. I was taking a break from the shit show. My mistake.

  27. Harry - you ain't worth bothering for shit. When you come to the table with something of value and worth talking about, let us all know.

  28. If you don't want to be on fire. Stop pouring gasoline on yourself.

  29. **I was not aware of what they were doing. I was taking a break from the shit show. My mistake.**

    Fair enough...

  30. Please keep it up Fetch so that everyone can see what you are really like so that no one will ever miss you.

  31. Ok the show's over folks. I think I tired him out so he would shut the fuck up. Somebody hand me the broom from behind bar. What a fucking mess.

  32. Tell us again Fetch about how you helped the Saudi Military, eradicate women and children in Yemen! You never confront anyone, just hide in the shadows and spread your fear, and hate. Good work.


  33. Impressive thread. Very few grammatical errors.


    Thought that people forgot about that, didn't you, Mr. Fetcho? What was your excuse that you gave, AFTER RE-APPEARING, SEVERAL DAYS LATER--WASN'T IT THAT YOU HAD TO HAVE "BRIDGE-WORD DONE TO YOUR MOUTH"?

    Your veneer has been removed, Mr. Fetcho, and you are shown to be what people with very long memories always suspected you of being.


  36. In-case you people have forgotten, it was ONE HELL OF A FUCKING "COINCIDENCE" that Mr. Fetcho had JUST MOVED TO SAUDI ARABIA, AT THAT TIME, when all of that fucking shit started, and I mean within one or two weeks, if not sooner. disappeared, and didn't let a fucking soul know where you were, nor why you DIDN'T COME ON-THE-AIR FOR YOUR OWN FUCKING PROGRAM...all because of a scheduled "dentist appointment" to have "some bridge-work done".

    Jesus fucking many people have you hoodwinked, over the years, with your operation?

  37. From helping the Saudi's bomb Yemen back to the stone ages (that is a good one) to having something to do with the take down of deep state Hillary operatives in Saudi by the Crown Prince - well crafted mystique has got a percentage of you really spooked.

    I thought I was just a teacher...or as we say locally "buss teacher"...

    I am curious - was I participating IN the round-ups of many of these deep state operatives or was I BEING rounded-up? Am I helping Saudi staff load smart weapons onto F-18SA's or providing targeting data from my uber-secret analysis from years of affiliations with Yemeni tribal leaders?

    What is your theory?

    What "veneer" has been peeled back? What do you think you see behind the veil?

  38. We all just want the truth, because I remember when all of that was happening, and your excuses, and the extremely troubling timing of your physical move to saudi arabia, with the shitstorm that happened, coupled with your disappearance for several days, demands an explanation that does not revolve around "bridge work to your mouth".

    The timeline is there for anyone, and everyone, to know, Mr. Fetcho, so...what the fuck is, and was, going on with you?

  39. So what precisely is your theory? You said the veneer has been pulled away.

    I say I am "just a teacher". I am in "the education business".

    Here is a short video of some of my work from a few years ago as part of a digital team for Saudi's Blended Learning Conference which had some 55 nations and over 1300 attendees.

    Now this is evidence that I am in the education business. Not that I owe you anything, but what can you offer for your suppositions?

  40. Fuck off lindsey! You thrive on this shit like he does. I just took the gloves off last night because Fetch can't stop badmouthing us.

    Guys, listen to last night's show after the weather report (boring shit) and tell me that he didn't twist his words to make it sound like Ognir had endangered his life. He clicked on that link blah blah fucking blah.

    At some point I have to defend myself and the site. How many weeks as it been now and he is still at it?

    The worst part of it is that people in general love drama and they will listen to tomorrow's show for his on air bully pulpit bullshit.

    That man loves "jew numbers" as I call them. He will milk this for all it's worth.

    There is no such thing as bad publicity said the jew.

  41. Unbelievable. Your personal problems with me have fucking blinded you, Stephane, but never write that you didn't know.

  42. What's the matter, Zap? I thought I put things into a fair and honest perspective and used a real life situation that everyone can relate to to drive home the point.

    Are you saying that is not what I did? Are you trying to deny the fact that messages went out from the Ministry of Interior and into the press this week REMINDING everyone to avoid "spreading false rumors" and to only use "authentic news channels" and to not spread false information over social media.

    THAT actually happened this week, Zap. Here is the story:

    Is it my fault again that the shit for brains trolls you had shitting all over this place were doing this type of thing nearly 24/7? You think I am just making shit up to go after YOU? Seriously?

    Here is another video appearing in on of my social media timelines today. I sent it to Graham. Pulled it back.

    Further research - can't find an original source. It is fake.

    Easy for me to spread it...It is purported to be from OANN - but it is FAKE...easy enough to spread as it has some 690K views already..

    But you don't care about the potential repercussions. That is mighty cavalier of you to play with other people's lives...and that precisely IS the point.

  43. That was NOT fake: That was a completely separate recording, and was a shorter clip, but came from the same expose from OAN.

    Are you going to admit that you are wrong about that program-segment being "fake", Dennis?

  44. "Are you trying to deny the fact that messages went out from the Ministry of Interior and into the press this week REMINDING everyone to avoid "spreading false rumors" and to only use "authentic news channels" and to not spread false information over social media."

    You fucking liar. When did you click on Ognir's post. More than two weeks ago?

  45. fvetco-shoa why don't you just say sorry to Zap, move on ffs

  46. BTW. I'm only doing this publicly because that's what you've been doing with your show. It never had to go this far.


  48. Come on Zap
    Someone removed me


  49. stop deleting my comments you cunts

    answer some question

  50. Get the fuck out Lindsey and Ognir!

  51. Your stupid comment is back. Now get the fuck out!

  52. fuck off Zap, answer the fucking question

  53. fuck my comment Zap, answer the question

  54. I spammed boxed you because you're a fucking liar too!

    Is that clear enough for you?

  55. I did answer. Are you retarded?

  56. Zap - you would be smarter if you thought about it and realized that I might have a point instead of wrapping yourself into a cocoon of drama.

  57. Someone deleted my account

    but earlier you told kfetco that you were taking some time off

    Answer the question

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. You deleted yourself you fucking liar. I'm not an idiot.

  60. Albert says:

    "A fellow calls in and makes the accurate statement that National Socialist Germany had the best economic system back in the 1930’s. This is true, but Charlie says he’s not a fan of Adolph Hitler. Yet it was Hitler’s leadership that produced the best economy. Charlie is always mentioning the mendacity of the tribe, which is also true. Who in history was adamant with warnings of the tribe – Adolph Hitler. No one’s asking you to idolize Hitler, but surely you should be able to speak on what Hitler’s NS did for the country economically and socially. Otherwise another good show."

    Germany all throughout the 1930s had a weaker economy than either Great Britain and the United States. They had lower wages, income, and living standards. The economy of the Third Reich never even managed to reach the height of the Weimar Republic's "Golden Age" of 1924-28. There was no "economic miracle" this nonsense is only recited to each other by fringe conspiracy theorists, baseless platitudes with nothing supported.

    In 1934 after Hitler made himself tax exempt on his then 1.2 million marks annual income, he forcefully blocked the Reich Budget reports from being published. Why? To hide his armament spending. Throughout the 1930s, the Germans could not view the fiscal policies of the German state: only by the later 1930s when the economy was near collapsing did people realize hoe bad their economy was. By 1937 the Germans were struggling with its food crisis "Guns not Butter" to quote Goring while the population were rationing basic supplies

    Germany also was one of the least automotive nations in the West. The Germans could not even afford to purchase a car. Its why in 1936 the Volkswagen was introduced and set-to-be paid for in weekly instalments of 5 marks. In 1937 the production was stopped and the factories closed and turned back over to rearmament production. While no cars were ever delivered.

    see: "The Wages of Destruction; The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy" by Adam Tooze

  61. Ya dope
    Why would I I have done that you liar

  62. What the fuck does National Socialist Germany have to do with all this?

    Did every troll put out the word that this thread was ok to spam?

  63. zapoper said...
    I did answer. Are you retarded?

    May 8, 2020 at 6:07 PM

    where dopey?

  64. Hey Zap - your SFB (former) admin is back. I am outta here.

    Read the article I posted above that was released this week. We also got messages to our phones about this issue. Understand the context.

    The story is a legit and Mamis under the circumstances is fair game to highlight the story.

  65. Please tell me why you show up every time there is a meltdown Ognir?

    Any rational person who gets kicked out of a site would send an email to another admin a few hours after it happened. That's not what you did though. You waited many days until tez and I were having a Pseudo "fight" with each other and went into that thread. Now here we are again you fucking up the thread with your bullshit.


  66. big nose you are such a cock sucker


  67. Zap says:

    "What the fuck does National Socialist Germany have to do with all this?"

    I was simply replying to Albert due to Kyle Hunt deleting my reply to the same quoted comment. Renegade don't allow anything posted against their script. Chill out

  68. tell is more about tez

    did you ask tez to delete my account stephane?

  69. Against Ognir's wishes, I AM going to get involved in this shit.

    I have known Ognir for about 15 FUCKING YEARS, and, while, he and I have disagreed on numerous things, over the years, HE HAS NEVER ONCE FUCKING LIED TO ME, AND, BELIEVE ME, I REMEMBER INCONSISTENCIES/FALSEHOODS/INFORMATION/ETC. FOR A VERY, VERY LONG TIME. I asked Ognir, DIRECTLY, what happened to him, here, and he even got offended that I had asked him, DIRECTLY, I iterate, if he had deleted his postings, comments, and his own fucking Administrator-privilege--HE TOLD ME, IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, THAT HE DID NOT DO ANY OF THAT.

    People make "MISTAKES", but fucking lying about deleting someone's postings, comments, and even Administrator-privileges, IS NOT FUCKING "LYING"--IT IS WILLFUL-MALFEASANCE-WITH-INTENT.

    Ognir did not do those things to himself, and it is really troubling that that LIE is being pushed against Ognir.

  70. Just to be clear - I posted that I have nothing more to say because I said my peace - not because of any veiled threats you made to have me removed from the station. If you want me removed because of the above post or any other posts in the future, then I am available for a sit down with management at your convenience and we'll let the cards fall where they may.

    Unlike yourself, I have never used the radio platform to mention you or the sites you are associated with. I have no intention of resigning from the station, so if I am removed, everyone will know who was behind it and why.

    Until that time, please spare me from anymore advice concerning the radio business. I never would threaten to remove you from the station or anywhere else, nor would I mention anything about you or your websites on my show.

    While I respect and enjoy the platform the station offers me as well as all of the rules associated with it, whether or not I am removed from it is the least of my worries given what is happening to the world around us. Making veiled threats to have me removed is not my concern. It is my understanding that hosts cannot use their show to trash any other host, which is something I respect and a boundary I have not crossed nor will I ever.

    I believe you have come much closer to crossing that line than I have or ever will. I do not believe that the station guidelines extend to every corner of the internut, especially after you have used your show to trash this site for 3 weeks and counting. Such threats say more about you than anything else.

    As I said earlier It's time to move on.

  71. I'm not denying the validity of the message Fetch. I'm saying that you clicked on ognir's post way before that message was sent but you completely omit that in your reply.

  72. Hey zippy
    Can you answer my question
    Who deleted me

  73. silence

    Come on zippy?

    where is that link you posted

  74. "I was simply replying to Albert due to Kyle Hunt deleting my reply to the same quoted comment. Renegade don't allow anything posted against their script. Chill out"

    Sorry michael. It was a bit difficult for me to "chill out" but I feel much better now. ROFL

  75. It is clear as day that Ognir is running interference.

  76. Scorpio

    You really should get a grip on everything. Geez.

    Listen. Discussing with you professional etiquette (and how you are breaking same etiquette) and trying to get you removed are completely different worlds.

    Do you really think I would waste my time trying to get You or anyone else terminated from a radio station?

    Why would I do that?

    For the record:

    I view you as a net asset. A positive. We need more people like you filling air time at Rev Radio and everywhere else for that matter. It is great that you are there.

    My only point was and ist that you should recuse yourself and keep it professional. I know what I do. Even Zap knows what I am doing. It pisses him off but there is nothing really he can do about it.

    So don't try to lecture me on how I go about doing what I do and in case you haven't noticed, I have never engaged and in any criticism of you and what you do.

    What we don't need are SFB clowns spamming up your and my (our) work with their bullshit.

    And be clear, if your show gets CANCELED, I will have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with that.

    And if you think your show is ready, I will be happy to hand over the keys and let you fill in when I am on a travel date. Give it a shot and see how you do.

  77. ++I'm not denying the validity of the message Fetch. I'm saying that you clicked on ognir's post way before that message was sent but you completely omit that in your reply.+

    Are you so naive that you don't think I know the situation on the ground BEFORE this article (and phone messages) went out this week?

  78. Lads...if this bullshit continues and we allow it, it is quite possible that in six months time we could all be starving. Will all this bullshit arguing about who has got the biggest dick be relevant while we play the Hunger Games? I don't think so.
    Get a grip guys..please! Let's sort this virus shit out now while we can. We can beat this. Your choice.

    Enough said and I will say no more.


  79. I've just told Tez to delete you as an admin like he did with Ognir.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. Yeah Scorpio, what's all this going to matter when we could soon be starving ? Holy fuck! Reminds me of the movie "Ground hog day"! LOL

  82. You lying bastard Zipoper

    I spent an hour on the phone with you and you lying cunt told me you didn't do it or have anything to do with it. You lied to my face.

  83. Attachment leads to suffering bro :) Who knows what happened, but more importantly, who cares now? At least that's my take. There was some very telling shit that came out of all this and it is was it is. See if you can guess who most resembles this song :)Or is at a who, or a movement full of false leaders? I find it hilarious in the face of all this people are actually lecturing others the finer points of etiquette, It's very rich!
    It Falls Apart

  84. where the fuck is ex admin tez
    he has questions to answer

  85. Since an earlier post was spammed

    My statement from this morning and last Saturday about my account being hijacked here

  86. Are you drunk Og? This whole shit show was a comedy of errors that escalated into the ugliness of ego and misguided self importance. Everyone is guilty of something here, everyone! It's often a difficult task doing an honest self assessment in a shit show like the infamous Ecuador thread started. There are plenty of people that saw what went down there. Let it go man, you are embarrassing yourself. It just doesn't matter anymore. Let Fetch fling his shit.
    Anyone worth their salt can see what's going on here.

  87. Og, I just checked your link and that is a misleading repost of Zap's comment. You are acting like the Fetch now and posting out of context crap. The comment Zap made was tongue in cheek and I think you know it. No?

  88. Who is The Fetch? Sure looks like Geoff Hunt. Igan, Fetcho, Icke, Jones etc... All are frauds. Most will offer some truth. Just remember to check everything they say - like you should do with everything you hear from anyone. It can take listening to 10 hours of stuff to get 5 minutes of usable info that I have not heard before. Media and Alt-media are just media and should never be trusted.

  89. Heh - seems the shit for brains trolls are back on the job. You guys are going to destroy this place and people out there are going to make sure that you do...


    The most telling words to come out of all this mess - a Hasbara piece of shit steering the site into oblivion.

    "...Feetch you and your jew hating fan boys that play in the one note jew orchastra can kiss my ass. You are not as smart as you think you are. Go get fucked moron." - Hasbara shit for brains trolling faggot, Chainsawmiller

    Alright, everybody. Try to spin Chains words into some rational construction that says the guy is not a co-opted agenda drive philo-Jewish piece of shit. And it was Chainsawmiller that brought all of this to Mamis.

    Allow a Jew in, expect the place to fall to shit.

    Who wants to try their hand at spinning the above words into an acceptable statement and who, who is not a Jew, would even say something as above? Seriously. Who?

    Think about it.

    The only people who you should be questioning is Zapoper and his reliance on Jews to control the boards. Perhaps Zap sold out a long time ago and had to give a Jew access to shit all over the place. And perhaps because it is co-opted, that explains the confusion as to why the faggot Ogster and Zap can't get their stories straight as to who is responsible for people disappearing here.

  90. Here is the collection of posts leading up to my "Infamous post" . LOL its called grasping on the part of Fetch to create controversy that fits with his position.

    John Miller has left a new comment on the post "Inside the Eye - Live! - Prime Time 2020.04.23":

    Lets call them: The Faggot Jew Troll Tag Team Ogster, Chainsaw, KnownUnknown, Panzerfaust !! LOL
    Fri, Apr 24, 6:18 PM (2 days ago)

    John Miller
    Fri, Apr 24, 12:12 PM (2 days ago)

    A greasy JEW with a chainsaw ??

    John Miller
    Fri, Apr 24, 12:17 PM (2 days ago)
    The famous words by Doug Stanhope : " FUCK YOU JEWS ! "

    John Miller
    Fri, Apr 24, 12:21 PM (2 days ago)

    Great show Fetch, as always.
    I absolutely agree with your comments !!
    oy veyyy

    John Miller
    Apr 24, 2020, 12:28 PM (2 days ago)
    The Fetch says : "The Faggot Troll Tag Team.." LOL
    John Miller
    Fri, Apr 24, 12:32 PM (2 days ago)

    I absolutely with @ Bartholomew...
    And Doug Stanhope's famous words : " FUCK THE JEWS ! "

    Bartholomew Beauregard III
    Apr 24, 2020, 12:35 PM (2 days ago)
    Yes John Miller - He does have a way with words. - The Faggot Troll Tag Team can't even come close to holding Fetch's toilet paper, but would bet that they would love to drink his piss.

    John Miller
    Fri, Apr 24, 12:36 PM (2 days ago)

    Hey @Bartholomew..
    These fucking stinking jew parasites delated your problem of these the NEAR future....not so far away....

    Bartholomew Beauregard III
    Apr 24, 2020, 12:38 PM (2 days ago)

    Chain"link", you erased John Miller's comment, and mine too??? You guys are losing it. I know that zippy and oggy are censorship pieces of shit, but I didn't think you were too. - Oh well. This platform is fucked. - LOL and You Helped! Fool

    Bartholomew Beauregard III
    Apr 24, 2020, 12:39 PM (2 days ago)
    Hahaha - Nice Fetch!
    Nothing like seeing the "shit for brains" squad get a taste of reality. I get the feeling that behind Brizer's back, the Shit Squad (SS) is not only drinking their urine, as Brizer suggests, but they're also eating their own shit on toast, then washing it down with their own piss. They definitely don't have all their pistons firing, proven by the fact that none of them are capable of a meaningful debate. I look at them all now as a group of lost and blind idiots that have found each other. One of them says "I'm truly awake, and can see just fine" then they all say the same thing, while all along they're all blind fools, and true "Not Sees".
    Watch how Zippy deletes this post. That will prove that (((they))) hate any intellectual analysis that doesn't agree with their lame ideas.

    Apr 24, 2020, 12:44 PM (2 days ago)

    Well then I guess we are not going to have BB the 3rd (the shit that came out of Netanyahu's ass) to kick around anymore huh?

  91. John Miller
    Fri, Apr 24, 12:44 PM (2 days ago)
    A &%$#@# jew with a chainsaw......

    Apr 24, 2020, 12:47 PM (2 days ago)
    Play nice fellas cause I'm enjoying this a little too much and getting very immature very fast LOL

    John Miller
    Fri, Apr 24, 12:51 PM (2 days ago)

    A &%$#@# greasy jew with a chainsaw....
    Those are Doug Stanhope's famous words

    Bartholomew Beauregard III
    Fri, Apr 24, 12:55 PM (2 days ago)

    Chainmissinglinkman - Great Projection fool! You can't kick me around because zippy da doo doo and Iggy delete my comments, as they are razor sharp truth, and make you look like the shit for brains fools that you all are. You remind me of a child driving a manual transmission in first gear, as if it was automatic. The fluoride has got you good man, and Im sure drinking your own piss isn't helping either.

    John Miller
    Apr 24, 2020, 12:57 PM (2 days ago)

    How come this 'Chainsawmillerman' has been accepted as an 'Admin' ??
    There is not even a blogger profile for this greasy &%$#@#&% !!

    Bartholomew Beauregard III
    Apr 24, 2020, 1:00 PM (2 days ago)

    See, you make a derogatory comment and they don't allow the rebuttal. You are playing a game with a stacked deck. Is this platform 100% jew at this point, or what? - I already told you fool, zippy-dip-shit and ogalstein delete "everything" - They can't let people see the truth about them. So, they allow your comments to stand, and mine to be erased. Tell me please, how fair is your game now?
    cya chainman.

    Bartholomew Beauregard III Fri, Apr 24, 1:03 PM (2 days ago)

    John Miller - "How come this 'Chainsawmillerman' has been accepted as an 'Admin' ??"

    Because he sent them some money, sucked both their cocks, and drank all 12oz. of their piss, from the tap. That's how come they made him and admin. :)
    John Miller
    Fri, Apr 24, 1:09 PM (2 days ago)
    @ Bartholomew ….
    I guess your right...that is how members of this &%$#@# tribe work. since time immemorial..

    John Miller
    Apr 24, 2020, 1:15 PM (2 days ago)

    Hey Fetch...
    The Faggot Troll Tag Team....LOL

    John Miller
    Fri, Apr 24, 1:20 PM (2 days ago)

    A greasy jew and his chainsaw....

    John Miller
    Apr 24, 2020, 1:21 PM (2 days ago)
    Great show Fetch
    and " I absolutely agree with your comments !!

    John Miller
    Fri, Apr 24, 1:43 PM (2 days ago)

    Hey Fetch..remember...
    these megalomaniac jews claim to have the highest IQ of mankind !
    So, you cannot debate with these extremely fast talking, jabber wankers.

    John Miller
    Fri, Apr 24, 1:56 PM (2 days ago)

    Great show Fetch, thanks.

    John Miller
    Fri, Apr 24, 2:01 PM (2 days ago)
    And tell Mami's Shit Jews to fuck themselves.

    John Miller
    Fri, Apr 24, 2:07 PM (2 days ago)

    He zap, WHY do you let these &%$#@# jews run your shows ?
    John Miller
    Fri, Apr 24, 3:20 PM (2 days ago)

    Doug Stanhope : "FUCK YOU JEWS !!"
    you mothafucking slimy parasitic bastards .

  92. TheFetch
    Apr 24, 2020, 6:11 PM (2 days ago)

    Chainsaw - aren't you the drama queen who announced his retirement and then came back? What a clown.
    To everyone - Due to Chainsaws actions, I have requested and am hereby requesting that Inside the Eye Live terminate its distribution through
    It is clear the guy is an agitator, is unethical and dishonest, not to mention a shit for brains classless idiot.

    Apr 24, 2020, 6:18 PM (2 days ago)

    And PZ - as you notice from the above - the Fake News Faggot Tag Team is true to form -
    This will solve the issues for all of us.


    John Miller
    Apr 24, 2020, 6:27 PM (2 days ago)

    Hey Fetch,
    we are dealing with a gang of creeps, that have infiltrated Mami's Shit.
    We all know to what tribe these &%$#@# belong.
    My comment to Brizer's " Assassination of President Lincoln" has been erased.
    It's time, high time, that "We the People" start erase these bastards !!!

    Chainsawmillerman (Responding to Par's fairly long post)
    Fri, Apr 24, 6:37 PM (2 days ago)

    Just to be clear I agree with Par and I think Dennis puts out a great quality show. If he wants to pin his leaving on me, so be it. I know better. Peace Dennis.

    Apr 24, 2020, 6:41 PM (2 days ago)

    I agree with your assessment on the Kike tone this has all taken. I mean - the main reason to come here is to hear the acts - the talent - and you fill it in with other posts as shows get posted.
    That is what made the formula here work for so many years.
    Now when you have two admins directly going after the talent that provides the main body of content, obviously you have a problem.
    So what the admins have said is that their endless stream of bullshit, almost spam after awhile, is more important than the audio content that was the formula here.
    And attacking one of the shows here that was a mainstay through the entire journey is mind-numbing idiocy.
    So basically Chainsawmiller and Og are more important than the actual work we are putting out? Okay - stop distributing my work and carry on as you want.

    John Miller
    Apr 24, 2020, 6:47 PM (2 days ago)

    Those creeps have infiltrated everything, most of them are brainwashed millennials...
    The call themselves Antifa, financed by this jewish Bankster gangster George Soros... or they like to be called Hasbaras, hanging around in universities.....

    Apr 24, 2020, 6:52 PM (2 days ago)
    TheFetch has left a new comment on the post "Inside the Eye - Live! - Prime Time 2020.04.23": Heh - your clueless arrogance Chainsaw is mindf&*^ing ignorance. Y

    Apr 24, 2020, 7:04 PM (2 days ago)
    Futurist has left a new comment on the post "Inside the Eye - Live! - Prime Time 2020.04.23": Just wanted to point out that this snowball appeared to have start

    Apr 24, 2020, 7:08 PM (2 days ago)
    Chainsawmillerman has left a new comment on the post "Inside the Eye - Live! - Prime Time 2020.04.23": Yeah I know better. Reconstruct the timeline its not hard

    Apr 24, 2020, 7:16 PM (2 days ago)
    BTW I'd be more than happy to leave Mami's If it was going to be either me or you. If Zap wants to remove me as an admin I'm cool with that no problem. Really!

    Apr 24, 2020, 7:16 PM (2 days ago)
    Brizer has left a new comment on the post "Inside the Eye - Live! - Prime Time 2020.04.23": I have no skin in this catfight and I intend to keep it that way. Ho

    Apr 24, 2020, 7:19 PM (2 days ago)
    Panzerfaust has left a new comment on the post "Inside the Eye - Live! - Prime Time 2020.04.23": Since this site really hasn't needed moderators until the moder

  93. TheFetch
    Apr 24, 2020, 7:22 PM (2 days ago)
    TheFetch has left a new comment on the post "Inside the Eye - Live! - Prime Time 2020.04.23": Chainsaw - this is REALLY EASY - I don't have time to debate your

    Apr 24, 2020, 7:28 PM (2 days ago)

    You admins don't even pick up for Zap and edit/post shows in his absence, youall just throw youtubes of varying degrees of value (some total bullshit), jack each other off, and insult show host and commentors. The question stands.

    John Miller
    Apr 24, 2020, 7:47 PM (2 days ago)

    Hey you really think this greasy, slimy jew boy 'Chainsawmillerman', is the main man at Mami's Shit ? You ask this &%$#@# to take your show down...
    This creep popped up maybe 6 month ago out of nowhere and was made an 'Admin'.
    Very interesting !!

    John Miller
    Apr 24, 2020, 7:58 PM (2 days ago)

    Hey Fetch,
    this creep's plan, with the help of a bunch of so called Hasbaras, is to destroy Mami's Shit !

    Apr 24, 2020, 8:20 PM (2 days ago)

    If people can't see that this idiot is nothing but a troll, then I can't help anyone here. Just read the comments and nature of the post just before this. Typical troll language, tactics... Zap has been conned and was told that if he continued to support trolls then I have to end my presence here.

    Trolls suck.

    People have been complaining to me privately about Mamis for a couple months and almost always about Chains. The word often used is "agitator".

    If Zap is too stupid to figure it out then I want no part of being here in any form. I don't want my shows posted here either and as we learned, you can't participate because, well, the admins are trolls. So I will stop participating here.

    I am not going anywhere, though. The show goes on, I will work with the studio to get the files or pay Zap through listener donations for his continued assistance.

    Troll environments suck...and Mamis is has been taken over by trolls. Hell, when I was an admin I was fired because I was deleting trolls from the comments section here. Now trolls have taken over the place,

    I have asked for this show to be taken down and no further shows posted here.

    Fri, Apr 24, 8:33 PM (2 days ago)

    One other thing, John...Mami's used to be about the shows. Now it is about Og and Chains and whatever bullshit they think matters. How long has that stick post of 15% death rate in Western Europe been up there?

    Since before the lock-downs?

    The whole thing is bullshit INCLUDING that post. Oh, and lets not forget the bold out of context title of bodies washing ashore in Ecuador.

    This is what the admins think all of you want to be fed.

    I am getting off the train...

    Captain Ahab
    Apr 24, 2020, 8:44 PM (2 days ago)
    I second Brizer's comment! I have no idea what is going on here

    Apr 24, 2020, 8:48 PM (2 days ago)

    You fucking knobs think there is a jew around every corner. You're fucked in the head. This society is screwed down so tight legally and monetarily and culturally that the talmudic jews job was done a long time ago you fucking idiot Feetch you and your jew hating fan boys that play in the one note jew orchastra can kiss my ass. You are not as smart as you think you are. Go get fucked moron.

  94. Like I said Chains - let a Jew in and the place is sure to go to hell. Nice work, Hasbara.

    I will let your words stand.

    ++.Feetch you and your jew hating fan boys that play in the one note jew orchastra can kiss my ass. You are not as smart as you think you are. Go get fucked moron." - Chainsawmiller, Zapoper's Chief Admin

    Jews ALWAYS hide behind oodles of ink. Everybody. In this Jews desperation to prove he was so intelligent he "ooops" something that only Jews say.

    How many of us non-Jews would say the above? Seriously. Put those words in context from a non-Jewish perspective. How many of you would even THINK of stringing such a statement together? You wouldn't. Only a Jew would.

    And see how he desperately tries to bury reality behind a sea of ink!

    Think about it. Do you want to give your information to a Jew co-opted site?

  95. So the context was that Fetches joow hating fan boys see jews everywhere. I can assure you I'm not a jew FFS. But bart john and feetch see everywhere. (That could be a a great legal practice name) LOL. Just go into court and start arguing everyone are joows LOL that  would be a winning formula.
    Just a little problem concerning facts though huh? Just lots of assumption and presumption, something you are the king of feetch.

  96. But you act and speak like one, Chains. So what is the difference between you and a Jew?


    Jew is also a state of mind, a way of treating and dealing with others.

    Let a Jew in and the place is sure to go to shit. And do you trust someone who would say the above to tell you the truth, regardless?

    Heh...I didn't think so.

    Chains - you Jews win. You are free to shit all over this place as much as you want as my work is no longer associated and as long as it is being crapped on by shit for brains trolls like you, I would never support the site...

    Big announcement this week in that regard too...principles and integrity are important.

    A Jew who spews about "jew haters" like you surely would not understand such a concept.

    It explains why you do what you do.

  97. **whistles**

    Keep trying, little Hasbara faggot. The proof is in your deeds and actions. I am no longer associated here. I don't associate with Jews and faggots (trolls) like you and Ogster.

    Please, by all means. Drop your pants and spam this place with your diarrhea all you want.

    If Zap is stupid enough to tolerate an idiot like you, the Zap deserves all the shit that comes from having an asshole like you managing the narrative here.

    I personally find it all FUNNY - lolol...

    ++So the context was that Fetches joow hating fan boys see jews everywhere. I can assure you I'm not a jew FFS.+++

    I never saw you as having any brains. Faggots like you are generally don't and are easy to play.

    Would you like to explain what the hell the above even means? It looks like you are rambling. Did your lose your Torah pointer and get confused.

    Never mind.

  98. Maybe you should take a page out of your own rule book friend and study it. This is the proverbial fight with a chimney sweep I'm not going to fight you anymore i've dusted enough soot from my clothes dealing with you.  I'm out, and all this over you coming into a thread and scolding Og. Maybe you need some lessons in etiquette, no?

  99. Oh wait - the theory is this place is co-opted and Zap has no choice but to deal with an idiot like you...

    We actually thought somebody got smart and tried to salvage the reputation of this place by keeping your Jewish faggotry from the fore.

    Obviously not.

  100. No Chains - I need no lessons in how to deal with screaming Hasbara trolls who shit all over the place in their incessant need to be assholes.

    I have been dealing with idiots like you for over 15 years.

    Step 1 - disassociate your work (I don't need the site as a means of promotion)
    Step 2 - highlight how Jews and their trolls are dishonest and can't be trusted
    Step 3 - watch the Jews scream

  101. this is getting as predictable and boring as tuning into one of your shows.

  102. ++ I'm out, and all this over you coming into a thread and scolding Og.++

    Maybe if you had any Western civilized manners (Jews don't) you would have not stuck your nose in other people's business. Etiquette, faggot?

    Instead, you went full Jew retard - trolled, harassed, insulted, generally made an ass of yourself. You were supposed to be an admin. You know, a little professionalism.

    But co-opted sites generally employ assholes like you to provide click-bait.

    Go reveal more Jew haters around here. Heaven knows there are too many people speaking about Jews and you need to ensure that people stop doing that. Sounds Jewy.

  103. *this is getting as predictable and boring as tuning into one of your shows.*

    This thread exists because people tune in to my show. And we are now up to what? 100+ comments. Obviously you don't know what the hell you are talking about. A sad little faggot who pouts in the corner because you have nothing that even comes close.

    Aww. Poor baby! Would you like me to get your a pacifier?

    Would that help you through this bout of cognitive dissonance?

    Wait....looking for the Chainsmiller podcast show....hmmm. Can't seem to find it.

    You want to talk about boring and tuning in? That is funny, Chains.

    Where is YOUR impressive tune-inable show? feel sad because you can't speak for 2 minutes without mumbling and stumbling?

    Poor baby!

  104. I agree in hindsight i wish i never did get involved. I will openly admit that.I made a mistake. I am a bit of an argumentative fella. It did spin out on control way too fast though.
    Why do you think it did fetch? Are you to blame for anything?

  105. Mumbling and stumbling? I thought I was a silver tongue jew lol Oh wait maybe that's YOU LOL

  106. I guess we all have our strengths and weaknesses, huh?

  107. You called us all "jew hating fan boys". It doesn't matter what anyone said before that. Why would you care that we are "jew hating" if you weren't a jew or some kind of shabbat goy? You dug your own hole and there's no getting out of it.

  108. It took awhile but this plagerizing piece of shit “Chainsawmillerman” is finally exosed for the fraud I always said he was. Perhaps you’d care to apologise now for deleting my comments and then telling the forum that I had deleted them, finally blocking all my replies to your lie.

    What a fucking disgrace!

  109. nope just bart3 and johnM get your facts straight FSY.

  110. Same logic applies Chains. You shouldn't care if anyone is "jew hating" unless you are a tribe member. You can't weasel out of this one.

  111. OK let the public stoning begin I don't give a fuck. Truth does not matter that's for sure.
    Henry WTF are you on about I never deleted any of your comments, I never deleted any comments.
    The only comments i deleted were mass spamming across many threads by commercial spammers to save zap some work. Henry you got all but hurt over that BIS thread and took your toys and left. Now you coming out of the woodwork with an ax to grind. Surprise surprise...


  112. **Truth does not matter that's for sure.**

    Am I the only one that finds this rather insulting and arrogant? No Chains, the TRUTH DOES MATTER and you called me, listeners to my show "jew hating fanboys" who play a "one jew orchastra".

    That is the truth and within your statement is the truth revealed. And this truth ABSOLUTELY MATTERS.

    Henry. Give me some credit. It only took me a couple days to goad this Shabbos Goy/Tribe member out!.

    Funny that Chains thinks he is holds "truth" here. What a Jew.

    Chains - You should put your dick back in your pants...people now know you have been trying to screw everybody with your bullshit.

    Game. Set. Match.

  113. Ok guys. The biggest dick waving competition game in the classroom is over. Put your toys away. Nobody wins as usual.

    But did I hear a jew sniggering in the corner??


  114. Nah you don't even begin to to tell the truth...EVER!

    The BIS thread was a fucking train wreck for your lying ass. That's the one where I caught you taking whole paragraphs from Goodson's book and reforming them as your own work. Unfortunately Mr Zippy was impressed enough by your apparrent 'abilities' that he immediately made you an Admin.

    However, the thread I'm referring to is the one in which your pal Scorpio decided to troll me and pick a fight. What remains of it can be seen here...

  115. Nope and I know there are people here, good people that use this site way more than guys like Fetch and FSY that know better. That's good enough for me. Neither of you really participate here. I do not have any respect for you fetch and i'm sure it's mutual so lets just stop already and go our separate ways.

  116. Chains,


    Now put your dick back in your pants or find some other sucker willing to put up with your shabbos goy bullshit, faggot. This thread is aimed at me. I don't see where anyone invited your shabbos goy ass in for your opinion - and then you want to tell me to "go my way".

    You are such an effing idiot. Shit for brains is a compliment for you.

  117. Scorpio said...
    ^ LOL
    Troll mask is slipping, oh Hitler worshipper.

    December 20, 2019 at 7:48 AM

    That was a fascinating revelation. Why would anyone say that? Add in Chains scoffing at "jew haters' and a picture really does start to emerge about what is going on behind the scenes here.

    The truth matters.

  118. Scorpio said...
    bye bye troll

    December 20, 2019 at 4:38 PM

    Sounds like some narrative crowd control going on here...we can't have "Hitler worshipping" "Jew hating" "one Jew note orchestras" running loose around here.

    The truth matters.

  119. The reason is Hitler was a marionette just like every other national leader. The people have been played by the the ubber rich Talmudists for god knows how long. You already know the context of scorpio's comment but once again you lie by omission.

  120. @Fetch

    Yeah it seems to be a common kvetch here.

  121. Looks like Zapoper made a huge mistake making this thread...the more these guys push, the more things get revealed. Those who work in the shadows should not try to put a spotlight on others...

    The source of the light becomes revealed.

    The truth matters.

  122. Henry - I honesty didn't know- I was tired of all the crap the admins were posting so withdrew from it all - people were recently messaging me saying that Grizzom's was compromised and that I should be careful.

    You put various comments together and you see that there is narrative control going on here.
    I have myself seen many posts that speak about Jews deleted...

    It is sorta getting obvious just how bad it has gotten here. My mistake for not paying attention to where my work was being placed.

    Integrity over numbers every day.

  123. Heh - now Chains is popping off like some Jew named Bjerkness - gawd...can it get any worse?

  124. Yeah Chains - everyone but you = who has been caught with his dick in his hand - is a "liar".

    Game. Set. Match.

    The truth matters.

  125. Fetch - Every day is a ‘lambing season’

  126. Keep repeating game set and match! LOL Might work.

  127. Seems that way - gonna bail on this conversation - children like Chains are just not worth my bother...Jews have mastered the art of being assholes sans sense...

  128. OK Fellas. I managed 1/2 of these comments then had enough.

    You are all ADULTS. You have the SAME damn concerns about our world today, more or less.

    Petty squabbling is just demeaning to all concerned and we really need unity not this snipping and sniping at each other. Everyone just go and sit in your corner, have a drink or a smoke, whatever, then come back when the fever cools.

    Mami's, like every site, has problems once in awhile; we are all human; time to remember we have bigger foes and fights to deal with!

    I know there is a lot of ego invested here, but move past that please. Let's just get back to work.

  129. Take care Fetch. We never forget how well these ‘Canadians’ treated Ernst Zundell.

  130. This is over as far as I am concerned. Fetch was using his public platform to bash this site way after the drama had ended. This is why I decided to make it public too.

    Revolution radio is a good place that still have freedom of speech. I have nothing bad to say about them. This was only a problem I had with Fetcho.

    I apologize to the admins and the people who visit here if this shitshow impacted them negatively.
