May 28, 2020

Rocco Galati - Stéphane Blais - Covid-19 And Government Abuses


  1. Thanks so much Zap, finding any info on Canadian Constitutional rights is damn near impossible.

  2. Stéphane Blais is an accountant who has pulled together a group of lawyers in Québec to fight the virus: the corona government.

    He allied himself with André Pitre whose YouTube channel, Le Stu-Dio, was putting out truth about the covid charade and the criminality of our "governments".

    They set up a foundation and an administrative structure to protect the freedom of citizens on May 7th and did a fundraising event via André's YouTube channel. They were aiming for $100.000 and collected over $350,000.

    These 2 guys are intelligent, knowledgeable and highly motivated.

    In Ontario, a similar project is under way with the reputable constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati who is interviewed in the video above.

    Other interesting purveyors of truth and wisdom in the French world

    CDL39 - Faire face au lavage de cerveau de la propagande médiatique - Conversation du lundi #39
    Jean-Jacques Crèvecoeur
    189K subscribers

    Campagne de levée de fond pour la Fondation de protection des droits civiques
    73.9K subscribers

    1-Une enquête contre l'OMS demandée,
    2- Pourquoi la mortalité du COVID diffère de pays en pays,
    3- Les médias ont perdu le contrôle du narratif. PANIQUE!

    COVID: L'Humanité contre attaque
    Alerte à la santé, alerte à la liberté avec Silvano Trotta, Tal Schaller, Thierry Casasnovas

    Jean-Jacques Crèvecoeur
    188K subscribers
    L'architecture de l'oppression - HORS SÉRIE #2
    Jean-Jacques Crèvecoeur

  3. "Last night Minneapolis burned, protests broke out over the death of George Floyd which quickly turned into riots where opportunistic thugs began looting, setting fires, destroying businesses, even low income housing was burnt to the ground and there’s been one death as one business owner shot and killed an intruding looter.

    This is what happens after decades of oppression at the hands of the police…and in Minneapolis there is a dark history that no one is talking about in terms of what is happening there today….until now.

    In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth goes over the stats for the past 20 years documenting Minneapolis police encounters that ended in death and also how having the unruly populace get violent is exactly the response the state wants."

    Press For Truth
    The Truth About KILLER COPS In Minneapolis and Why RIOTS Benefit The State!
    Was the murder of George Floyd a deliberate provocation? Maybe.

    Was this part of the plan? Amazing Livestream!
    JonXArmy with a black activist guest
    228K subscribers

  4. Well stated Chainsaw. Your 3rd edition of Blacks Law is indeed gold.
    We have an abridged 6th edition, a tad lacking by comparison, I suggest.
    The war always begins and ends with words, which sadly most lay people have little comprehension of, by design. This is evident to me, as an alien, in Canada for 2 years and the created division between Quebec and other provinces.
    Is Rocco a BAR lawyer? I assume so to re-present a person / foundation / corporation in an Ontario court. That said, he is one of the only persons, present in the court, who can not and will not lose as he is paid win or lose. Yes?
    BAR - "British Accredited Registry" Surely as a member, one's first loyalty is to that Registry - 'Regis'-of the Crown. Which Crown? Elizabeth II?, Victoria?, 'City of London' bank?
    I agree with what Rocco states, mostly, and am interested in the BOC case, you mention, Chainsaw. What was achieved?
    Lastly, Chainsaw, I think the sun has set on any, lawyer induced court provided or political solution in all crown colonies. Private affidavits and Notices of Liability on mass would be interesting to see on the other hand.

  5. 1- L'OMS confirme: il n'y aura pas de 2e vague.
    2- Les COVID pas plus dangereux que la grippe: les médias 2 mois en retard sur le Net.

    Les «complotistes» ont (presque) toujours raison

    75.8K subscribers


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