May 11, 2020

Scorpio's Conspiracy Show 2020.05.09

Scorpio Show # 13 on

Topics Include:

1) Mark Of The Beast - Over 7 Billion Served
2)  Shekel Factory Goes Into Overdrive As Economy Collapses
3) Flexner Report Creates Kosher Medicine 
4) Gargoyles Perched On United Nations Throne

Apparently, some ferrel cat wandered in from the back alley and took a dump on Zap's keyboard so the first 30 seconds or so are missing.....but other than that, all is good. link is up and running....enjoy -- cheers

Revolution.Radio Studio A

64k CF Download  Download

N.B. From the time I post the show, it can take up to an hour before the link and player start working. zap

My internet dropped when the recording started. I don't know how much I missed 30s-1 minute.

WOW, Good one Scorpio! 


  1. Careful, *someone* will get you booted from Rev Radio for that kind of unprofessionalism. Meaning the 30secs of dead air.


  2. Jennifer Lake on Simon Flexner:

    Extensive polio research at that site.

  3. It had nothing to do with My internet cut off as the recording started.

    Again. @ Scorpio. Great show man.


  4. Fiola Mare, an expensive restaurant on the Potomac at Georgetown Harbor, is doing more business than ever. Cars were lined up continuously for pick ups today. They rarely had more than a few tables occupied in the past. -

  5. Jan Describes How an Economy Based on what is Good for US Works:

    Going-BACK to Normal:

    It is CLEAR that things Won't go Back to Normal ...

    Until Bill-Gates is "vaccinated" 7 or 14 Billion Times!

    -- Let's Get to Work, and Make it Happen!

    With Hard-Work we CAN Have Gates "vaccinated" 14 Billion Times WITHIN 18 months! ;-)

    -- Yes! -- We may Have to Rush the "vaccine" without-any-safety-testing ...

    -- But we are All now Prepared to TAKE that "risk" -- With GATES' Life! ;-)

    -- Afterall ... it IS for the Protection of the Entire-World! :-)

    What reasonable person could possibly object to such Obvious Philanthropy!?

  6. You are an eloquent character Scorpio. You have a new fan. Fetch not so much. lol

  7. Oh it was your unprofessionalism zap - as you were lol.

    Yep great show, the theft of wealth is one thing but the theft of normality is off the fucking charts!!

    For anyone that still thinks Trump is saving Israel for last...

    "Trump's Ambassador to Israel Says US Ready to Recognise Israeli Sovereignty Over 30% of West Bank"

  8. That was a very good presentation Scorpio!!!

    You're getting better at what you do. You covered the most important points and were relatively realistic with your predictions. You should be able to connect with "normies" and keep it interesting for the veterans as well.


    Deek Jackson is back on JouTube but probably not for long...
    Disputing Consensus Reality


  9. KU: Trumpenstein is the best president Israel ever had!


  10. Gates/Fauci Quack Team

  11. Trust the plan Goyi---- uh uh uh I mean Patriots! The Patriots are in control!

    Bartholomew Beauregard The Third please show yourself and explain to us Trump's master plan, and why him and his cabinet go along with every NWO agenda and hoax event.

    I just want to point out that every country on earth, every President on earth, has gone along with this hoax. It might not be wars, but fake events like this, that bring in their desired One World Government.

  12. Excellent commentary ... I'd like to add that we should avoid fighting amongst ourselves as much as possible. I'm guilty of it as much as anyone, but just as Scorpio said, this battle we're in now is FOR ALL THE MARBLES! If we lose this one, our children and their children will be living in a hell on earth, and none of us want that.

  13. @Jacky- fwiw Lukashenko's Balarus DID NOT go along with the hoax:

    They even celebrated Easter

    To add to that, he suggested that instead of panicking "like those in Western Europe," one should have 40-50 grams of vodka daily, go to a banya [Russian sauna] two to three times a week and keep working on a farm, as "tough work and a tractor can cure anything."

    And Turkmenistan not going along with the hoax either- leader over there says they have no corona and told the WHO stay out of the country:

    And the leader in Tanzania was calling BS on the tests--he got suspicious, so he had a bunch of things tested like paypya, a goat, a sheep, motor oil, etc.

  14. just passing this along...

    Dr. Andrew Kaufman nails the scientific fraud that got this whole hoax going. Check out at 1:06:28:

    makes you wonder how many other times they've done this (Dr. Nancy Banks, author of AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire, has said there's so much scientific fraud out there that they need to throw it all out and start over). Here's what Dr. John Ioannidis said "that as much as 90 percent of the published medical information that doctors rely on is flawed"..."he worries that the field of medical research is so pervasively flawed, and so riddled with conflicts of interest, that it might be chronically resistant to change—or even to publicly admitting that there’s a problem." (pretty sure the scientific fraud goes all the way back to Pasteur)

    Dr. ANDREW KAUFMAN ~ "A DOCTOR SPEAKS OUT: Secrets, Lies, Fake News & Coronavirus" [Age Of Truth TV]

  15. Good show Scorp! Good points and a good calm rational cadence throughout.

    Here is something worth listening to for a possible future show topic.

    GVP #148. Wayne McRoy - Autism's Links to Transhumanism

    It seems that there could be a plan for a larger and larger autistic segment of the population. Its also interesting that Forest Gump was autistic. Actually if you lay out all Tom Hanks movies you might find an interesting pattern of subjects and themes that emerges. Or i may be reading too much into that.:) It does seem that Tom Hanks is an important celebrity for some reason. Maybe his historic nice guy appeal? Also look at Greta Thunberg. Her autistic tendencies were considered to be "super powers" LOL I think there is something going on with this that is worth investigating.

  16. BTW the guy in that show above had a UFO experience and I'm not a big believer in aliens etc.
    There could very well be other things going on there that we don't understand and it is not the focus of the talk FYI.

  17. Great show Scorpio!


    RFK Jr's recent instagram posts--this is shocking info about the vaccines and the agenda they have planned for humanity.
    More from RFK Jr on the agenda

    And that guy Jeff Berwick at DollarVigilante made this flyer for people to hand out and wake people up

  18. Attempted to listen 《in real time》 last week, as I generally miss the spot, whilst listening elsewhere, though there were some tech issues.

    Due to having listened and stuck with the show yesterday, that precedes this one, I stuck around. The reporting about the wealth - more for them & less for us, was good stuff. Unsure of that was found all in one place, or some work to dig it up in various corners of the inter-web, it was enlightening to have it presented in one slot.

    I dont comprehend the comment about "getting booted" from rev radio. Is RR the newest target to be trolled? One starts and others simply follow the troll trend? Just askin'.

  19. Don't ask me - I'm not involved in any of that crap. I don't intend to spend any time infighting.
    I don't even see how you can come to that conclusion, tbh.

    That aside, thanks for your comments concerning the show. I've been researching the economic impacts from several sources because I believe that the economic impacts are just beginning, as are the social impacts. This hoax is intended to bring down reality as we knew it and replace it with a dystopian totalitarian system that is almost unimaginable.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. No one here has a problem with Are they being trolled? I only had a problem with Fetcho bashing the site here. I scanned his latest show and apart from a caller bringing it up. He doesn't seem to have bashed the place again. As far as I am concerned, this is over unless Fetcho starts up shit again.

  21. I am thinking about starting a new commercial segment - The Mami's Moron Minute, where we will discuss the utter idiocy of the trolls here.

    Will that qualify as starting up shit again?

  22. What are you, 13 years old?

  23. Only Americans with dual citizenship and only those with vast amounts of unaccountable wealth are being blessed by Israel.

    Real blessings come to those who prevent Zionist Jews using their wealth and influence to attack and undermine the authority of God.


    May America stand up and be that indispensable nation.

    Good show Scorpio

  24. Really Great Show!

    Very thought provoking with plenty of homework for all the listeners to follow up on. Thank you Scorpio.

    KnowNothing, you're still a douche bag down under my ass piece of shit.


  25. WTF are you talking about BBIII

    You're making it easy to spambox you dude.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Something you have to know is the admin who banned you is gone. Act accordingly.

  28. Hi Zap,

    This ass hole's uncalled for stupid irreverent comment, that's what I was talking about. WTF.

    "KnownUnknown said...
    Careful, *someone* will get you booted from Rev Radio for that kind of unprofessionalism. Meaning the 30secs of dead air.

    May 9, 2020 at 4:56 PM"

    I'll try again to post using vaseline Zap. My bad.

  29. Great Show Scorpio!

    Very thought provoking and plenty of homework for all the listeners (me included) to follow up on. Much appreciated.

    Thank You!


  30. Guys - Everyone that was previously banned has been given a reprieve. Let's not piss it all away trolling each other. It's pretty obvious what KU was referring to but let's put all of this horse shit to bed. Some people want to keep it going and that's a reflection on who they are. Let's move on - we've got bigger fish to fry given what is going down on a global scale. Are we really going to troll each other as society as we know it is permanently flushed down the toilet?

    If anyone feels the irresistible urge to troll, that other thread is still open with over 137 comments - none of which have been censored. So take it over there or exercise some self control.


  31. Scorpio: "I believe that the economic impacts are just beginning"

    Yes, possibly more big hits to stock markets, and the next thing to go is real estate. All of it tied to debt and "The [Jew] Cycle", which mankind has been tied to for millennia:

    P.S. 'Scam' may be a better term. Some of it is real (not hoaxed).

  32. "Scorpio said...
    Guys - Everyone that was previously banned has been given a reprieve. Let's not piss it all away trolling each other. It's pretty obvious what KU was referring to but let's put all of this horse shit to bed. Some people want to keep it going and that's a reflection on who they are. Let's move on - we've got bigger fish to fry given what is going down on a global scale. Are we really going to troll each other as society as we know it is permanently flushed down the toilet?

    If anyone feels the irresistible urge to troll, that other thread is still open with over 137 comments - none of which have been censored. So take it over there or exercise some self control."

    I'm in!, and thanks for the reprieve Scorpio and Zapoper. Much appreciated. I've said for a long time that the truth movement needs to group together and focus on a few particulars. "Very Important Particulars", that WILL bring the parasite's house of cards down overnight, when exposed to the Americans. To diss a sitting president over and over and over, like the jewish msm, is not helpful at all. Hell, the Kenyan got away with murder and no-one said a word. Yes, I don't like the talking points of the jewish media, and it irritates me that people even from foreign countries have the chutzpah (extreme self-confidence or audacity) to take digs at me, who disagree with "my president". I respect someone that disagrees, but when I see that it is stupidity and "taking the bait", I say so. I'll pay close attention from now on to what I say back to people I don't agree with. Thank you again for another chance. I won't waste it.

    Let's aim at the Bullseye, and not just the target all my friends and "similar outcome" wishers.

    Thanx again,

  33. KU had a few beers in his belly. I'm an expert at detecting that shit. LOL

    Moreover, He was talking about what Fetcho had said in the other thread. Much Ado About Nothing.

    Calm down guys.

  34. "Sitting Presidents" are put into place by the NWO. And their actions show who they serve. Not their words. Thinking that the "Right leaning" ones who say the right things will save you from the "Left leaning" ones is falling for the Jew game on an embarrassingly naive level.

    Bart would you as President have brought Kushner and Mnuchin into your administration? Aided Saudi against Yemen, and Israel against Palestine, Iran, and Syria? Stolen the West Bank? Gone along with the Synagogue Shooting Hoaxes? Etc.

    He is not "your President", it has become blatantly obvious. Across several threads I still wait for anything you can fill us in on that we might be missing. Other than "one arm of Jewish media disses him". Yeah, that's how the game is played. His actions reveal his true nature, not his or his supporters' or his critics' words.

  35. Thanks for pointing that out Zapoper. - I'm calm today. Cool as a Pickle, or something like that. :)

    Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's. :)


  36. Jacky, Yes, Yes, Yes, to all your questions. - Hear this my man. Trump Was NEVER EVER EVER SUPPOSE TO WIN. NEVER Jacky, NEVER! The NWO did not install Trump.
    He is playing a game in a den of Vipers, and he knows it. You my friend do not. Who cares who his daughter married? Trump is using Kush as a tool. Do you not see (((who))) is fighting tooth and nail to bring him down? Can you name 3 jews that want to take Trump down, or 3,000? - I can name 30,000 - The true Jews claim that Trump is taking them for a ride. You donned 't see that, but I do. Notice that no matter how far Trump goes to appease the jews, it's never ever enough. Did you notice that? You may have, but I think you then shoot from the hip to say that "it's all planned out and the NWO owns him". - Remember what first ticked the jews off as to what kind of President Trump would be if he won? - Trump said to the whole house full of jews, "I don't need your money" - Bam - He set it straight right then and funny that the Russia hoax started the very next day. -
    Anyway, I respect your opinions and take on things. I hope we both can shed light on different subjects for each of us to learn by in the far future to come Jacky. Plnd of please keep this very important tidbit in mind. If Trump is kind of smart, he knows that the jews blew JFK's head off with several bullets. How does he operate for the Americans and keep his head on at the same time? The answer: He plays the jew game like a champ, that's how.

  37. For crying out loud my comment was a joke on the missing few seconds, and yes it was a callback but it wasn't starting anything.

    BBIII I don't fit don't there with Trumps fist already occupying the real estate.

  38. It should have been pretty obvious a couple of comments down when I acussed zap of being unprofessional.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. KnownUnknown,
    The real estate market in Manhattan, New York, USA 10001, is owned by the jews. If a young builder working for his Dad to buy, renovate, build, and own mostly apartment buildings, because they pay big bucks back every single month, forever, how would anyone get into, and stay in such a market? - First, Second, and Third: Learn how to kiss the jews asses. Lead parades for the jews. Say how much you love the jews. Hire jewish attorneys. Go to bar mitzvahs - as Many as you can!!! That's just a start.

  41. "The survey, provided early to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, found that 66% of haredi voters report having voted for Trump, compared to just 32% of Modern Orthodox voters. As of January, similar percentages approve of the job he is doing"

  42. So he's owned by Jews like we've been saying? Finally.

  43. We are witnessing two factions of jews going at each others throats.


  44. "We are witnessing two factions of jews going at each others throats. "

    And their uberkiken observing with hand-wrangling pride.

  45. Could have just said "pass over"? You didn't even spell it right.

    überkingen. I understand that your keyboard can not do "ü" still.

  46. I think WWS meant the Elite of the non-goyim race, not called ubermensch, but uberkike.

    Much hand-rubbing indeed. Now we know why all of the hand sanitizer is sold out. Those shekels are FILTHY.

  47. Bart I thank you for the response. We will watch how this all plays out together.

  48. WWS - you left out chortling, in conjunction with hand wringing

  49. Brew - read the comments from the original thread - it's pretty obvious.

    1. I dont have the time, nor' patience, unlike some others. Was a spin off another thread -- well, is t that a fine predicament, Stanley. Perhaps they shoulda tied a bow with a, j/k. Not my fault that it appeared as a jab at RR.

  50. Get the fuck out and stop making this shit up about RR. This has never been about RR Is that clear enough?

  51. One of fetches runaway cats that never came back wound up on zaps keyboard used it is kitty litter

  52. Brew - Your time is no more valuable than mine. If you don't have the time to figure out what's going on, then don't comment. It's not like I have the magic keys to the kingdom.

    1. You've been on your menstrual cycle for months -- is your gyno on lockdown, preventing you from treatment?

  53. I just had a metdown with my mother because of you pieces of shit. I hope you are happy.

  54. LOL c'mon zap, not on mother's day!! My wife also is sick of this site LOL but i like you guys, what can i say?

  55. I have wondered if a new troll tactic is simply to post rubbish rather than to go on the attack. I think the idea is to give a veneer of legitimacy while actually wasting everyone's time. Fair to say not much productive conversation takes place (or has ever taken place) in the Mami's comments sections. The chatroom, although fairly dead, is much more civilized in comparison.

  56. I'm beginning to think people can't take a joke anymore...

  57. I can't believe that you would say that to Scorpio BREW.

  58. every day I wake up with such a sense of dread because of this psychopathic crap--can't somebody involuntarily commit these mad scientists?

    fwiw- latest from Spiro Skouras

    Dr. Andrew Kaufman: They Want To Genetically Modify Us With The COVID-19 Vaccine

    Also, on this one I posted above:
    Dr. ANDREW KAUFMAN ~ "A DOCTOR SPEAKS OUT: Secrets, Lies, Fake News & Coronavirus"

    **** 1:39:47 talks about Italian researchers, a few years ago, who were experts in advanced electron microscopy, who for some reason bought up every vaccine on the market and they looked at the contents under the electron microscope, found nano particulate metals, almost every metal on the periodic table, Host asks if could be smart dust. Dr. K says could be, its really an unexplained finding. Researchers called the vaccine manufactures, said do you realize this is in there? This was put in there purposefully, yet none of the manufacturers were admitting why it was in there. A number of months after this was published in a peer reviewed journal, the Italian police raided their laboratory, and confiscated all the data from the study and their computers. (!!!!!)
    -At 2:00:00- puts a shout to Dr. Jennifer Daniels and turpentine

  59. Futurist - Have have to disagree with you somewhat. While there is obviously the occasional turd in the punchbowl around here, there really are some insightful and informative members. Almost every day, I see links and info that I was not aware of. Hopefully, the dire situation that we are all facing will help up everyone's game.

    BREW - I'm not sure who your ad hominem insult was directed towards and frankly it doesn't matter but your comment really did appear to be jumping to an unfounded conclusion about this site and the station with the intention of stirring up trouble. Then you say it wasn't my fault, when it certainly was. Who's fault was it? Commenting about something when you clearly have no idea what you are talking about and weren't willing to take the time to look into it before posting. I am a little surprised by your last comment but then again, we all have to make our own choices.

  60. If you look in the the back end scorpio, the comment was a reply to yours. I first thought it was directed at me.

  61. A week or so ago BREW was still pretty funny joking around about wearing a mask on Fetzers show, but I've caught brew on quite a few shows this week and all the fun/humour is gone.

    Its a shame, I'm the "laugh or cry" type and I don't really cry.

    1. These are tense times for all of us. I wanna joke more, though its difficult when it appears we are being boxed in by these dragnets- (contact tracing,etc). Zap will vouch that my humor is dry and not so frequent -- not that I prefer it that way.

      In any case, Thanks.

  62. Some Interesting Though Unsuccessful Attempts to Transmit Influenza Experimentally, Public Health Reports (1896-1970)
    Vol. 34, No. 2 (Jan. 10, 1919), pp. 33-36 (4 pages)

  63. Scorpio said..."Almost every day I see links and info that I was not aware of"

    Some of my best research occurs in the 'comment sections' of countless sites. There are numerous people(like Amanda here)who put in hours looking for unique or supplemental content that we all can utilize. I generally try to post links to content that just came out within hours or I try and find some less familiar sites. Posting something from James Corbett two days after it was posted is just redundancy.

  64. Looks like they fired that cop for going on jewtube and defending the Constitution!

  65. @Steve- thanks for that info. Dr. Kaufman has talked about that too (I've learned tons from him on the bogus science and outright fraud)

    Also, comment from DaBluntTruth has lots of good info on the bogus germ theory:

  66. Yeah - Amanda and many others do some great postings here - keep it going everyone.

  67. Jeff C with some questions regarding the fired Seattle police officer! It is always good to question these things and Jeff does question whether the con is on with this guy. The Go Fund Me page that his 'wife's best friend' set up is rolling in the loot as I type and I expect by tomorrow will be well over 6 figures!

    400K subscribers
    Sheriffs Officer, says Americans need to stand up now!
    224K subscribers
    "The Biggest Threat To Public Health And Safety Today Seems To Be The Police"
    - Max Igan

    227K subscribers
    Canadian Mason

    Slave New World
    4.57K subscribers
    Canadian mason, stay away from me
    Canadian mason, mama let me be
    Don't come a hangin' around my door
    I don't want to see your face no more
    I got more important things to do
    Than spend my time being told what to do
    Now mason, I said stay away
    Canadian mason, listen what I say-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay

    Canadian mason, get away from me
    Canadian mason, mama let me be
    Don't come a knockin' around my door
    Don't want to see your shadow no more
    Colored lights can hypnotize
    Sparkle someone else's eyes
    Now mason, I said get away
    Canadian mason, listen what I say-ay-ay-ay

    Go, gotta get away, gotta get away now go, go, go
    I'm gonna punch you mason
    Gonna kick you mason
    Bye-bye bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye
    You're no good for me
    I'm no good for you
    Gonna punch you right in the eye
    Tell you what I'm gonna do
    You know I'm gonna heave
    You know you're gonna go
    You know I'm gonna heave
    You know you're gonna go-o, mason
    I'm gonna heave you mason
    Goodbye Canadian mason
    Goodbye Canadian hick, listen what I say

    Don't come a hangin' around my door
    Don't want to see your face no more
    I don't need your fake vaccines
    I don't need your ghetto scenes
    Colored lights can hypnotize
    Grabble someone else's thighs
    Now mason, get away from me
    Canadian mason, better let me be

    Go, gotta get away, gotta get away now go, go, go
    I'm gonna heave you mason
    Gonna heave you mason
    Bye-bye bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye
    You're no good for me
    I'm too good for you
    Gonna punch you right in the eye
    Tell you what I'm gonna do
    You know I'm gonna heave
    You know you're gonna go
    You know I'm gonna heave
    You know you're gonna go-o, mason
    I'm gonna heave you mason
    Goodbye Canadian mason
    Goodbye Canadian hick who-american woman

    guess who- american woman

    The Guess Who-American Woman

  69. I Think that we will ALL Begin to LAUGH a Lot more, and to Freely Go OUTSIDE ...

    Once we have "vaccinated" Bill-Gates 109+ Times! ;-)

    We will THEN Begin to DEVELOP: "Herd / Heard Immunity" ;-)


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