May 21, 2020

Scorpio's Conspiracy Show 2020.05.16

Scorpio Show # 14 on

Topics Include:

1) The NWO Shock Troops
2) Jewish Anarchist's Voyage to Workers' Paradise
3) Agendas Conveniently Dovetail 
4) The Mask Slips Off The 'New Normal'

Revolution.Radio Studio A

64k CF Download  Download

N.B. From the time I post the show, it can take up to an hour before the link and player start working. zap


  1. Great show Scorpio! Very clearly pointed out that the U.N./world controllers need to be apprehended and detained,kept at social distance from society,indefinitely.
    They are provably Insane and for the good of all must be shown to be what they really are!


  2. Nearly all revolutions are Jewish.
    They will kill their own in pursuit.

    The Maccabees deployed Zealots.
    They killed Greeks and Romans;
    AND Jews who tried to Hellenize!

  3. I tried to tune-in live. I got dead air. When do you go live? The schedule has you on Saturdays. Is this accurate?

  4. I caught the show live. Also looking forward to the extra hour - good episode scorp.

  5. Fetch - They already changed the schedule. I'm picking up an extra hour beginning this week starting @ 2:00pm est on A so if you tuned in at that time this last week, it was dead air - cheers

  6. The schedule I am looking at here has you live from 2-3 pm on Saturday on A. So what precisely is your schedule? 2-4 pm on Saturday on A?

  7. Just checked it - says 2:00pm - 4:00pm est, which is correct.
    The graphic setup on the schedule is a little confusing.

  8. Yah...perhaps I misread

  9. Why don't you pick up the 1 PM hour? If you wait till 2, all the audience has already left from my show.

    I can give you a half hour plug on my show and see if you can do some audience retention if you like...

    Just a thought.

    Theoretically, you can probably take the 1-4 time slot...

  10. Fantastic show Scorpio! Vital lucid insights & accurate read of the satanically evil attack on our rights, our freedoms, our way of life by the globalist parasites.

  11. Still listening...just wanted to add something slightly positive, looks like they are losing control of the narrative. Check out the comments to this video from CIA's Washington Post claiming they are correcting the California doctors who are "wrong" about the virus. Also note, 5.3k thumbs down, 1.7k thumbs up:

  12. Giuseppe - Hit me up on skype - let's set up a full interview!

  13. Fetch - thanks for the suggestion. I've got to talk with management and see what's up.
    I just might do that - take care


  14. Well, let's hope this is the beginning of a change here in NJ--hope more small business owners follow this guy's lead. In southern NJ, Gym owner opened his gym in defiance of Big fat Pig, Goldman Suck's NJ Gov Murphy!!!! Cops showed up and said you are all in violation of Big Fat Pig Gov Murphy, on that note, HAVE A GOOD DAY!!!!

    ‘Support His Right To Operate’: Huge Crowd Cheers On Atilis Gym Reopening In Defiance Of Gov. Murphy’s Stay-At-Home Order
    (scroll down for Atilis Gym Bellmawn public statement--didn't listen to the whole thing, but I heard about half of it and he did a great job)

    Atilis Gym Bellmawr@TheAtilisGym
    Bellmawr FOR Everybody #SmallBusinessIsEssential
    check out the cop tell them to have a good day!!!!)

  15. Same in Australia re losing narrative. They keep screaming at us about "second wave second wave" but we only had 18 people officially die of Covid-19 in the "first wave" so people just aren't buying the bs from the media. And what's more the media is getting crushed on ad revenue because all those background tvs in offices are shut...

  16. Some of you may have already watched this:

    The people who foisted the economic shutdown on the U.S. need to be held accountable for the crimes they committed ... crimes of MURDER, child abuse, family abuse, social destruction. Fauci, Birx, Gates, the state governors and a whole bunch of other co-conspirators need to face the death penalty for their crimes. If we let these batards skate like we let Cheney, Bush, and that gang skate Justice, we are finished as a civilized society.

  17. Yeah check this out KnownUnknown. In my community, we have had over 120 confirmed positive cases, and only 1 death of an old person. I try to get through to people with common sense like: So... over a hundred people got it and they all survived with no issues? They just had to go home and relax as if they had the flu?

    And people get cognitive dissonance and say "yeah but we have done a really good job shutting down, social distancing, and quarantining".

    And I say "Yes. But I'm saying that over a hundred people got the virus, and it was no worse for them than the flu. They just had to relax for a bit. They're not even in the local hospital. Only one old person died. This is the global pandemic?"

    And they don't know what to say. We have had more cases now, and 2 more deaths of older people apparently. Man the NWO went hard with this hoax WORLDWIDE. In my opinion, this was a test run to see how the Goyim would cooperate and be controlled. And of course we already know that the military and police "just follow orders".

    But unfortunately, one of my favorite teachers from high school, his very elderly mom passed away. And they have said that it was corona. He is very influential with youth at the school, and all of his former students, because he was such a great guy. But unfortunately he has really fallen for mountains and mountains of propaganda, about everything.

    I tried to tell him, in the most rational and down to earth way, about Israel, and all of America's wars based on lies, and Zionist crimes, and the "punch a nazi" and "Antifa" brainwashing, and about the truth of Allied WW2 mass war crimes, and about how 9/11 was dishonestly used to start wars for Israel and to crack down on American freedoms. Last time I messaged him, he did not respond. And he responds to everyone.

    Lindsey if you read this, I hope that you feel better about the virus scare by now. Don't get me wrong, the vaccines and policies that come from this will be bad. Because these plans have always been part of the agenda. But the virus itself? No problem.

    P.S. Scorpio I heard your call to Michael Jay on Sunday morning. Very good call my brother. I listen to Shell Games just for Michael Jay's perspective, because he keeps it real on a level that a lot of hosts do not.

  18. Scorpio, great show! And on the Fed and WW1-I'm pretty sure that's what Dick Eastman said in his audio on Bernard Baruch (that the Fed was essential for WW1)--it was actually an excellent audio he did on Rense. I posted it here, but now the link is dead I thought it was an outstanding history lesson because it tied so much together. I wrote Rense and suggested he put it on his front page or get it on video so more could hear (obviously,nothing came of that).

    Off-topic, here's another doctor speaking out against the lockdowns:

  19. This may be off topic as well, but it seems like everything is dovetailing into one big sloppy mess that we NEED to start cleaning up pronto. Start with the Bush/Cheney crime gang, the Clinton mob and the Obama homosexual perverts. Obama must be pissin' his pants right about now. The cleanup operation may begin with him and his thugs. Once this cleanup op begins, I feel strongly that it won't stop with the Kenyan ... they'll drag Cheney, Clinton (both of them) the Bush boys and all their criminal pals will finally be brought to account too.

    Hopefully, Obama will be escorted out of his $13,000,000 and ~7,000 sq ft house on Martha's Vineyard in wrist bracelets and transferred to a 100 sq ft federal prison cell w/o an ocean view. The sum-bitch will be wishing he never left Kenya. Wasn't Obama the guy who said "if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon" (Martin)? See how all the shit seems to coagulate and run together?

  20. Good Show, although one thing Scorpio might have not yet seen is that they are indeed using a "Patriotism" effort in some Propaganda for this coronavirus false flag event. See here for yourself:

    The takeover we are experiencing in the name of the coronavirus is most indeed, a Bolshevist / Communist takeover. On Steroids... That being said, the only difference is communism this time will be run through the corporations, rather than the State. Along with all the other 21st century bells and whistles and highly tech-based era we live in. But the entire structure and the methods are 100% by the books of the original Bolshevist takeover.

    One thing that many people should take note of is that the majority of people who are behind the coronavirus hoax and ushering in the NWO are those who have Rhesus Negative blood type. Most factions in military, medical industry and government have this demonic Rh- Blood type. All people with the Rh- factor are of Jewish Ethnicity whether they know of it or not, and the "hive mindset" attribute of this blood type is what allows them to all act in unison and carry out an agenda.

    In addition, all Jews, even if they have only a small percentage of DNA, and even if they are not part of the globalist structure and positions, are evil and liars. They tell lies and cause problems behind your back. So-called "Hellenized Jews" as someone mentioned earlier in this thread, are just Jews who were trying to be chameleons and wanted to become on the side with the Greeks. They are no less evil. It is important to address the JQ from the standpoint of understanding the racial origins of the Jews and that there is no such thing as "exceptions".

  21. Unknown - that is an excellent comment and correction taken about 'patriotism' I think you are also correct about this new version of communism - it will be run through corporations - the Chinese model being a beta test for the global system.

    Jacky - Thanks for your insights and a peek inside your reality and trying to deal with normies, which is becoming increasingly difficult. This Corona beer crisis really has amped up people's programming and often anger is the result when their false reality is confronted in any way. My final comment to people who want to try and tell me how serious this all is and how all of these restrictions are necessary is... Do you really think you're going to get your freedom back when this is all over? Is that really what you think?

    I said that to a couple of maskers the other day and they just walked away from me without saying a word. They wanted to think I was crazy but I know I planted a seed of doubt in their minds with that one....time will tell.

  22. It is clear the globalist parasites are implementing a chimeric hybrid of techno-fascism & techno-bolshevism. Ironically, just like the lab-engineered chimeric bioweapon that was intentionally released to launch this all-out attack on our remaining rights & freedoms. As above, so below.

  23. "Black-Pilled" "Rule of Law is DEAD!"

    Unless it is a "necessary": Thrown-"carrot" SHOW ...

    Killary ...
    Obongo ...
    et-all ...

    WILL NEVER "be tried" ... or "Locked-Up" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dhuh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

    THIS "Black Pilled" is thus a "MUST LISTEN" for its PLAIN-CLARITY !!! :-)

    -- His "Comments" section-below-video is Always VERY Encouraging! - with 1,000s of AWAKE Folks !!! :-)

  24. "the lab-engineered chimeric bioweapon that was intentionally released"

    Feckin lousy 'bio-weapon'. Trust they get their research dollars back or have some heads roll for poor performance.

    Good show, Scorpio. Do you have evidence of prisoners being released and the rise in crime rate associated, or is this statement more programmed fear porn? Not from you, Scorpio, but wherever the info came.

  25. But Albert, TRUMP said.... Must be true, just you wait and see. But don't hold your breath.

  26. Q-Trump: Hillary Clinton IS REALLY TRULY: "Locked Up"!

    ... in my MIND! ;-)

  27. Very good Albert. Just like the Holohoax, Q-Anon AKA JewAnon AKA JQ-Anon is the latest brainwashing hoax straight out of the Mossad / CIA / NWO.

  28. Liam -- I'm not sure if you are referring to the Bolsheviks releasing prisoners or what's happening today. Several state governors have admitted they are releasing prisoners and there's a swath of MSM articles backing that up. You won't see any articles correlating prisoner release with increased crime because this is all part of a centralized agenda but I've seen several stories about newly released criminals committing violent crimes including murder. The whole premise of releasing criminals because of the Corona beer virus is fallacious because if they really wanted to stop the spread of the 'virus', they'd just put all new prisoners into one central facility. The other prisoners are already isolated but obviously, that is not their intention - their intention is to break down society as we know it at every level.

    As far as the Bolsheviks releasing prisoners, that is also well documented. I spent years researching the Bolshevik revolution and have numerous books on the subject. I honestly can't remember which book contained that information because it has all amalgamated in one circle of knowledge in my mind. It's a well known Bolshevik method to spread the 'revolution'. Starvation, food shortage and food rationing are another time tested Bolshevik technique which is something we all should be acutely aware of.

    1. Mel Brooks in blazing saddles had the script where the sheriff was getting a posse of criminals they like rape

  29. When they weaponize food, the right to bear arms morphs into the willingness to bare arms.

  30. Scorpio - I was referring to BA, Bolshevik America or Bugger All, depending on perception (Ooga Booga bio-weapons and fear of the common cold). 'MSM articles and state governors' - thanks for your references, both of which I see as fear-porn at best and traitorous and no longer relevant at worst. I am not standing on the land referred to as California, so what I say and think is not relevant either. If one wants to read 'papers', then those with 'remedy' may well be more fruitful than enemy propaganda, namely;
    The US Constitution and
    Marbury v. Madison (1803) (and never overturned to this day, I believe) and Cruden V Neale ZNC 338 May Term 1796 - Every Man is independent of ALL LAWS except those prescribed by nature. He is NOT bound by any institution formed by his fellow Men WITHOUT his consent. Cruden V Neale ZNC 338 May Term 1796.

    We can all learn from LB Bork, Roger Sayle, Graham Hart and many other giants that have gone before us telling us who we are and the "standing" we must "CLAIM". Claim being the highest word in Merchant law followed closely by "DEMAND"

    Graham Hart and Brizer have my unconditional agreement and therefore we have a "contract" in Merchant Law which is higher than all the courts in all the lands.
    Your govenors are the lowest, 'colour of law', statute law and require your/my consent.

    So now, I, Liam, Son-of-Eric, dutifully go to the marketplace with mask on, which shows 2 things, at least; My mouth is covered foregoing my ability to speak and be heard and I am anonymous, unrecognisable from all the other slaves in line. BY MY OWN CHOICE. But, the worst of the worst, I dishonour my ancestors who were driven, like hungry cattle, to the four corners of this globe, (pun intended), by starvation and enslavement, partially because they did not have the knowledge we can ALL now have and use.

  31. Scorpio _ I don't doubt released criminals are perpetrating capital crimes Are they in states without open-carry and conceal-carry?

    Remember folks, Creditors ask questions and Debtors/Slaves answer questions.
    And he who asks questions and continues to asks questions wins.
    Why? Because one asks the right questions that these entities can not or will not answer and expose their fraud.

  32. Remember folks, Creditors ask questions and Debtors/Slaves answer questions.
    And he who asks questions and continues to asks questions wins.

    Well said, Liam

    I lived in California for 20+ years - was born there. What they've done to that state compared to how it was when I was a kid is beyond words. My 79 y/o aunt still lives in San Diego. They other day she had the temerity and unmitigated gaul to actually walk into a grocery store without a mask. She was immediately confronted by the manager and a security guard and told that she had to leave unless she put on her mask. Disgusting!

  33. Yes they've engineered a society of little tyrants that will deny service to an old lady instead helping her like any decent, thinking human. It is disgusting.

  34. Thank you Scorpio for touching on the subject of the Johnston flood the cover-up and the only reason why I even ever heard about it was it was a lyric in a Bruce Springsteen song highway patrolman

  35. Is Bruce Springsteen a pedophile?
    "Hey, little girl is your daddy home?"
    "Did he go away and leave you all alone?"
    "I'm on fire"

  36. Scorpio - I went to the store today and walked straight in, no mask, (they are not required in this town), the security had his back to me. I hear this "Excuse me, Excuse me", which I of course ignore as no one is addressing me. He then gets in front of me and makes a statement, which means nothing to me. I ask "Did I commit a crime?" No, is the reply. "Do you believe you have authority over me?" Again, No, but you did not line up to enter, is the reply. "I did not see the line up, how many people were it the line?" "Am I not distanced from all in this store, except you?" He turned and walked away and I went about my business. I suggest these people know, are told they have no power and would not touch me or prevent me from walking freely if I simply ignored them.

    For the poker-playing gamblers out there, which I am not, most folk are folding with a full house when the psuedo-authority, at best, are holding Ace high no-thing. CALL THE BLUFF, folks.

  37. ^^ Well played, Liam. Now that's an example to follow. We need an army of people like this to counteract the traitorous brigades of contact tracers soon to be unleashed in our midst.

  38. The US FDA proposed ban on homeopathy

  39. Scorpio - I suggest they already have contact tracers and have had for years. I have 3 or 4 bankcards, all 'chipped', a driver's license also chipped and a passport with a supa-dupa chip, issued just this year. Oh! and a cell phone, so I am chipped, dipped and permanently traceable, which means absolutely nothing to me. I watched a terminator movie on a long haul flight, when they were still available, and I never part with my sweat equity to be programmed by holly-weird. So, I tried rapping my cell phone, (while turned on and again while turned off), in tin/ally foil and was surprised, does not happen for me much these days, how long the battery lasted, given no signal was sent or received.
    Another interesting programmed movie was "Kingsman" released in early 2016, i think, preempting dylan rooth's effort and what can be done with cell phone signals.

  40. Steve - They did the same 100+ years ago to implement rockafella medicine. We simply learn how to prepare homeopathic remedies from locally grow herbs and plants and 'claim and demand' our unalienable rights, as per Graham Hart has said, that no one comes between me and my creator/god/nature and all things on God's green earth put there specifically for my benefit. To the skeptics, don't knock it till you've tried it, LOL.


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