May 28, 2020

The Graham Hart Show - With Brizer 2020.05.25

Brizer's guest: Dr. Lorraine Day.

Graham's blog

Graham Hart - Hoax Train.mp3

Cornwall Stream
Mami's Archive
The Graham Hart Show Players



  1. Admins

    POST this: 2-Hour Corbette-Report on Con-vid!

  2. I have not seen a lot of discussion about the SAGE documents exposing some foreknowledge and which shows some of the overall strategic objectives for utilizing the mainstream media to propagandize the general public for the 'social distancing' and the overall lockdown enforcement.

    SAGE is the group of scientists(Neil Furguson was a member),advising the UK government, known as the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, which was given the overall responsibility to create the 'best-case scenario,' utilizing the 'strategy of tension' method, to minimize the impact of the lockdown on the general public.

    The documents that were released to the public were heavily redacted. Below are the relevant links, however, one can see how this was thought-out well in advance. Keep in mind the date on the document of March 22nd and Appendix B has the related info on the utilization of the media!…

  3. Here we are just a couple of months into this CV-19 scam and they have the people policing each other just as tyrannically as the blue-niggers themselves. Amazing how confident and cocksure people become when they are supported by the mob. If it was only the reverse, here a large group of people NOT wearing masks were giving the riot act to those morons who are wearing the masks. Unbelievable!

    P.S.- I first became aware of Dr. Day back in 2007! In her 80's now; she is still as tough as a $2 steak!

  4. Just a Request Zap :-)

    I am certainly Not one to BeLIEve in "Good jews" ...

    -- But a few Do Seem to "Play" "Good-Cop" quite-well!


    I Don't "Understand" Jim's New Website!

    -- HOW do we Listen-to His New Covid-2-Hour-Extravaganza?

  5. Dr. Lorraine Day talking about the Khazars and "real jews". I can't listen to this shit. Maybe after the (((next wave))) and you boomers take your first vaccine you will wise up. But maybe not.

    1. Gee Stevie,you must know it all!
      Why don't you avail this resource to bring us up to speed with you version of the Truth.
      Go right ahead we obviously need your input,please give us the goods!

    2. Oh and Steve! Are you one of the good Jews non boomer generation?

  6. I just want to know have rescued all the kids from the tunnels in New York and put all the pedophiles like Gates and Hillary in Gitmo yet?

    Or what's the go on the plan?

  7. pub'd tonight: Richie From Boston with James Corbett, 50 mins

    I'm also a fan of Max Igan's plandemic vids, his YT ch:

  8. @ Steve.what do you mean by "boomers". Feck that jew bullshit generation game. If it wasn't for boomers you millennials wouldn't be here. But now that you are here what are you going to do about this shit? Blame boomers? It's your chance, your choice, take it or leave it. Don't be blaming the generations that brought you into this world. You're here for a reason so use it wisely and stop being a feckin pussy. Will you reserve all rights when the Covid cops come knocking at your door? Probably not because you will shit your pants with fear and stick out your arm and get injected with all sorts of shite so you can get the shekels. Don't blame or shame your ancestors, they went through far more worse shit that you will have ever gone through. Nobody owes you nothing. Get out there, wake people up, help your neighbours, the elderly, the homeless, instead of posting stupid crap on here. Your choice. Good man.

    1. I knew 9/11 was a jewish false flag when I was a teen. I taught you boomers what you know today through comments and forum posts during the 2000's on your favorite "truthteller" sites. If your still shilling for christianity and the christian identity khazar theory you are either shills or the fluoride has arrested your cognitive abilities.

      Happy retirement and be well in your golden years.

    2. The Eurofolk Radio crowd is led by Pastor Eli James, a long time cointelpro Chtistian Identity kike plant and I would not suggest trudting ANYONE connected to the organization.

  9. Another Steve I see, i'll change my name then.

  10. The young Lorraine Day is the ideal wife every young man perusing this site should want to win: super-smart, capable of rising high in a profession fewer than 4% of men by IQ could even qualify for; open-minded to the evidence on scientific and political issues but socially conventional in religious identification; Jew wise and brave enough to support a husband who is likewise. And boy is she pretty.

  11. IMAGINE: Being a WHITE-Man ... in a WORLD: of Beautiful Smart WHITE-Women! ;-)

    "Remove" (((them))) ... and it will be EASY: If you Try*! ;-)

    (John Lennon ... ADAPTED! ;-)

    * No jews to (WORK)-"Live", or DIE for ...

  12. You may Say ... that I'm a DREAMER .....

    -- But I'm NOT the Only One !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

  13. I first encountered Dr Day a good 20 years ago talking about alternative cancer treatments and who's behind all the sickness and degeneracy in the world. I must say she hasn't changed her tune much and unfortunately is still pushing the vegan BS. She was a regular on Rense for several years until she apparently tired of Jeff referring to her as his "White Rock Girl" alluding to the bare-breasted beverage logo.

  14. In Reference to Vegan-ism ...

    Milk, Yoghurt, cheese, Butter, and Especially: GHEE !!!

    Turmeric-(powder) with Dried-Red-Chilli-(or Black-Pepper) in-GHEE:

    IS the "SECRET" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

    Yes! -- "Vegan-ism" Turns-Away from VITAL BUTTER / Ghee !!!

    -- The Indian concept of Vegetariamism:
    Is that: MILK is the OPPOSITE of "Meat"!

    -- Thank-Goodness I have Been: A Milk-BUTTER-Vegetarian for 40 Years!

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  15. Steve makes a reasonable point about the obvious hokum some, primarily older, primarily Christian 'truthers' spout about Khazars and 'real Jews' -- it would appear to have a simple cause, they just can't bear to criticize Jews as such and as they actually exist. And CI is idiotic.

    I would say it's better to criticize the nonsense rather than any demographic spewing it. But then again, politics does tend to pivot on demographic rivalry and replacement, not on facts, so I wouldn't criticize him either. Time will tell whose approach worked best or most - and it will probably be a mix anyway!


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