June 23, 2020

Liberty on the Land - Ep 05 Doug Force - The Myth is Canada


  1. curtis stone is a die hard communitarian. He is just north of me here in Washington State. He has a hole lot of lemmings headed for the cliff, service industry supplier of greens for those rich enough to go to the restaurants that are going under as we speak. Or start a CSA, (community supported agriculture. The last name Stone is you
    r first clue. He loves those intentional community "volunteers" to sign up for some indentured servitude employment/ apprenticeship

  2. @millerman: we have a potable bandsaw and chatted w/you before about our similar interest. You may have heard brizer mention on last monday's show our biochar obsession. We asked curtis to address it on his sustainable,regenerative, eco-agriculture based show and other commenters have as well.To us it is a way to see who is a decieving mis-info agent or not, this biochar thing could be the key that opens the door and there are entities hell bent on not getting any traction going. Crickets from curtis on this. Those wearing masks are big red flags to identify the pig shit swallowing among-est us. Having a cell phone and bitching about emf,s is a similar hypocritical example. Curtis promotes tenant farming when we believe a land owner is the only way you could justify putting biochar in the soil. As to your question ,we listen to a little of his politico blather but what Brendon O'ConnelL says is " your free man on the land might destroy a half dozen drones and robots but heat sensing satellites will send #7 out to get you". Thank's for the dialoge millerman.

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waAzDnNFlBk&t=2s @ chainsmillerman skillcult 19 minute read from early pioneers charcoal appreciation.
    Indonesian innovation-no English
    UK socialist Ed Revill demonstrates his innovation
    here out our way- we show off two other burners


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