June 29, 2020

The Privilege They Erased From History - Miss Dana Ashlie

"Our history is written by the victors. What presentation of our history would best suit their chosen 'end game' for us? The straight up erasing of true history has happened on the topic of slavery in America. Who gains and who is set to lose?"

The Privilege They Erased From History

Miss Dana Ashlie

The Privilege They Erased From History
Miss Dana Ashlie




  1. She's a Nice Lady, and She SAID that She LOVED Me!

    -- But: "Blacks have Suffered MOST in this ((("Brainwashing"))) ?! -- Come-ON! ;-)

    --> I suppose, Considering How-MUCH Blacks "Lash-Out" at, and Brutalise WHITES ...
    (Without any "thought-processes" Restraining-Them!)

    -- It can be SEEN by ALL: that Blacks' "Brains" have Been almost-TOTALLY: "Washed-AWAY" by (((TV))) and (((State-Schools))) !!! :-o

  2. Albert: I noticed that, too. And agree.

    But give her an E for an oherwise, excellent presentation.

  3. Monopoly Banker...

    There are a portion of people that recall the Monopoly Banker mascot having a *monocle*

    and there are a portion of people that say there never was a *monocle*

    as there has not been a *monocle* on the Banker mascot, in some years.

    what do you think, or recall?


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