June 20, 2020

The Realist Report with John Friend 2020.06.20

Dan Hanley


  1. I only made it through ~1/3 of this show... before finding something else more compelling to listen to. Forgive me but, "9/11-Truthing" since 2004, I just can't muster the interest in hearing another recap of the problems with the 9/11 story! Esp not with the JooFluWorldOrder endgame afoot now! Peeps still not awake to 9/11 -- I don't hold out much hope for them today!

    Maybe someone could tip me off if the 2nd half of the show got better? More modern-day affliction oriented?! I sense I'm not alone in this view; a day later & the show still has no comment's @ John's show page.

    1. I know. One ties into the other though in the psyop chain.
      It was easy to talk to blacks about 9/11 as a false flag but not white males. "Hell dem ayyrabs saw it on teevee muh freedums conspiracy theorist"
      With this shit the opposite applies "muthafugga dat white cop kilt Floyd by kneeling on his neck for no reason"

  2. I enjoyed all of it. I still think 911 needs to expose - then all the fakes like Jones will be exposed along with it.

    There's no way that a pilot in cockpit made that turn - that deserves answers.

  3. The Tower-Two "Plane" is CGI ... Hence a Tin-Foil-Ball like "Plane" DIS-APPEARS into a STEEL-Pillar-COVERED Building ;-)
    (The two-Frames of the Tower-One-EXPLOSION Don't Even TRY to HAVE a "Plane-Shape" in the Blur!)

    As for Pentagon ...

    Expensive-Missiles EXPLODE things more Precisely in Time and Space ...

    Since THOSE (((who))) Blew-Up the Pentagon, Did the "Renovation" before-hand ...
    -- The Explosives were Placed-Inside THEN.
    --> No NEED for ANY "Missiles"! ;-)

    Hence the General "Letting-Slip": "Missile" ...
    And Pinetta Telling a STORY of: "Do the Orders Still Stand?!" ;-)

  4. Real hi-jackers, real planes, hi-jacked remotely by someone or something on the ground and crashed into their targets.

    Another truth-seeking; truth-telling outfit sticking close to the "Official Story"

    It was CGI all the way

  5. I've run out of shows to listen to so playing this.
    Could be a missile or drone causing the moving explosions, however the video Catching Up With B-Thing (?) shows the Mossad agents goofing around on trolleys such as the type used by Hollywood.

    Posting with a 101.5 fever due to some fake pathoghen so take that into account


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