June 09, 2020

The TRUTH Gill Bates Will Never Speak


  1. From OldDog NewTricks


    "I want to hear in the comments section how many of you are NOT taking his vaccine no matter what! I also want to hear WHAT will you do if they try to force it on you?

    Bill Gates is NOT a virologist. He’s NOT an immunologist. He’s NOT a doctor. He’s NOT a college graduate (he dropped out). But he IS a eugenicist and he IS a Satanist and he IS a documented thief. Are you going to get HIS vaccination?"

    1 day ago
    Absolutely positively NO WAY will I be getting any vaccines PERIOD. If it came down to it, I would have to fight to the death, but that needle won’t go in my body while I’m alive...

    Be Good To Yourself
    Be Good To Yourself
    1 day ago (edited)
    You’re truly a genius & deserve wayyyyy more subscribers !! ������������

    Artist Known As Lisa
    Artist Known As Lisa
    1 day ago
    This needs to go "covid" (viral)
    I WILL NOT take vaccine or even the test. We need to stand and be armed with facts when the "heroes" in white coats & cute smocks try to bully us.

    1 day ago
    This is awesome. Well done...

    the real bigfoot
    the real bigfoot
    1 day ago
    :C. Manuel-Grace.
    :C. Manuel-Grace.
    1 day ago (edited)
    I have not taken a vaccination since grade school. Have no trust in government and the world figures. Saw this video on another channel.
    John Tryba
    John Tryba
    1 day ago
    Just awesome

    mule hayes
    mule hayes
    12 hours ago
    Very well done video, but let's hope that the ignorance and fear of the majority of people can open their eyes and see what is actually going on.... it's up to us.......

    Joe Bravo
    Joe Bravo
    23 hours ago (edited)
    Hell no we have free will . They are going to use fictitious conveyance of language doublespeak coercion and intimidation and have everybody voluntary sign these contracts the new world order one world order cohesion invisible contracts .. and you guys are all voluntarily going to let them take your life with this vaccine that's going to make you sterile and women sterile also so when you meet your God and your gods going to tell you straight out straight out you signed a contract, how can karma take affect and back to those Zionist. and I'm ready to become a u.s. national give back that social security card cohesion invisible contract. Citizen slave card
    1 hour ago
    Bezos, Gates and Alice Walton three richest people in the world. One can figure out why they are involved just on that alone. Billionaires have made half a trillion $ during this Coronavirus. Talk about transfer of wealth once again.

    Phillip Hanley
    Phillip Hanley
    23 hours ago
    I am not taking any shots
    Chris Steiger
    Chris Steiger
    1 day ago (edited)
    Crazy thing is... he practically does just say it. It's all hidden in plain sight.. every intention and everything he says... part of their sorcery is having to put it all out in the open...
    Artist Known As Lisa
    Artist Known As Lisa
    1 day ago
    He did!! Came right out of his filthy mouth, but hardly anyone caught it.
    Chris Steiger
    Chris Steiger
    1 day ago
    @Artist Known As Lisa drives me crazy when people still cant see after they just say and admit to it all!

    Jeff Okriya
    Jeff Okriya
    1 day ago
    100% pure truth ! Genius ! ha ha . .thumbs up all the way. BRING DOWN CRIMINAL BILLY-GOAT GATES ! he must be jailed in a mad house forever. We need all those vaccines in his butt where they belong.

    Michelle XX
    Michelle XX
    1 day ago
    That was amazing! You said at all! Technocracy and Draconian rule!

    1 day ago
    Where are all the good snipers when you need them most?

    OldDog NewTricks

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