June 29, 2020


Some of you may remember Christopher Wright/Jew_ ron_im-o in Australia. He used to be on Eurofolk radio with a Canadian guy that I can't even imagine how to spell his name now.

Anyway, Chris has been struggling with liver cancer and took the big pharma route. So for the past two weeks I was getting bizarre and ominous emails from him because he was hospitalized for God knows what. This is a copy and paste job from two of them:

"They beat me last night a,forced two innecti ok nd into. Me.
Can't write properly,can't see!
If I can't escape as I am draining I'll somehow get it out to your dear friend.
This is big corporate take over,biggest ever
Love Chris please let them know"


"I'm am about to die I can't tell you what's happening the the whole thing is the truth movement.
I can't get out oh the Hospital,they  berate me nightly whole family has turned on me,goodbye my beloved friend"

The problem now is that they are keeping him in there for no good reason at all. I just had a three hour conversation with him and I could tell that he was stoned on their drugs. When I asked him to tell me the room number that he was in, he was not allowed to get out of the room just to read it. He had left his phone on and I heard Chris saying: "Am I being violent?". It is as if he is in jail but worst.

Now I'm not accusing anyone of malfeasance but he heard from his daughter yesterday that "mom was saying stupid things to the doctors" which is not helping him get out of there. If I were a millionaire, I would have taken a flight over there by now and would be taking the IV out of his arm, and punching a few people on my way out with him if need be.

Let's get real though, this is not a Hollywood production and I am nobody BUT...

I was thinking of ways to help him and what crossed my mind was: What if people at Mami's were to call the hospital in Sydney to let them know that they have a friend "inside". The idea would be to make them know that he will not be a COVID-19 statistic because too many people now know that he is there.

Please pester them every day if you can afford it.

Liverpool Hospital, Sydney, Australia

Christopher Wright  +61 2 8738 3000 Ward 34 in Gastroenterology


P.S. He was so out of it that he gave me this number +66 2157 06200 LOL. I am still on an old contract from 2005 with my ISP and only can make calls in north America so I have not tested the phone number. Please let me know what is going on. Back then I had no idea that I would be talking with people around the world. 


  1. Help me out here? I dialed both numbers and neither went through. The + is the same as 0 correct as they are both on the same digit on the dialpad? I tried both and none of the calls went through. That is the Liverpool # as I looked it up! It would be best to contact their HR department as well!

  2. A European would be more helpful in this case. For long distance call we all do 1 in north America. I don't know WTF is the + for.

  3. Yes! I just tried again and the "your call cannot be completed as dialed" comes up right away!

  4. Here is something related!


  5. He does not have a landline beside his bed. The idea is to pester the hospital about Chris Wright.

  6. But yeah. If Americans have a problem with calling in Australia, it ain't gonna work.

  7. I'm going to try this; it states that in order to call Australia from the U.S., you have to dial an exit code: 11 Then Australia's country code which is: 61 Then the mobile code if your calling from a mobile phone: 4 Then the main numbers that you posted! I'll try and let you know!

  8. I just contacted my mobile service! I have a mobile, but it isn't a 'smart phone.' My mobile service will not allow me to call Australia, but I'm sure if you have Apple or Android and follow those steps it WILL go through. Sorry!

  9. This is the last message I had from Chris, on the 14th of June at 06:59 - "graham are u awake iv been locked up for six days."

    Please keep us updated Zap 'etal.

  10. I don't know what is more confusing right now. You or stoned Chris in Australia. LMAO

    Thank you very much for trying though. It will probably help others call from north America. I hope.

  11. If we cannot help one of our own, what the fuck are we doing here?

  12. Here this might help Zap!


  13. I'll try my buddies Apple phone tomorrow when I see him! I hear you! After watching that travelling nurse who divulged what was taking place in N.Y., I trust nothing that they are doing now. They are desperate for 'numbers!' The sad thing is is that Australia seems to be the craziest with this Covid hysteria!

    Keep us updated and I'll check in again tomorrow!

  14. I wish that I could test all that but that looks good. I'll add it to the main post. Thanks.

  15. This is very odd. His family must be able to advocate for him if he can't, no. Could he be delirious? I understand it is an odd situation. When you talked was he at least semi lucid?

  16. "Where is the Liverpool Hospital?
    What is the phone number for Liverpool Hospital?
    Liverpool Hospital Locked Bag 7103 LIVERPOOL BC NSW 1871 Phone: +61 2 8738 3000"

    Copied and pasted off Bing search

    In Australia number to call is 02 8738 3000 there should be no problem getting through to reception.

  17. Here's the problem, I can call Liverpool Hospital and ask reception to put me through to the ward clark in gastro - thought it should be phrnology for liver - and I can for Chris. Then what? I can't say it's KnownUnknown calling and he won't know my name so at best all I can do is confirm what we already know. They won't give me any information because im not a relative and if he still has his phone I don't think they're trying to kill him.

    Even if I could go up to Sydney and walk into Liverpool Hospital I'd get no further, they don't let just anyone walk into a ward.

  18. BTW Liverpool is a huge hospital and Chris Wright is not uncommon a name in Australia - so there's that too.

  19. If anyone has any ideas I can try I'm happy to.

  20. They have him on drugs ffs. He gave me the wrong number and I had to find it on the internet Titus. I don't understand the 02 because the country code is 61. What are you on about?

    I guess that Chainsaw did not read what I wrote.

    @KU. Do I have to draw you a little thing with crayons? Use your imagination and pretend that Chris is a friend of yours. The goal of it is to pester them with calls. Do I need to explain more?


  21. They will not dare harm him if they get enough calls. Am I the only one who understands that tactic?

  22. KnownUnknown,

    I've been around hospitals all my life. My mom worked as an Administrator for 50 years. If you have concerns about a patient and his treatment, you first want to talk to the doctor and/or nurse; if that is not possible, you talk to the head of the ward or unit that the patient is in. Then, you contact the equivalent of hospital social worker(in Australia)and state that you have concerns about Mr. Wright and his medical treatment.

    Chains point is well taken- where is the family? They obviously cannot visit, but they can call and show up and cause hell. The key is to make the hospital aware that MULTIPLE people are inquiring about Mr. Wright and monitoring their every move!

  23. All very good points you make.

    We need a local journalist working for a reputable network to look into it.

    I could use a little confidence boost in our media that they would actually reach out and help a fellow Aussie. Somehow I doubt they'd be interested.

    A call to legal aid might be an idea.

  24. Zap
    phoning from outside Australia on a mobile you add 61 and drop the zero.

    In Australia code for Sydney, NSW is 02

    Involving a third party like a politician or legal aid lawyer even a cop might not be a bad idea.

    Perhaps even the nurses union. That might be a long shot

  25. Police can do 'welfare checks' at a hospital, but you have to have something convincing before they will even entertain it. You can file what is called a 'medical grievance,' but that can only be dome by a patients representative which is usually family unless specified otherwise.

  26. WOW! It's fucking crazy. I've never owned a cell phone in my life but I remember doing long distance calls in the 80s from Paris to Montreal and there was none of that fucking bullshit. ROFL.

  27. The 02 is a reference to the state - 02 is NSW, 03 is Victoria etc.

    I just called, they couldn't even confirm they have Chris Wright there because I couldn't give them any information like date of birth or address.

    If that's enough then OK if not what else is there?

  28. BTW. Back then, you could hear yourself echoing 2-3 seconds later because the medium used was copper buried under the seabed. Now it's all this!

  29. OK. I'll talk with him and try to get the address or what not.

  30. Man! The guy is on the devil's IV.

  31. If lots of people call in for Chris Wright in ward 34, I think that they will get the message.

  32. I will call later today and let you know what happened

  33. Calling from Canada will be *67 011 61 2 8738 3000 or 011 61 2 8738 3000

    The *67 blocks the number and where it is from when they see number display.

    Will need a DOB at least, I think. I will try it now at 4pm Sydney

  34. Maybe he's flipped his lid. You know, dementia, gone schizo (common among Jews), etc. The GI ward is not the usual place for MKUltra confinement.

  35. Zap, He is in Ward 3A Bed 19, Liverpool Hospital.
    Reception put me through to bed 19, told them I was his good mate stuck overseas and can't get to see him.

    Spoke with him, Zap!
    He is getting out of Liverpool Hospital now 11:30pm pacific time.
    I said to him to let you know he was out.
    I need to know tomorrow morning that he got out, Zap.

  36. WOW Cool!

    When he had his phone on the bed and was talking with the nurses, I did hear "big 19" It must be the accent and my brain but it was BED 19.

    Thanks so much Liam. I got an email from him but it was incoherent as usual.

    Just checked the reply to: "ARE YOU OUT OF THE HOSPITAL OR NOT?????" and I got: "Yes, I will. Shortly"

  37. BTW Liam. That was smart. Thanks again.

  38. I just realized that Paul English and ACH don't give a fuck about Chris. They are sipping coffee on their balconies right now and loving the smell of petrol in the morning. LOL

  39. I just spoke with Chris and he is still in the hospital.

  40. "I'm too tired to talk with you zap"

    Well it is 4:12am over here and I'm still up.

  41. The big pharma IV is taking it's toll.

  42. Probably dealing with family shit too

  43. Telephoned the hospital twice. Was put through directly to his bedside phone the first time but he did not pick up after two minutes of trying. Hung up and tried again, did a bit of explaining and was put through to his ward, spoke to two people, hospital staff, who informed me he has been discharged.

    They said after my prompting that he's been discharged because he is OK. I said great news and then I asked how long had he been in hospital and she said about a week, and then she said she can't answer anymore of my questions, she is not permitted to.

    I said thankyou very much for your help.

    Good news then, I hope he makes a full recovery.

  44. I doubt Chris has 'flipped his lid' - I spoke with him via Skype 2 or 3 weeks ago. He was quite rational and coherent but was having stomach problems and was very tired. Thanks to everyone who made an effort to call and get to the bottom of this mystery.

  45. Hey Zap, I need to know that you have heard from Chris and that he is out of that place. Liverpool Hospital would be like a 3rd world hospital by now. I do not trust what they say, only the lady on reception had an Aussie accent, all the others I spoke to were 'new' Australians.

  46. Yes lots of Asians in there. He sent me an email in the middle of the night to get in the room and talk but I did not hear the alert. I'm sure that he's out though. I will confirm it today.

    BTW. I started getting those weird emails on the 12th:

    "I'm still alive I am trying to get out or here here.
    I would like to do 2 final shoes with you !
    GERTJAN AND DAve trying get out of here!

    So Chris was in the hospital for more than two weeks.

    It is quite a coincidence that he got out the same day after our three hour call and this post being published.

    A big thank you to everyone who helped.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hey Liam, you can become famous by volunteering to accept an IV injection of some fake "viruses" in a cocktail. Say
      HIV, Anthrax, Ebola, Small Pox, SARS
      Then you can show everyone how its all a hoax. DO IT PLEASE

  48. CSM - "His family must be able to advocate for him if he can't, no."
    Captain - "Chains point is well taken- where is the family?"

    With respect, many who "have" do not know, or can not imagine what it is like to "have not".

    Many have been ostracised from family for their political, lawful and medical views. Many more, especially here in Canada, of my generation, never found love, or made families and are now alone as their parents pass from this realm and siblings, if any, are distant and/or engineered to be unforgiving and intolerant.
    Many others with children have had their children engineered to be unforgiving and intolerant.

  49. Hey Liam I get what you are saying. Chris had always talked as if everything was good with his immediate family and that's why I mentioned a the advocate thing. Glad to hear he has escaped.

  50. @ Panzerfaust You are a funny guy LOL! Thanks for the laughs.

    1. Here's a real funny joke:
      My company is shutting down tommorow. I will be unemployed.

  51. I too am currently unemployed due to their latest trick

    Your Latest Trick

  52. Yeah this is an Hilarious thread you fucking imbeciles. My emails to Chris are bouncing back.

    Oh what a fucking riot that is.

  53. Sorry about that guys. I was stressed about Chris.

  54. What are Jews doing on "Euro" radio?


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