June 27, 2020

Your Saturday "Cartoons" 2020.06.27


  1. Snippits wrote:

    " I am working so VERY hard to remain calm here. It happened again. All ready to go and full of anecdotes, commentary, etc. And everything poofed. I hit Publish and it went off into the netherworld. So I am going to start again and pray for the best. There is a little devil on my shoulder urging me to throw a tantrum and get really ticked, but there is a little voice in there saying, "Don't feed it. Just attend to business and do what you must." Grrr.

    It is at times like this that I am so very grateful for the kind letters and notes I receive from you all. That makes it so worthwhile. And so, rather than blather on complaining here, I will just get back to it; the hour is late."

    This seems to have happened a few times. I suggest that you copy and paste the HTML of your post in to a text editor before you hit publish. That way, it will only take you about two minutes to try again instead of redoing the whole post from scratch.


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