July 09, 2020

Canada's Banana Republic Without The Bananas Gone Bananas

"On June 4th, it was the first anniversary of Trudeau admitting publicly that genocide happened in Canada." At that point, Canada should have faced prosecution and punishment for genocide. Trudeau was also under personal indictment for taking bribes from SNC Lavallin in Québec and he obstructed a police investigation into his own guilt in that scandal so this scamdemic came along and made these other things seemingly go away."

The Trudope said that anybody who questions what the government is doing will be prosecuted...

Whatever Junior! 
Chinese Troop Buildup
Large Numbers of Missing Homeless
"The police are confused." - Kevin Annett
Trudeau Hall of Shame - Fidel Castro Apologizes
"Canada is a totally top-down appalling dictatorship"
Hidden Genocide: Canadian Reality with Kevin Annett
3,000 well informed people protested against the government impositions
on Parliament Hill and at the US Embassy on July 1 in Ottawa

Canada is a totally top-down appalling dictatorship. Pretty Boy Justin is acting like all the other Rothschild/Soros puppets. The Canadian kangaroo courts are all shut down and the House of Morons has been empty for the last two months which is a definite improvement compared to having the place full of empty-headed babblers with their empty promises...


The fat piggy banks are far from being empty though, after their 7 Trillion Dollar Grand Theft of The Century, maybe of the Millenium...? The smirking hyenas like Gates, Fauci and Tedros Ademon from the World Hell Organization are yapping like a pack of wolves in sheep's wool. Call em' woolves... or woolfies.  
- Wooly Willy The Black Mammoth
The formal "head of state", the governor-general of Canada, hasn't been heard from...

They should hide their faces in shame; that's what anybody with a conscience would do but they aren't paid to have a conscience, they're not even paid to use their mind. While I'm at it, they're not paid to use discernment, logic, common sense, understanding. They're not paid to be fair, just, honest and true. They're paid to sell, sell, sell and bring in a bigger cut for themselves and the scareholders. 

It's too bad they don't all get SUPER-COVID-EXPRESS, and become mute for the rest of their bullshitting lives.

"There's no reason to obey any of these illegal and unacceptable "rulings" coming from The Trudope."

 Soros The Trudope Ventriloquist 

Ignorance, Stupidity, Laziness & Hypocrisy:
The example followed by the obedient populace...

"Kevin Annett is a human rights campaigner, author and whistle blower who has exposed and prosecuted child murder by church and state, in Canada and Europe. Kevin is the co-founder of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (www.itccs.org). He has been nominated three times (2013, 2014, 2015) for the Nobel Peace Prize."

"He has been nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize. "
Nominations are OK but if Kevin Annett ever gets awarded the Nobel Peace Prize by that ignoble committee, LOCK HIM UP with the rest of the Fony Blare's & O'Bumma's.

Hidden Genocide: Canadian Reality with Kevin Annett
 Sarah Westall

Chinese Troop Buildup
Large Numbers of Missing Homeless
The Trudope said that anybody who questions what the government is doing will be prosecuted...  
Hence Trudope wants a country full of blindly obedient dopes like him, and the other hypocritical traitors to their country, to truth, to justice and decency itself.

"Kevin Annett rejoins the show to discuss what is developing in Canada. This discussion is an eye opening look into how a western neighboring ally is actually operating when the veil is removed. It also shows how we must be even more alert to the dangers and reality that is planned for the United States if we do not change our course." - Sarah Westall.

Supreme Idiocy
A Banana Republic Without The Bananas Gone Bananas

North Korea Dreaming...

The Political "Conservatives" are nearly just as brainwashed
John Podesta Offering Pizza & Hot Dogs To The Trudope

Unfortunately, it did not end in 2019...
But the 'Conservatives wouldn't be any kind of solution so...

 O Canada R.I.P.
 The Justin Trudeau Wall of Shame

Photos of July 1 Protest on Parliament Hill Ottawa
Includes Trudope Bashing Photos!


  1. Prediction: Corona spike in Ottawa in coming weeks blamed on irresponsible right wing anti-gubmint extremists
    Corona virus - your one stop shopping center for all of your agenda needs!

  2. In the US we have 'the plan' They have slipped everyone a 'mickie finn', I mean released the Michael Flynn narrative to keep us all tranquilized - weapons of mass deception

  3. I wouldn't put too much faith in anything that Kevin has to say: https://educate-yourself.org/cn/kevinannettnailed22oct14.shtml

    As mentioned Canada is the Pedo capital of the world, the NYTimes ran an article on tracking down worldwide pedophile networks, they originate in Canada but the FBI had to coax the leader of the pedo group to Kentucky so they cold prosecute him, due to very lax pedo laws in Canada. The Nexium cult darling of the Bronfmans, is involved in so much child rape and selling children for sex! How about Peter Nygard? His compound was used for the same purposes as Epstein, some artwork on the floor matches Epstein's Lolita Island.

    Christopher Charles Ingvaldson, 42, a long-term close friend of Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, has been found guilty of child pornography charges after being caught directing an international pedophile ring. This clown also taught with Justine at Point Grey school in Vancouver, check out the supposed Chinese Druglord killings at the school - which were allegedly used to cover up parents who found out about Justin and Charles diddling students? https://thepedogate.com/politics/canadian-prime-minister-justin-trudeaus-possible-links-to-pedophilia-ring-revealed/

    Another one of Justine's friends: Peter Dalglish confesses to sexually abusing children, then recants, according to police dossier https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-peter-dalglish-confesses-to-sexually-abusing-children-then-recants/

    Remember Justine bailing out the WhiteHats in Syria, the whitehats as the rest of the world knows - harvest organs from children - so Syrian's finally had these devil demons cornered who stole their children, raped them and then took their organs - great rescue by a Demon.

  4. I've been trying to get the CBC defunded for over 30 years, a thankless task. CBC is hilarious:

    They tell lies, so their procedure is - I contact the Ombdusperson with these lies, she then contacts the radio shows producers, they contact me and tell me - it's not our problem that We're lying - take it up with the Ombudsperson, so back to her - who now tells me she can have no further contact with me. That sums up the CBC and their forced $1Billion every single year.

    This country is doomed!

  5. I don't even live in Canada, but Trudeau is right up there with Pelosi, Schumer, Merkel, and a few others whom I detest to the enth degree!

  6. They Are Coming For Your Children-Full Length


  7. https://images2.imgbox.com/4a/84/rTGe4Ug4_o.jpg


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