July 11, 2020

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2020.07.10 UPDATE

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Harry Cooper  - Join Harry For Another Great Adventure In Argentina This Fall

Download Hour 2 - Harry Cooper  - The Photos

Download Hour 3(Pending. Recording failed on the first try) - Dr. Henry Niman PhD  - Nightly Bullshit Report

64k CF
Rense's site


  1. blockbuster Kevin Barrett article; post @ Mami's?


    Are Elite Jews Responsible for #COVID19-#NWO?

    And Why Are Such Questions "Unspeakable" Even Though "Were Muslims Responsible for 9/11?" Is Acceptable?

    By Dr. Kevin Barrett & "EstherWatcher"
    July 10, 2020


  2. ^ "EstherWatcher" whose article is the key 'BOOM!' part of KB's article above, is in response to the July 4th KB/Monika Schaefer interview, where Esther argues that KB is overly reluctant to say wrt this current JooFlu19/NWO psyop, "IT'S DA JOOZ, STUPID!!"

    But kudos to KB for turning EstherWatcher's awesome response into a feature article, where it will get greater circulation. :~)

    7/4 KB/Monika show:

  3. I listened to Niman's usual hour via my internet radio (an older Grace Digital model), and noticed no problems. At the same time I was recording it on my computer via a link provided on his site (at "http://renseradioarchives.com/"). This was awful, with most of the sound missing. I thought, well, I'll get the rerun, but as what little I heard of the rerun of the 1st hour was bad (unlistenable), I hoped Mami would have it and it would be good. You do and it does. As for "Nightly Bullshit Report" you claim this is, maybe the writer of that thinks that is an apt description because Niman doesn't like Trump (Jeff has grown to dislike Trump, too, which to me is something of a minor miracle; reality has slapped Jeff upside his gray-haired, photoshopped head). Niman called Trump "too dumb to know he's dumb" and said Trump is "a moron." This is because of Trump's mindless approach to the pandemic and anything else that doesn't make him look like a stable genius. It seems Niman has been the only one to speak that truth on Rense's show since Gordon Duff stopped being a guest. I'm very glad you post these particular shows!

  4. Thank God Dr. Niman is on - I hang on his every word!
    Freakin' genius!!

    You can call Trump a lot of things, but stupid ain't one of them - lol
    Plenty of room for criticism there no doubt.

    Niman has been pushing this hoax since the beginning....now that's stupid
    Gordon Duff is a world class bullshit artist - lmao

  5. I'd like to know who is backing Niman. Jeff has never put a commercial since he started that bullshit hour which says plenty.

    Niman is just spouting the same shit as the MSM.

  6. I'll call Trump much worse that stupid. Fat lying cheating retarded sack of shit comes to my mind. At least Niman can make predictions that happen - none of you with your idiotic "the Marxists are here and the fat man is our saviour" fetish can.

  7. Duff is BS artist but so is Trump!! A bigger one. The biggest one.


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