July 02, 2020

Ladies And Gentlemen, Harvard Grad & Princeton Part-time Teacher Claira Janover


  1. Aaron and Melissa have a new post up at Truth Stream Media!


  2. Aw fuck me. I knew better. Now I am pissed off and I was going to go to bed. Thanks.

  3. Somebody slap this fucking bitch. Paaaaaalease.

  4. "my job that I really worked hard for" sucking up to whitey pretending I didn't hate him.

    And now you lost it because you exposed your hatred?

    So sorry. But not really.

    Grateful for this post. There is a God. There is justice.

    Maybe Lebron James will help her out.

  5. ^ I believe her dream job was Deloit (sp?), a big accounting firm AFAIK, meaning it should've been like a flippin synagogue. Still confounding she'd be fired from it; out of tune, all considered, re the recent "BLM" joo proxy warrior riots.

    see John Friend's latest, Media Hatemongers

    as to LeBron,

    "Powerful: LeBron James Pulls Over To Lecture Homeless Man On His White Privilege"


  6. I've thought many times that if there was just one major pro athlete or celeb of some kind who had the balls to step forward and call this whole scam out, it could trigger a large-scale backlash. Someone who was not afraid to lose a contract or endorsements and who was educated sufficiently; took their bully pulpit and basically said, "Folks, your being conned here!" Just one!

    So today, I'm sending an old training partner of mine some bodybuilding videos for his son to check out to get started and I come across an article about the Gold's Gym in Venice that had reopened a few weeks ago after the lock down. Well, Arnold Schwartzenegger, who came to the U.S. in 1968 from Austria, started training at the old Gold's Gym on the Pacific Coast Highway in Venice, and then transferred to the new Gold's down the road after the old one closed.

    I guess after they opened, he went in to train and noticed the Gold's did not have a policy for the members to wear a mask, so he decided he was not going to train there-after 52 years basically-unless they changed their policy on masks. Unbelievable! After this, I noticed a few videos of him riding his bike around with his girlfriend at the Santa Monica beach; wearing a fucking mask while his girlfriend did not.

    Just imagine if someone like him stepped forward and called all this shit out? How many 'dominoes' would fall? But no, Arnold is just as brainwashed as the rest of these idiots. There are probably a few out there who are in touch, they just aren't willing to take on the challenge!

  7. #NPCLivesMatter meet #SlaveMasks :~D


  8. May she live in interesting times.

  9. This woman has very evil energies that emanate from her, you can see it in the eyes, hear it in the voice and from her movements. Her eyes look demonic and reptilian as well. It looks like she has the Rh- Blood factor. She is evil beyond imagination.

  10. Now that her ass got fired, she should apply being a toilet cleaner. It would suit her.


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