July 09, 2020

Little Tiff With Gook Girl Who Could Care Less About Whites etc


  1. I like Brendon and always have. He doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks of him and he cuts straight to the point without getting all worked up emotionally.

  2. "without getting all worked up emotionally" ????

  3. If you have seen a lot of Brendon on video or some of the interviews he has done before in the past, he is always apathetic and he doesn't let some of the sensitive issues such as race or immigration get him all worked up. If you diagree with him, you disagree. In a lot of these interviews he does, he stays on an even keel while those whom he interviews get all worked up. I have never seen Brendon blow his lid once!

  4. Good video on Maxwell and PROMIS software!


  5. I've seen him blow a few fuses. One that comes to mind is when he deleted all his videos from YT because nobody was watching. I'm not saying that he is wrong about lots of the info that he brings to the table. I'm just saying that he's an emotional human being like we all are. Some more than others of course.

  6. His name's Brandon (not Brendon) Martinez, the old ZionCrimeFactory. & BM's likely not his real name either; for a time he rolled with "Zander C. Fuerza", sharing the ZCF initials with his former excellent website ZionCrimeFactory.

    Anyways, I didn't recognize the guy for awhile in this vid, coz looks like he's added quite a few pounds since the couple+ years since I last watched any vid with him. He was much more gaunt a few years back; figure he's around to 30yo now.

  7. My mistake. I have not watched the video and thought Brendon was the subject.

  8. Yeah, your right Zeebra,... Brandon! Deanna Spingola would have him on pretty regularly. He runs Reconquista Europa now which he does a good job with as well.


  9. ^ Brendon as in... O'Connell?

    he seems to me like another case of "idiot savant", smart as a tack but just doesn't play well with others! trail of burned bridges in his wake... Kyle/Sinead/renegade story, & un-coincidentally, they have each other's burned bridges in their mutual wakes!

    when BO'C put out vids ~1Y ago attacking Kevin Barrett & Cynthia McKinney as "agents yada yada", lost all interest in his shtick.

  10. Exactly Zeebra! Kyle, Sinead, & Brendon, all three have serious emotional issues. There's a saying I internalized once; I don't know who said it, but it goes, "It's nice to be important, but it's much more important to be nice." Those three, if they weren't such assholes, would have countless followers and advocates. You can tell a lot about someone in how they treat others and whether they have a sense of humor or not. These days I only go to Renegade to download Charlie's podcasts; he does a great job!

  11. ^ agree, Charlie's rants are a nice outlet; I rant vicariously thru him!

    confess to listening to an occasional Kyle solo show, depending on topic, as he has an even keeled personality from what I've heard, & organizes his info & presents nicely. No taste for Sinead tho; her 'personality' grinds... /rolleyes

  12. just searched up BO'C's YT ch, 4.28 K subs atm. He says in intro, YT shoah'ed the ch in Apr 2020 - if true, he'd've had to rebuild since then.


    searched his name @ bitchute; IF he has a channel there I didn't find w bitchute's near-useless search engine.

  13. Zeebra,

    Brendon has been moving around a lot this past year or so. And your spot on about Bitchute's shitty search engine. Bitchute needs to overhaul the whole damn site, especially with all of the traffic that has been migrating over there. I hear it takes hours to uplead a video!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.


  15. Zeebra: BOC (Bitchute) - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/XfZSllvprC9P/


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