July 17, 2020

Québec is the Beta Test

    Starting tomorrow, it will be mandatory for the whole province of Québec population to wear masks in every public indoor spaces. It does not matter that small towns and villages have had no cases of the bullshit flu and that Montréal is the center of this ongoing scam. We all have to wear the clown masks. Historically, Québec has been an annoying province for the rest of Canada to say the least. We've had two referendums that advocated secession from Canada.

    I suspect that they are testing the waters in Québec first because of the historic rebellious spirit that used to exist here. The rulers have not walked on the streets in a while because they would know that we are all sheep now. I'm quite certain that most everyone will comply with the orders given by our "emperor" PM Legault.

    This beta testing phase will reassure the said rulers in to rolling out the same dictates on to the other provinces. If it works in Québec then it will work for the rest of Canada is what I suspect that they are thinking. The scary part is that this is just the beginning...

    I read somewhere that "emperor" Legault or one of his paid doctors said: " Not wearing a mask in public is tantamount to driving under the influence."  Can you believe that shit? Extrapolate what you will from that statement but I think that it is not a stretch to imagine a day when taking a walk on the sidewalk without a mask will be sacrilegious.

    I bought a mask for the first time yesterday and got dizzy after five minutes of wearing the darn thing. Imagine the guys that are working physically all day long. Are they gonna drop like flies?

    We have passed 1984 and delved deep into an horrendous episode of the twilight zone.


  1. An article by Associated Press in the UK 'British researchers on Friday published their research on the only drug shown to improve survival -- a cheap steroid called dexamethasone. Two other studies found that the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine does not help people with only mild symptoms.'

    Full report https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/new-studies-clarify-what-drugs-help-hurt-for-covid-19/ar-BB16Siwt

    Mayo Clinic website list of precautions for this drug:

    If you will be taking this medicine for a long time, it is very important that your doctor check you at regular visits for any unwanted effects that may be caused by this medicine. Blood or urine tests may be needed to check for unwanted effects.

    Using this medicine while you are pregnant can harm your unborn baby. Use an effective form of birth control to keep from getting pregnant during treatment and for 1 month after your last dose. If you think you have become pregnant while using this medicine, tell your doctor right away.
    If you are using this medicine for a long time, tell your doctor about any extra stress or anxiety in your life, including other health concerns and emotional stress. Your dose of this medicine might need to be changed for a short time while you have extra stress.
    Using too much of this medicine or using it for a long time may increase your risk of having adrenal gland problems. Talk to your doctor right away if you have more than one of these symptoms while you are using this medicine: blurred vision, dizziness or fainting, a fast, irregular, or pounding heartbeat, increased thirst or urination, irritability, or unusual tiredness or weakness.
    Using this medicine may increase your risk of cancer, including Kaposi's sarcoma. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns about this risk.
    While you are being treated with dexamethasone, do not have any immunizations (vaccines) without your doctor's approval. Dexamethasone may lower your body's resistance and the vaccine may not work as well or you might get the infection the vaccine is meant to prevent. In addition, you should not be around other persons living in your household who receive live virus vaccines because there is a chance they could pass the virus on to you. Some examples of live vaccines include measles, mumps, influenza (nasal flu vaccine), poliovirus (oral form), rotavirus, and rubella. Do not get close to them and do not stay in the same room with them for very long. If you have questions about this, talk to your doctor.

    Check with your doctor right away if blurred vision, difficulty in reading, or any other change in vision occurs during or after treatment. Your doctor may want you to have your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist (eye doctor).
    This medicine might cause thinning of the bones (osteoporosis) or slow growth in children if used for a long time. Tell your doctor if you have any bone pain or if you have an increased risk for osteoporosis. If your child is using this medicine, tell the doctor if you think your child is not growing properly.
    This medicine may cause myopathy. Tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness.
    This medicine may cause changes in mood or behavior for some patients. Tell your doctor right away if you have depression, mood swings, a false or unusual sense of well-being, trouble sleeping, or personality changes while taking this medicine.
    Make sure any doctor or dentist who treats you knows that you are using this medicine. This medicine may affect the results of certain skin tests.
    Talk with your doctor before using this medicine if you plan to have children. Some men who use Hemady™ have become infertile (unable to have children).


  2. Zap, I went to my nurse practioner, and told her that I can't breathe properly with a mask on, I asked her to write a letter for me.. a "get out of covid mask insanity" .. I've never had to use the letter yet - I tell Costco that I can't medically wear a mask, and if they ask why I can sue them for $70,000 - I haven't been refuse entry YET.

    Why does Mami's insist on Gmail? I can't respond any longer - Gmail sends me regular messages that show my Covid Map of where I've been to -

    So I got rid of Gmail!

    No gmail means NO Mami comments, when are you guys going to stiff google and allow real comments?

  3. I'm gonna call my family doctor Monday. Are you in Canada Billy or the USA? Because it is different. The mofos only gave us five days before implementing this absurd order. Imagine all the people with health problems. They can not get a doctor's appointment in five days. My neighbor and I went out yesterday to many grocery stores and pharmacies in order to get at least two weeks of supply before this shit starts tomorrow.

    www.blogger.com is a google blog. You are on a google platform/site. We've tried the anons before and you wouldn't believe the amount of trolling we were getting.

    I'd get back from work and have to read through 250 comments sometimes. Some of them was the same person talking to himself trying to create discord.

  4. All I have to say to you Steve is: Lugol's iodine 7%

  5. "I read somewhere that "emperor" Legault or one of his paid doctors said: " Not wearing a mask in public is tantamount to driving under the influence." Can you believe that shit? "


  6. I'm in Canada Zap! I know the $70,000 thing is from the states, but when I bring that up in Canada - they don't know shit - so it scares them off.

    As mentioned, I have to re boot gmail just to post here, GMAIL lately has been tracking me and sending me covid maps of where I've been.. so to hell with Gmail, but that Also means I can't post here anymore.

  7. The literature on masks is legion, I can find over 30 peer reviewed medical tests that show Masks harm You! I can only find one study touting masks, but it is NOT peer reviewed .. but try and tell that to a Normie with a mask on who thinks you are trying to kill them, by NOT wearing a harmful bs mask?

  8. FFS. I knew that masks were not doing the job for viruses when I was under 20 years old. The official story is that viruses are too small for regular masks and even N95 masks are not a guarantee at all. The whole thing is absurd.

    Let me guess. You are on a "smart phone". Get a pc or laptop and change your ip every day. I don't give a shit anymore. A few years back there was an old 90s car with a brand new paint job parked in front of my building. It was a friend's birthday so we were going in and out of our apartments and back to the backyard. At some point, I started filming those two morons with sunglasses on and by the time I was filming their license plate, they turned the engine on and left. CSIS knows who I am and I bet the the dossier they have on me is fucking boring.

  9. I know a guy from RR who lives in Canada just over the border from Niagara Falls - He said they just passed a law requiring mask there as well. He's pretty PO'ed about it - nobody is sick there.

  10. Yes but it's one or two cities. Not the whole province.

  11. As of yesterday, face mask is required for all public indoor business and outdoor activity where social distancing can't be maintained. Thus far, I've entered a few places without any problem... so far... just about everyone is wearing one, adults and children.

    On checking out grocery shopping I say to the checkout guy: Do you know what everybody wearing face masks looks like? Tyranny. Next step mandatory vaccines.

    This is not good. It is disheartening to see so many complying without a thought about it.

    Riding my bike on a country trail... sans mask... I pass an old guy walking. As I approach STUPID OLD GUY frantically places a rag over his mouth.

    I sure hope this wears thin soon. But I believe I'm hoping against hope. The TV solidly maintains the trance.

  12. "The TV solidly maintains the trance". Well said and so true. I would add cinema to that too.

  13. There are a bunch of rural towns here in Utah that have claimed zero cases of CV. Some of these towns are a poulation of 1-2,000 people and yet everyone in Utah is told to wear a mask now. Like I said before; everyday we seem to be losing ground to this global incursion. There are pockets of resistance here and there, but nothing that is extensively organized to pose a threat.

  14. From, Maze Runner: The Death Cure 2018.


    If you watch the whole sequence, they all have red "IDs"

  15. heard a good line today; namely the masks are like our (((conquerors/oppressors/enemies))) 'forcing' us to wear their 'flag(s)' draped over our faces.

    pretty sure it was "Grand Torino" Rowan Croft with his weekly/Fri guest Fiona M. Flanagan:

  16. Thanks for all that info Chainsaw. I feel better now.

  17. I just heard that there are still people waiting in line before they are allowed into one of the local liquor store over here. WTF are the masks for then? Unbelievable.


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