August 18, 2020

Scorpio's Conspiracy Show 2020.08.15

Scorpio Show # 26 on

Topics Include:

1) Corona: The gift that keeps on giving
2) Living your life is now selfish - you will submit
3) Global reset: World Hoax v. 2.0
4) Decentralization is the savior

Scorpio and Giuseppe play clips from part I of  'Century of the Self'
and discuss what is said and unsaid.

Feel free to contact me:

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N.B. From the time I post the show, it can take up to an hour before the link and player start working. zap


  1. There are no 'good Jews', and 'former Jews' should never be trusted. Have they taken the Kol Nidre vows of 'atonement' (their license to lie, cheat and steal from goyim, and even their own) for the upcoming year?

    First Thing First : Eliminate Jew Influence

  2. Waiting for the show to finally come up. Birthday parties with 2 year old Grandsons take priority. Now I am all sunned and peopled out and ready to lay back with a tall cold drink and listen....

    I see from above that (((our dear friends))) are in the mix this week. My interest is piqued

  3. WWS - In the infamous words of A. Wyatt Mann: With Jews you lose
    That said, I hope that there are individual excepts to every group stereotype but conversely, I do not wish to hand the formation of our society over to 'them'.

    Noor- Sounds great - Birthday wishes to the grandsons

  4. Ordinary music lovers: Bob Seger's 'Turn the Page' and Simon and Garfunkel's 'Sound of Silence' can never be perfected!

    James Hetfield and David Draimon: Hold my beer!

  5. @Capt- yes, very impressed with Disturbed Sound of Silence

  6. Glad you enjoyed it! A vocal coach analyses the awesome piece!

  7. There is no good judaism. Judaism is anti-Christ, anti-good.

  8. "Star-Gates*" ... for a BETTER Future !!! ;-)

    🌝 πŸŒš πŸŒž

    * Located at the Edges of Sheer-Cliffs

  9. 1:51:30

    Giuseppe: 2 ... 3 Favours from Evil-Shit-Wilson:

    1) Federal-Reserve
    2) "WWI"
    3) ?????? ...

    WHAT was Number-THREE Giuseppe ?!? -- The "Treaty of Versailles" ?! :-o

    PLEASE Tell us Number THREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

  10. 1:53:30


    Number THREE was "Putting":

    (((Louis Dembitz Brandeis))) on the Supreme-Court !!!

  11. Yes!

    Obviously (((freud))) was a FRAUD !!!

    --> and "Wearing" the: MASK-of-the-BEAST: "Symbolises":

    Being a "compliant" (((rules))) obeying "Sheeple" ...

    BUT it would be Wonderful if: FAR MORE CREATIVE Folks than Myself Could / Would:

    MOCK: "Freudian-Analyse": Con-Vid ... to Totally Reverse-Brainwash / MOCK any sort of "Compliance" !!! ;-)

    My puny attempts (to get GREATER-Folks' Creative-Processes Working on This):

    a) "Wearing the MASK symbolises the subject's subconscious feelings-of-inadequacy of: HAVING a Tiny-Penis!"
    (Yes -- that ((("strangely"))) goes for WOMEN too! ;-) )

    b) "Washing ones hands frequently, and being AFRAID of: "tiny"-INVISIBLE-"germs":
    --> Indicates a psychotic mental-imbalance: of FEAR of Being Rejected-Sexually by: Pretty Women in favour of naggers!"

    c) "Obeying 'Simon-Says' "man-dates" from Petty-Authority-Figures ... "indicates" a sub-conscious Desire ...
    to: "Get-F**ked-Up-the-Arse"!"

    --> You Get-the-IDEA !!! ;-)

    It will be GREAT to SEE More-CREATIVE Folks' Brainstorming: Reverse-Brainwashing RIDICULE ...
    of "compliant" Folks ... under this THEME of: EMBARRASSING "Freudian-Analysis" !!! ;-)

  12. I Like THIS one the BEST !!! :-)

    "Obeying 'Simon-Says' "man-dates" from Petty-Authority-Figures ... "indicates" a sub-conscious Desire ...
    to: "Get-F**ked-Up-the-Arse"!"


  13. Scorpio - 'Jews' are a Crime Syndicate Cult. There are no 'good criminals'. 'Former Jews' should be accepted, but never trusted, per the above.

  14. Gotta disagree, this type of thinking was created from the Torah, not the Talmud, and Protocols. There are no amazing jews. If you doubt what I'm saying, go back and ask your 10,000 "cool people" if the hollow-hoax is real, or FAKE? Such a simple question to discern if you're dealing with cool people, or disgusting people that ALL lie to you. The results will prove my point beyond a reasonable doubt. There are "none" that give a flying shi* about you or me. What you witnessed at Madison Square Garden was Theater. It got you good.

  15. Albert:

    "Giuseppe: 2 ... 3 Favours from Evil-Shit-Wilson:

    1) Federal-Reserve
    2) "WWI"
    3) ?????? ...

    WHAT was Number-THREE Giuseppe ?!? -- The "Treaty of Versailles" ?! :-o

    PLEASE Tell us Number THREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)"

    May I indulge MYSELF Albert?????
    Thank you.

    #3 Was starting the ADL - That was to keep the masses from TALKING ABOUT what all the "cool jews" just did to them in stealing every single penny they owned, with enacting the Federal Reserve Act. What made it all easy was the good jewish lady that they bought in to Fuk President Wilson, and use the affair as blackmail.

    The 4th? - Starting the IRS - no kidding. All the good jews did all this to the Good Gentiles within 3 months, at the end of 1913. If it wasn't for ALL the good jews running America, I can't imagine how bad we'd be doing...

  16. Here is South Australia's Covid-19 Response Act 2020 which allows for the removal of children from anywhere with the 'use of any force necessary.'

  17. I agree 100%, there is no such thing as a "Good Jew".

    And anyone who says otherwise, does not fully understand the nature of the Jews, and is unqualified to speak on behalf of them.

    Many leaders from the past, even Cicero as well as Napoleon understood that there is no "individual" difference in Jews.

    Even Jews who are not Zionists and not in positions of power, are just as evil, devious and criminal liars, always opportunistically looking to swindle others and tell lies behind their back, destroying the reputations and lives of Gentiles.

    A Jew can never be trusted, and should never be accepted under any circumstance. Even if someone has 0.01% Jewish blood, they are still tainted.

  18. Geez gosh ya know when I heard speak of the good jews being misled by the few bad jews I thought I had tuned into a Kevin Barrett show by mistake and immediately bailed out after I heard it.

    Water with a little bit of poison in it I don't have tolerance for anymore.

  19. I'm sorry. I must correct myself. What Barrett spews is all poison. Can't handle him. And can't handle what I heard here from someone who doesn't have the empirical evidence to know better. Empirical evidence on jews I have in spades so I have no tolerance for hearing what I know to be nonsense.

    Being a jew is ultimately a choice, e.g., Benjamin Freedman opted out. Without any doubt in my my mind, based on long empirical evidence, anyone self identifying his or herself as a jew can not be trusted and should have no voice in matters of establishing truth, justice and honesty and determining what to do about self identifying jews... and judaism... for truth, justice and honesty to be possible in a society.

  20. ... For goodness to be established.

  21. Nail on the head Rick!

    In the jew world, they say a good jew is one that cheats, steals, and murders the Goyim. Maybe that's what the dude from DC was referring to? I don't think so. Here again, if you even think you're dealing with a "GOOD PERSON" that calls themself a jew, ask the simple LITMUS TEST QUESTION.... you say.... "Hey Jew, was the Hollow-Hoax real, or totally made up FAKE BS?" - The answer will tell you what kind of bad jew you're dealing with 100% of the time. Obviously, dude from DC never asked his thousands of good jew friends that 1 simple question. Wish he would.

  22. BB3,

    Have you ever heard a "good" jew tell you that most jews, except for the few "good" ones like him or herself, actually hate and despise and ridicule gentiles... especially of the Christian variety? Never?

    That tribal loyalty of pretty damned strong... and I'd say diabolical.

  23. Point taken- to be honest, I avoid interaction with anyone once I learn they're Jewish, which I usually figure out at first or second glance. The AWM quote above sums it up. But in all fairness. a lot of other things were said regarding that subject.

  24. Here is the economic destruction from this phony plandemic visible in downtown Manhattan. Look at all of the boarded up businesses!

  25. Captain Ahab,

    Add Chicago, Seattle and Portland... all becoming "degentifricated"... i.e., turned back into ghettos.

    Gentrification, a new term for me, learned from watching BLM protests. The hood can now move back into the restored, degentifricated hood.

    1. Eddie Murphy covered that in Mister Robinson's Neighborhood

  26. BBIII Yes! (((they))) admire: Chhhuuutssphaaaah!

    RickB -- (((HIVE-MIND))) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  27. RickB,

    Here in Salt Lake City, there are dozens of closed small businesses that aren't coming back. And I like how some of these members of Congress, while discussing the second Stimulus Bill, are telling people to go out and get jobs instead of collecting unemployment at home; there are very few jobs now that are even worth a damn anymore and you're competing with countless others that are looking for the same work as well. And now, if you have a job or get a new one, you have to put up with all of the insane new Covid rules which are being incorporated and can make your days work miserable as hell, especially if you are red pilled.

  28. Greetings commentators! If you are interested, the August 14th episode of The Perfect Triangle is now available:

    Lively responses to Scorpio's excellent 8/15 initiative. Have a great week!

  29. Forgot to mention: 8/14 show featured a compelling discussion with the great Dr James Fetzer.

  30. Scorpio, I would like to hear more Rebel Madman if that is possible. Thanks.

  31. ^^ Yes, more Rebel Madman coming soon - the guy is a wealth of information.

  32. Panzerfaust,

    Thanks. I'll never forget the lesson.

  33. Ahab - I'm getting similar reports from a buddy of mine who lives in Vegas. Very few jobs now and the jobs that are available are under strict new corona rules. The cameras that used to watch for people cheating in casinos now watch employees. Anyone caught not wearing a mask even for a minute is immediately fired. Management positions are being culled. People who were making 6 figures are finding themselves without a job and little prospects for finding a new one.

  34. Albert says

    Giuseppe: 2 ... 3 Favours from Evil-Shit-Wilson:

    1) Federal-Reserve
    2) "WWI"
    3) ?????? ...

    WHAT was Number-THREE Giuseppe ?!? -- The "Treaty of Versailles" ?! :-o

    PLEASE Tell us Number THREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)"

    Germany is always victim #1.

    Even while Germany had imposed harsher conditions than Versailles against France in 1871 and then against Russia in 1918. The Treaty of Versailles was mild once compared against the others, such as the Treaty of Sèvres, Neuilly, the Saint-Germain-en-Laye and the harshest in the Treaty of Trianon.

  35. I hear you Scorpio! Wait until evictions begin and unemployment checks run out. The walls are closing in! In this prison planet, I feel like Jon Voight's character Manny in the final scene of the great movie 'Runaway Train.' Death approaches like a rifle shot from the other end of time!

    1. Good thing I bought a Kawasaki ZX11. Might be Mad Max time. Soon!

  36. The Jew is in big Big BIG TROUBLE!

    The wave of truth is starting to swell. I call it the TRUTH TSUNAMI. Very Soon, it will be totally UNSTOPPABLE.

    It's too bad that many "Truth Seekers" are coming up with wrong answers, while telling they're co-hoasts and dead zombies how awake they each are. LOL - It's laughable at their limited and IGNORANT scope of being a supposed researcher for "TRUTH".

    MANY exx-spurts here are also in the final stages of TDS.
    I just listened to Penny Kelly - She HITS IT HOME, and this video she recently made is a soft delivery of truth and knowledge about Trump's plan and deeds in destroying the "deep state" - "global elites" - "satanists". It's a MUST SEE for any disbeliever of Trump. Everything is explained for the lowest of cognitive under achievers, claiming to be awake, while they're actually fast asleep. Disbelievers will fast see that they're actually helping the people they claim to be fighting against, not hurting them at all. Just helping (((THEM))) LOL..

  37. @Bartholomew Beauregard III

    Yes in some ways but the paradox is the Jew has never been so powerful yet so vulnerable at the same time in world history.

    They have burned all their bridges with every Nation of the world except for India, so the only way they could achieve world power would be through this current crisis, a global currency crash and world war to get everyone to bow done to Israel leadership.

    While more people are awake to the enemy, there needs to be far more, and the Jews are making efforts trying to mitigate this in ways I don't want to express here.

    In any case, beware of Channels or people who call themselves specifically "Truth Seekers" or "Truthers" or especially those who belong to the "Truth Movement".

    As Truth itself does not have a movement, nor should it have an expressed category, for it should stand on its own merit. Most people who belong to those communities are part of controlled cults which have New Age influences.

    They exist for cornering the market of people who are naturally interested in reality.

    I also avoid anyone or anything having to use modern buzzwords to water itself down to short-attention spans, like calling oneself "________-pilled".

    The secret of understanding the Jewish Race, is that the purest of Jews have the Rhesus Negative blood type. And the elimination of this blood type in the world is crucial towards ridding the Jewish race once and for all. The remainder mixed mongrels would have to also be dealt with after.

  38. Prussian Revivalist,

    I can't agree more. The Hoax and 911 are current lynch pins as well, that when truth be told, would flip the "Far More" that are necessary for the complete clean up of the garbage.

    Thank you.


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