August 08, 2020

The Invading 5G Armies Are Rolling - Richie & Wiki

Richie From Boston
The Invading 5G Armies Are Rolling

Wiki Joe Imbriano
The Bolshevik Virus And The Covidiocracy
Charles Bukowski Reads Born into This
The Chihuaha Vigilantes
Streamed live on Aug 6, 2020

5G Tower Destroyed In China
Telma Vivian Utebu

Act Now & Save!
Davy Crockett Goes To Tel Aviv

Charles Bukowski reads Born into This

* Suggested by Captain Ahab

"I drink to make other people interesting"- Charles Bukowski

The Chihuaha Vigilantes

Foxy Puppy
The Great Mouse Diver



  1. We know how evil they are. There is every reason to assume that given their track record, "If they could they would".

    There is no logical reason to dismiss what this guy is talking about. When 5G uses the frequency of oxygen? When people have started showing up with oxygen deprivation symptoms? When these bastards have openly stated they want to kill 90% of the world population? When they openly poison our food? When they openly kill us with drugs and fake cancer treatment? When they have rigged our monetary system with theft and corruption to collapse? When they own our politicians to do their dirty work? When they have set into motion a fake pandemic that openly blames a fake virus for suicides and natural deaths? When they own our media and brainwash us so much that half the population is now so stupid they walk around with masks on? And on and on and on....

  2. who is this woman talking about Covid 'cases/numbers'?

  3. @ruxpert- that's Dr. Ngozi Ezike, Illinois Director of Public Health, full press conference is here

  4. Thanks Amanda!
    This will be a good one to share.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


  6. The Definition of people dying of Covid:
    “Technically even if you died of a clear alternate cause, but you had
    Covid at the same time, it’s still listed as a Covid death.”
    “So, everyone listed as a Covid death doesn’t mean that was the cause of
    the death.”
    4/19/20 Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker COVID-19 Press Briefing

    Dr. Birx: Unlike Some Countries, “If Someone Dies ‘WITH’ COVID-19
    We Are Counting That As A COVID-19 Death”


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