September 21, 2020

Baby Boomers Gone Wild

    I had a profound experience earlier this morning. I was at the local market talking with a retired Navy guy from the states. He loves to take long walks and told me that he can't breath with his mask on so he had it pulled down below his nose. This other idiot walks up to us and tells me "you need to put a mask on!" and tells the other guy " pull your mask up over your nose.!"

"You are flushing civilization as we know it down the toilet but you're too stupid to see it, old man. No fool like an old fool!"

"These masks protect us all. My mask protects you, your mask protects me. We all need to do this until it is over" (This especially plugged me in because it is the exact phrasing that he heard on TV.)

"When is that going to be? When do you think this will be over?"

"Well, we don't know."

"Ahhh, so if it goes on another year or 5 years or 10  then you will comply, right?"

He looked at me with confusion and bewilderment. He had that glazed look over his eyes like the programming was kicking in to resist and disregard anything I would say.

"Look, pal....this isn't over until our overlords say its over. It's not over until they unveil the new system. A system where you will be a slave."

He started laughing at me and chortled "Great, then I will be the leader of this new system."

"No - you will be a slave. Remember what I told you today. I know you won't forget it. One day you will know I was right but it will be too late by then. Now beat your feet - get out of here and mind your own fucking business."

Then he tried to tell me all of the bogus facts and figures he had heard on TV...200,000 dead in America blah blah blah. 

I interrupted him:

"This is all a scam and a hoax to force this new system upon us all. Now get your ass home and hide under your bed in a fetal position so you can be safe!"

He wasn't laughing anymore and I know he thought I was crazy as a shit house rat but at least I rattled his cage a little. A few minutes later two older women walked up to me and said "We know you are right but we didn't want to get involved." I thanked them but urged them to speak their minds in the future.

I know this post will be down the memory hole in a day or two but just wanted to relate what happened and see if anyone out there has had a similar experience....

I was like the crazy lunatic on the street yelling at people - lol


  1. Great story.

    I wish it included you and the other guy beating the shit out of that brain dead moron.

    I understand that would have played right into the evil bastards' hands but, "He laid there whimpering and bleeding..." would have made a nice ending and made us here grin ear to ear.

  2. "He laid there whimpering and bleeding..." - ROFL
    Yes, that would have been a more satisfying ending. For a fleeting moment I considered blurting out some kind of gushing praise for Adolf Hitler but I decided against it - lol

  3. couple good/short #FilthyFaceDiapers vid clips inside, :~D

  4. U got me curious Scorpio - IIRC ur living as an expat in a S. American country?

    So were these exchanges in English or Spanish? Just curious what the "public shaming of anti-mask'ers" scene is like south of the border.

    To watch Jeff Berwick / Dollar Vigilante's vids from MX (mostly Acapulco I believe), the scene is way laid back in MX... he videos beaches, bars, etc.

    BUT he's plainly living an "upscale lifestyle" there, & one of his businesses is consulting & real estate services aimed at Westerners wanting to relocate/retire to MX... so safe to say, his selfie-stick videos are always in lovely surroundings!

  5. Zee- these exchanges were with gringo boomers - The locals where I am in SA would never be so rude or aggressive. It's strange, the least educated locals seem to be the most able to see through this scam; they assume that the government is lying to them and is trying to steal money and grab more power. Being polite is very important to the locals and I've never had anyone challenge me for not masking, although I have been denied entrance to certain stores for refusing to mask up.

  6. My faves are the maskers who see you down the aisle (as you shuffle along against the floor arrows). They stand in tall indignation. Study you. Then slide by as far away as possible past you. They glare, hoping to shame or scare you with their ire. I usually just give them a lovely smile and say, "How nice to smile at you today". I refuse to engage. But I also recognize that glaze of ... "you are an idiot. Who needs facts when I have Fauci?"

    Where I live people still majorly push courtesy and so on. I am pushing it with my avoidance of face nappies. Standing in line is a great time to educate. The maskers tend to listen with GREAT interest to conversations between the non maskers waiting in line to get into some place. Keep it light, keep it respectful, drop truth bombs in the conversation, knowing full well your audience is captive.

  7. Hey Scorpio, next time try this one: "Hey look bud, the only time I wear a mask
    is when I'm doing your wife, cause she digs that whole doctor/ nurse thing !"
    I'm tellin' you > this is gold! Lemme know how it goes :)

  8. Oh. A Toronto rag just posted an article ...

    Spot someone not wearing a mask? Here’s what you should (and shouldn’t) do

    95% of the Twitter responses were in favour of not doing anything at all.

  9. I was waiting in line ...

    And there was an Alien with TWO masks on ...

    and I Gave-him-a-Dirty-Look, and said:

    Come on !!! YOU have THREE Heads ...

    -- You KNOW: that you are not really "complying" !!!


  10. One elderly lady brought her Pumped-with-Xanax-Chimp to the Store ...

    and it was Going-Around: Ripping the Faces Off Everyone Not-Wearing-a-Mask !!!

    ... and That was pretty-well everyone!

    -- I Laughed soooo Hard! -- That's what you GET: for being an "Anti-Masker" !!! :-)

  11. I work for one of the intelligence services in the UK ...

    and we are putting-together an Entrapment set-up: on an extreme-faar-right-neon-nazi-white-soup-remast ...

    there are more than TEN of us ... all dressed to LOOK as much Like: Regular-Joes ... as OUR Intellects-Allow ...

    I will message him to Meet me in the Operation-Location ... and when he arrives ... we will all converge upon him ...

    and the Ready and WAITING 100-Man SWATT-Team will Break-In:

    --> And ARREST him: for: BREAKING the 6 person RULE !!! ;-)

    The "White-Soup-Remasts" ... really ARE the GREATEST THREAT to OUR "Democracy" ...

    And it is extremely-Important to PLAN these Set-Ups so Well ...

    So that NONE of us come to any harm ...

    And that the "CASE" that we "Build" is sooooo "Airtight" ...

    -- That these inhuman-Scum .... will NEVER SEE: the Light of Day Again !!!

  12. Noor - I tried to look at your article, but it's mostly behind a pay wall. U know where it's posted elsewhere, free? I tried looking it up @, & they only have a snapshot of the same preview page! Here's first 2 paragraphs,

    My current strategy in encouraging non-mask compliant strangers to put on a mask is as follows: give them a dirty look and then briskly walk past them in a big curve as if they have a magnetic force field that repels everything. Not surprisingly, it doesn’t work. Either they don’t notice, don’t care, or think I’m smizing.

    Fortunately, the majority of people I see when outside have been following public health guidelines, but what should I do (if anything at all) when I see that one person not wearing a mask or physically distancing? I want to look out for the safety of those around me. After all, we’re supposed to be in this COVID-19 pandemic together, right?

  13. It's so great when these woke d-bags use the Kosher Boomer meme

  14. WHAT ??
    "Western Civilization" outside Europe ? in British and Spanish (JEWISH !!) Empires ??
    NEVER was and NEVER will be !!

  15. And now those international creeps /parasites, have -finally- destroyed Western Civilization in Europe !!

  16. apropos parasites.....

    If I just watch how these international communist bolshevik parasites are attacking my "Rose Garden", instead of eliminating / destroying these creeps once and forever, I should NOT blame THEM !!

    PS : Nowadays "White Western man" has no balls !!

  17. this was a happy tweet; seems it says it all re WHY we MUST ENDURE explaining to the reluctant (& secretly mask-hating) employees, the nasty looks, occasional misguided "bare-face-shamer" who confronts us etc:

    Carl Burns
    I'm spending the day in college. Facemasks are now mandatory in class. I claimed exemption and there was no problem but I was the only one of 10 people not wearing one this morning. After break it became 3 of us. Right now nobody is wearing a mask. Most people just need a push


    also consider anti-Technocracy activist Patrick Wood's "Mask Exemption" cards/placards U can wear around ur neck if you like - both sides are pictured here:

    they cite ADA & HIPAA laws & the scary fines for biz's which deny you service stemming from your (confidential) 'disability'.

    bear in mind, (Americans) don't need any such card/placard to enjoy these legal rights... so these cards just serve as Appeal to Authority" pacifiers for that store employee/slave, bare-face-shamers etc; gives them the nudge, or 'hook' to hang their hat on in deciding to leave you alone & checker to check you out.

    hell, no need to order through Patrick either (I think they're free with a free membership at his org but then u gotta wait for snail mail) - just copy his text in your word processor or photoshop etc, then print your own - U can fit maybe 6-10 per 8.5 x 11" sheet, then cut them out... and HAND THEM OUT - U don't just have to SHOW yours to people who confront you; you want to give them a copy to KEEP, consider, & further disseminate to others. Have Patrick's or whatever other good anti-mask & anti-jooflu19 plandemic website(s) on there for people to dig deeper.

    Patrick & Sarah Westall discuss their RL experiences shopping bare-faced & wearing his 'exempt' placards in Pt 2 of their recent show together:

    Tyrannical Takeover by Technocrats, Thought Patterns Behind This Agenda w/ Patrick Wood (2 of 2)

  18. RE ^

    Non American readers: surely ur country has some law(s) in the same ballpark & U can whip-up a scary looking/sounding card/placard citing these laws by name, the scary fine$$$ for businesses discriminating & violating ur 'rights' -- & don't be afraid to BLUFF IT UP FULL OF BS LAWS/FINES. Our (((malevolent overlords))) picked this fight/war against us, not us; they're 'dishonest' to their core, yada yada. All Is Fair In Love And War. Remember, all you're seeking is a little quasi-official-looding 'document' which gives them that Appeal to Authority 'nudge' to leave you alone, THEN you parade around the store happily & proudly bare-faced & set the proper EXAMPLE which every Government-Slave-Muzzle-compliant normie needs to see!

    D O M I N O E S !!!

  19. Coronavirus denier is investigated by police after BANNING customers wearing face masks from entering his shop

    -Shop owner Michael Schneider, 57, is being investigated for banning face masks
    -He placed a sign on his Chichester tearoom window denying mask-wearers entry
    -Council authorities are allegedly threatened to have his shop closed down
    -Mr Schneider alleges that people are 'consenting to Government' control



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