September 05, 2020

Kyle Rittenhouse—Hero And Martyr



  1. Remember the movie Red Dawn? Think a few platoons of Kyles instead of the those amateur teens, waging skilled asymmetrical warfare on the Russky occupational forces.

    Giving it a month and those Russkies would be surrendering!

  2. If it weren't for 17 year olds with guns, America might still belong to England. Er, or so the story goes. The crown still has too much sway in North America.

    I like the kid. I wanna adopt him.

  3. Aye, that bullet sure did mess-up that dude's tattoo.

    I suppose Rittenhouse is in custody?
    The cus-toadies have him under arrest. Walking the streets with an AR 15 strikes me as a little odd and barmy, such is life...

  4. Mind you, I should mention that the dude who got his tattoo messed up did have a handgun in his hand and was probably going to use it.

    Looking like American's would be better off in a one party state. This two party BS is being used to divide and tear apart.

  5. Better divided in two than oppressed as one.

    No sale on the Maoist pitch, Komrade Archie.

  6. If governments could be trusted to do the right thing, one party, one government would be all we would need.

    Having two that never do the right thing is double trouble.

    Then I thought, perhaps government should be like a football team. A team where there are lots of folk in reserve who make up the B team whom we appoint when players in the A team are crap, corrupt or worse resulting in expulsion and discipline.

    Forge The Bond, you like?
    I do.

  7. I've never much cared for guillotines and bad personal hygeine.

  8. You don't care much for the NSDAP then?
    Is it because Hitler didn't like those who took it up the arse?

    Just wondering, you're not one of them are you?

  9. On your next rotation, sacrifice some of that quality time with LeRoy and look into the Intersectional Buggery Studies module on Scatological Semen Putrefaction among recitivist prison populations, with particular focus on dental cavities - which function as petrie dishes for enhanced pathogenic cultures when the donor(s) are afflicted with sickle cell anemia.

    Low-level shabbos goy gotsta know!

  10. You write a lot of nonsense. Did someone accuse you of what you wrote in your last comment, and did it make sense to you?
    So, your not a faggot then?
    Whatever it is that you stand for, try not do it with a dick up your arse.

    Come on mate stand up straight and tell me what you believe?
    Now come on, don't be a Jew.

  11. All that frenzied projection and confused flailing about, hell, you make Joe Biden seem almost relatively coherent. Although his sexual panic is related to young girls, so the comparison tends to fall apart there.

  12. Voting Trump is your solution. You can forge that bond with his mandated vaccine.

    May God knock you around and bring you to your senses?

    Got to have a little faith first.

  13. Voting Trump is your solution. You can forge that bond with his super-duper, wiz-bang vaccine.

    May God knock you around a little bit to bring you to your senses?

    Up to you first though to find a little faith first.

    Keep me posted?

  14. Voting Trump is your solution. You can forge that bond with his super-duper, wiz-bang vaccine.

    May God knock you around a little to bring you to your senses?

    Up to you first though to find a little faith.

    Keep me posted?

    Hope you've got it in you?


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