September 05, 2020

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2020.09.01

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Guest: Rolf Lindgren (If he were a Canadian, you would call him a Newfie). We can call Giuseppe from DC the second guest. Rolf does not take calls anymore since Paul in SoCal went after him. Rolf said I'm not a racist, my wife is a gorilla. That was a funny radio moment. He married the first ugly Negress that could stand watching his fat furry ass getting out of bed in the morning.

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  1. Oh ffs, talk about ego and self aggrandizement... I'm so sick of hearing Giuseppe talking about himself and all his leading questions. He was a good caller re corona and dr mikovits but i can't stand self-promoting narcissists. This is the kind of guy you meet at a bar, invite him over for abarbeque and next thing you know, all of a sudden, he's inserted himself into all your friends lives and at every single barbeque and you can't socialize with your old friends because he's always there.

    I never comment or call and wouldn't be making this comment except he's just promoted himself to be on par with Dr. Fetzer and intruded into my life and I'll never be able to listen to Fetzer again. Id rather listen to Paul and/ or Brew with Fetzer, they are at least authentic and passionate, a much better fit for our firebrand Fetz.

    Thanks for all the work you guys do here, if it weren't for your rss and download i would miss most of his shows. If someone wants to call in and give the prof some of this feedback I'd much appreciate it, oh and Danny is really great too, and for those of us that can't sit down in front of a PC to watch, doing what Giuseppe wants to do ie make money off of fetzer by moving him to video is good for Giuseppe but not the rest of us


    Youtube took down FFWN during live stream. It's up on twitch.

    Giuseppe broke onto the scene from God knows where and now he's everywhere. Not really warming to him but want to be kind just in case he is a truth-teller.

  3. I enjoy Listening to Jim Fetzer !!! :-)

    Giuseppe is 2 Years Older than I ...

    and I agree with Older-Folks sentiments a LOT !!! :-)

    Jim is 80 and still Sharper than MOST of us !!! :-)

    Taking ONE thing SAID, and blowing-it-Up ...

    (GENERALLY SPEAKING !!! -- Having-DONE: One Murder etc. IS indeed VERY significant!)

    ... is UN-FAIR ... even to OurSelves !!!

    I made-it-Quite-CLEAR: To my 30 Years Younger [((("University")))-Indoctrinated] Nephew ...

    --> That HE would NOT be "Teaching" ME ANYTHING ...

    ... Since I have MORE than 30 Years (actually 40+) of ACTUAL Hands-on "EXPERIENCE" of Life!

    -- I have PAINFULLY and very Costly "LEARNT" Many "Lessons" ...

    From the "School of HARD Knocks!" ...

    "ALLOWING" Young Boy-Like "Men" ...

    To even Imagine: That THEY are YOUR "Equals" ... is a SAD Prospect!

    --> They are Sooooo "Ignorant" that They inevitably end-up "Thinking" ...

    ... that THEY "Libtardly" KNOW "MORE" / "BETTER" than You ...

    and are somehow "Moral" ... for Clinging-to-(((LIES))) ...

    -- Because WE ... By Frankly STATING-the-TRUTH ... are "Hateful"!

    --> I am GLAD: That Scorpio and Giuseppe (who work very Well together!) will be GIVING:

    THEIR 60ish (Younger)-ENERGY to SEASONED Jim !!! :-)

    Jim was BY FARRRR the BEST Part of Daily-Update-Show ... with the 2 Young "Fools"! ;-)


    I still think James Fetzer looks like the love child of the Skipper and Gilligan*o7ewCq0-dVb_BDEPTS1RRw.jpeg


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