September 12, 2020

Too Little Too Late Media Asking "Was the Lockdown a Mistake?"

Here is a video from 4 months back, warning/predicting that the above narrative concerning our work and rehiring would evolve based on statements from the Federal Reserve.

PAYMENT for Testing= more cases!


  1. Masks have become a filthy joke, used to avoid confrontation! Do you think people are keeping these things clean? I'd say no. Its pathetic, people are weak and it may well be time for a culling LOL

  2. As per James McCumiskey - I asked a couple of mask-wearers - "Can you smell farts through that thing. If you can, how good do you think it is?" Both laughed, as did I, but I do not get out much and want to be entertained when I do. lol
    I ignore the signs and people 'asking' me to where a mask beyond, " I'm Exempt". Are they going to physically stop you, or physically remove you?

  3. I do the same Liam and in the past week or so I notice some young 20 something person now "greeting you" and are there to remind you that you need a mask to enter. I've had no escalation, yet going bare faced. I have not gone to the liquor store yet, I have been buying my beer from the hotel down the street. The LC came out with new rules a few days ago. May have to test that out soon, but i have a case of beer still to drink :)

  4. Saw this somewhere, believe it or not;

    This is not about a virus.
    2300 years ago, long before Islam, Arabs discovered that forcing people to cover their noses and mouths, broke their will and individuality, and depersonalized them. It made them submissive. That’s why they imposed on every woman the mandatory use of a fabric over her face.
    Then Islam turned it into the woman’s symbol of submission to Allah, the owner of the harem and the King.
    Modern psychology explains it; without a face we do not exist as independent human beings. The child looks in the mirror between the ages of two and three and is discovered as an independent being. The mask is the beginning of deleting individuality.

  5. Fascinating and I have to say we only know a small fragment/fragments of the true real history IMHO.

  6. @Chainsaw

    I heard from "UAP" that DISTILLED-Water has Some VERY-DIFFERENT-Properties from Regular-with-minerals-Water!
    (It Doesn't "Boil" ... I think(?) ... which can lead-to: eggsplosieve* "mis-calculations" ...
    (Probably Al-Gore-Rhythm for THAT word!)

    I have Heard before How: Water is Not: H2O but I haven't really "caught" what-They-were-saying: on That topic!
    (Hydrogen and Oxygen are BOTH gasses!)

    You really CAN'T ass-u-me ... almost ANYTHING !!! :-o

    Up UNTIL: 1937 ...

    (Yes! -- Thus Hence-WHY the general-public were totally-UNIMPRESSED: in the Wright-Brothers'-Footage) ... With the Hindenberg Disaster ...

    (It had Hydrogen ... BECAUSE America Would-Not SELL them the: HELIUM which Airships REQUIRED!

    --> EVERYONE understood: that Zeppelins / Zephyrs DOCKED at the-TOP of the "Empire"-State-Building, and Other: "Bell-Less" "Belfries" !!!

    THIS has NOW been "ERASED" from OUR "consciousness" !!!!!!!!!!! :-o

    🌝 🌚 🌞


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