October 31, 2020

High Noon - Chicago Brew

 High Noon - Chicago Brew 10-28-2020

With guests Jim Fetzer and John Wayne

Top shelf Host and guests from Revolution Radio

Check it out! 



  1. The professional political wrestling is a scam. Its the bankers that call the tune.

    In Canada the country was taken over just like the USA. The Bankers run it all. It's organized
    crime. The act of voting is an absolute waste of time.

    If anyone is interested here is how they did it in Canada without any push back at all.

    "The Bank of Canada should be reinstated to its original mandated purposes"

    Few people understand the Canadian government’s relationship with the Bank of Canada or its original purpose
    John Ryan / March 21, 2018


  2. THE COVID-19 GENOCIDE OF 2020 - CLAIRE EDWARDS. BA Hons, MA – worked for the United Nations as Editor and Trainer in Intercultural Writing from 1999 to 2017




  3. RevRadio is christtard dumpster fire. Virtually every show drones on and on and on about prophecy and all this other garbage like other dimension and fking aliens.

    Truthtellers my butthole!

    And brew? Mr "why you gotta put negativity on it?" - the fat jerk your riding is going to lose!

  4. Yes KU, you have made it clear so many times that you are firmly anchored in the material. Nothing Biblical has any merit right? How did you arrive at this conclusion? Below is a link to some of that Identity christian bullcrap you like :) It's funny how the satanic jews changed the menorah from 7 into 9 candles,no? Now they have reclaimed both symbols as theirs.Has it always been their symbol? Theft, perversion and genocide through the power usury is your clue to a lost history.Its happening again in real time. We just can't get our shit together.

    The Revelation of Yahshua (Jentaryesus) Christ - Audio Comm

  5. Nice one Chainsaw.

    KnowNothing, REMEMBER WELL: "Once a loser, . . .

    Just because many here are finally waking up to what's "really" been happening behind the SCENES, maybe learn from it, rather than put a microscope onto your severe T.D.S. disease. Have you WASHED your mask yet?

    Did you know that the Swastika was originally a SYMBOL OF TRUTH and GOODNESS? That's one reason that the great Adolf Hitler decided to use it as his logo/symbol for the German National Socialist movement. THEN, as (((history))) will have it, it's turned completely to the opposite of its TRUE MEANING, by none other than the SAME (((peeps))) that have so successfully F'D YOUR BRAIN UP. All so Ironic. PLEASE don't threaten to move to America when Trump wins.

    My bet says that Trump TAKES 49 STATES. Who needs California?

  6. KU . Normally i ignore The Hasbara Clown show. Its not worth all the great minds on this blog's time but i do have to ask. if it bothers you so much , why did you waste your time posting ?? Is it Double Sheckle OT weekend or did you just have to get away from endless times sitting in mommies basement with your pants down to your ankles ?? I mean, you write like you didnt get past 6th grade. And im sure you will have a juvenile response locked and loaded. Chain, god bless ya, you gave 5 more minutes than that deserved. Last time i heard Brew, Fetzer got his panties all ruffled on him. Very good to hear you guys got put your disagreements in the past to the side. Thats what this time is all about . Fuck petty shit. You always brought some game and it was good to hear. BTW. Former West Loop-er er . and yes due to this nonsense. I had no interest in paying what it cost in that hood, so i can sit in jail essentially, due to Admiral Ackbar . I still run into nitwits that think "it " was elected but not appointed. Though im sure you understand, i miss that never ending hot tail in River North /West loop. You know lol Keep up the good work

    1. Thanks, In The Mix ...

      Fetzer & I go back years--
      Yes, I recall when I ruffled his feathers, which once more displays that I don't go along to get along. I may had been right, or perhaps wrong, or simply 'onto something'at the time, though nonetheless, whatever that was, Fetzer didnt bear any grudge on me, as my input, support, contribution over the years, have earned me some leeway - to say the least.

      And yeah, RE: River North -- Women with $$ and the looks and curves to boot.

      Thanks again for the supportive words.
      The show is nothing special, as it I impromptu, but the seat of my pants -- the most unorganized, unprepared shown on the internet:p

      Yet, I make a good attempt, as quitting is not an option.

      Bless ya all -- ttyl.

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  9. wow - In the mix - ya had a lot on your mind (HaHa)

    We here generally use Skype, Email, and some of us have personal ph#s

    I took the # -- dont toss it tok fast -- cannot suggest it's on top of the (unorganized) list for the next several days -- a lot going on.

    and no, about the loop.
    never ever had an official "Chicago" address.
    I grew up in... think, HRC & O'hare Hooters.

    and some teenage years up north... think, groundhog day.

    I've been around

    Chicago Brew =
    Born, Bred & Brewed in Chicagoland.

    See how that is ;-)

  10. O'hare airport is stamped in my brain. How can you forget the airplane taxiing over cars? LOL

    BTW. It was called Sears tower when I visited. Who the fuck is Willis? LOL

    1. I grew up right near O'hare airport

      There is an O'hare Hooters restaurant that opened, New Years Day, 1999(?)

      Hooters was Denny's, for a very long time. Before that, it was Ho Jo's [Howard Johnson's].

      Anyone familiar with I-90 & Cumberland Toll Plaza, knows exactly the town/ location, I refer.

  11. "what-chu talking about" @Zapoper

    • reference to Gary Coleman/ Different Strokes


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