October 29, 2020

The Most Dangerous Disease in the World - JP Sears

The Mind is a Terrible Thing

"If you find yourself accidentally thinking for yourself, or think you may have come in contact with a person infected with intelligence, please self-quarantine in front of the news for 14 days, socially distance yourself from critical thought, sanitize your mind with the news and SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE FROM YOUR LOCAL COMPUTER PROGRAMMER."

1.38M subscribers
A Few Cherry-picked Comments
This is just blatant fearmongering! It's been shown that this disease of "Intelligence" is barely contagious at all! There's hardly any chance people will contract it, even if in direct contact with afflicted individuals. As a matter of fact, it's pretty likely that a lot of people have a natural immunity to it. It just so happens that I myself have been around people with this terrible illness on several occasions, and I'm proud to say I have been left completely unaffected!
Actually only about .0007% will get affected by it the other 99% will never know it existed.
Indeed! And studies have shown that the vast majority of people who "have" it were merely hypochondriacs but you'll never hear about it from mainstream sources!
That blatant fearmongering has led people to believe they are actually infected even when they don't show any symptoms of "intelligence" at all. Even worse, you cannot convince them that they are healthy no matter how hard you try. They'll still self-quarantine in front of their TV trying to sanitize their mind with the news, even though that's entirely unnecessary.
Additionally, studies have proven that prolonged and exclusive exposure to those without the disease may actually cure those who suffer with intelligence.
I asked the I/T guy if I had signs of intelligence and they just told me to turn it off and back on.
Intellegence is such a dangerous & highly communicable disease that Youtube & other social media platforms are aggressively censoring people to try & stop its spread.
James Fisher
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help. " - Ronald Reagan
That's why I don't call it the mask I call it the muzzle Our government is trying to muzzle us ๐Ÿ˜ท, well I don't know about you but I'm not a dog, I'm a human being
Owen Benjamin is out there telling everyone that he’s the funniest comedian out there and you are just genuinely killing it. THANKS for the the real laughs. Cheers
Cameron Mcintosh
I love all your vids JP but this one has to be one of your best ๐Ÿ‘Œ I can just see the elites absolutely hating this ๐Ÿ˜‚ “Sanitise you’re mind with the news” ๐Ÿ˜‚
Almost killed me: "it's also advisable to put your entire trust in the hands of people who, in the past, have been found guilty in anti-trust lawsuits"
Richard B
Many new cases tested of "intelligence" are being reported in hot spots where no television is being provided. The Amish communities especially are being targeted.
Rude Awakening
Despite what it looks like, I believe people are waking up - I believe in retrospect, all this darkness will be remembered as the catalyst for our evolution. Even if it does suck for a while first.
Sharon Abbott
JP, you really outdid yourself! You rock, dude!
Sounds like we need to get the government involved to fix this.
The Sheeple around me have been vaccinated against intelligence๐Ÿ˜ท they’re still ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿผ‍♂️๐Ÿ˜ท!
Luckily, the media seems to have a natural herd immunity to this dreadful disease.
It's sad how true this is, like this is literally what's going on right now
I caught myself questioning the message of this video. Thankfully I don't have much "intelligence" to work with and I am fine now.
This just in: the WHO and the CDC are urging people to wear a face diaper.
Oh and to the “thumb downers” Could you please voice your concerns. We would love to hear your thoughts.
I believe this channel is categorized as a “super spreader”


For more comments:
Shoebill Stork

Egghead Dork

They said there's no chance of catching that intelligence
disease as long as we keep our masks on. - Right.

1 comment:

  1. "This is just blatant fearmongering! It's been shown that this disease of "Intelligence" is barely contagious at all! There's hardly any chance people will contract it, even if in direct contact with afflicted individuals. As a matter of fact, it's pretty likely that a lot of people have a natural immunity to it. It just so happens that I myself have been around people with this terrible illness on several occasions, and I'm proud to say I have been left completely unaffected!"

    -- I was AFRAID of Catching the Most Dangerous Disease ... so I Just Re-Posted the FIRST-Comment in Solidarity ... that Probably Very Very FEW Folks will Actually Contract-the-"Disease" ... and TOTALLY "Ruin" the Plane-t for the REST of us Sheeple! :-o
    ONLY FAST ACTION from: Youtube etc ... Can "CREATE" the 99.99% Non-infected NUMBER ... For US to ACHIEVE: the ELUSIVE, but ever sooo UTOPIAN: "Herd Immunity" ... to THIS DEADLIEST of "Diseases" ....... soooooo "DEADLY" that: 8 BILLION IQ-Tests are IMMEDIATELY-REQUIRED !!! -- And ANYONE Above: Subsaharan Average of: 75 be IMMEDIATELY: "Youth-anised" !!! (Self/Military "Quarantine" has PROVEN "Miserably": "Ineffective"!)


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