November 16, 2020

Operation Scorpio 2020.11.14

Scorpio Show # 38 on
Guests: Brizer, Chris Weinert and Steve from the UK

Topics include:

1) Don't Trust Your Lying Eyes
 2) Softening Our Minds
3) 33D Chess or Groper Joe Gonna Fix It 
4) Lift or Die v. 2.0: Warrior Spirit of Our Ancestors

Revolution.Radio Studio A

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N.B. From the time I post the show, it can take up to an hour before the link starts working. zap


  1. The Imperialistic "Democracies" and their wars against Germany...

    " Statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting blame upon the nation that is attacked and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them and refuse to examine any refutations of them.

    And thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception."

    Mark Twain, 'Chronicle of Young Satan'

  2. I just Listened to THIS Show, and THEN the 2-Hour YT Brutal-Honesty Show!

    I LIKE Paul! -- He Brings a LOT of ENERGY to the Conversations! :-)

    --> Yes! You are VERY VERY Right Giuseppe in saying that the CONVERSATION Format is VERY easy to LISTEN to and Enjoyable !!!

    Yes! -- There is a SYNERGY that Happens when Good-Folks Talk-Together !!!

    It is very Encouraging that You are Snow-ball-like: Gathering some Superheroes together in a Justice League! :-)

    SINCE No-One ELSE will Address-THIS-Point: I will Re-Post it HERE:

    I can't Find ANY: RECENT Photos of Joe HAVING a RIGHT-Ear-Lobe!

    --> I THINK that Biden just had Surgery on THAT Right-Ear (creating NO: Right-Ear-Lobe) within the Last Year!

    Can ANYONE "Prove ME Wrong?"

    Thanks :-)

  3. apropos Jews..

    'Concerning The Jews'
    by Mark Twain

    "Can fanaticism alone account for the persecution of the Jews? It is now my conviction that it is responsible for hardly any of it.

    In the US cotton states after the war, the Jew came down in force, set up shop on the plantation, supplied all the negroes' wants on credit, and at the end of the season was the proprietor of the negro's share of the present crop and part of the next one.
    Before long the whites detested the Jew.

    The Jew is being legislated out of Russia. The reason is not concealed. The movement was instituted because the Christian peasant stood no chance against his commercial abilities.
    The Jew was always ready to lend on a crop. When settlement day came, he owned the crop, and the next year he owned the farm."

    PS: Like Joseph in the Bible.....

  4. 'Concerning The Jews'...
    by Mark Twain

    "In this connection I call to mind Genesis, chapter 47. We have all read the story of the years of plenty and the years of famine in Egypt, and how Joseph with that opportunity,
    made a corner in broken hearts, and the crusts of the poor, and human liberty- a corner whereby he took away the nation's money to the last penny; took a nation's livestock all away, to the last hoof; took a nation's land all away, to the last acre.
    Then he took the nation itself, buying it for bread, man by man, woman by woman, child by child, till all were slaves; a corner which took everything, leaving nothing, a corner so stupendous that by comparison with it, the most gigantic corners in subsequent history are but baby things; for it deals in hundreds of millions of bushels, and its profits were reckoned by the hundreds of millions of dollars. It was disaster so crushing that its effects have not wholly disappeared from Egypt even today, more than 3,000 years after the event."

  5. @ John Miller.

    I can see you have serious issue with the Jews as do I. But the difference is that you seem to be forever pointing fingers at them whilst I am doing my level best to getting a long way to fuck away from them. And once they are gone from my life and a long long way away all is good.

    Can I suggest that approach rather than preaching to us about "Judea Declares War on Germany" and "Germany Must Perish". That's old news around here man. We have talked about these topics on many radio shows for the last 10 years but obviously you were watching "Dancing with the Stars" at the time.

    Can I ask you this?

    What the hell are you going to do about this current bullshit? Give me three solutions. Just three because I have not heard one from you yet.And sorry....pointing fingers doesn't count. You're good at that but it don't solve nothing.

    Cheers and shalom! lol

  6. @ Brizer

    I was Born in the SAME Place as YOU, and have been a Milk-Vegetarian 40 Years (and You too are a non-Meat-Eater!)

    It was Nice Listening to You with Scorpio and Giuseppe !!! :-)

    PS. John SEEMED to make numerous harsh-references-to-Myself, before !!! ...

    --> BUT, I am Quite Impressed with His Last few Weeks Comments! ;-)

    Cheers !!! :-)

  7. JM... doncha realize that just declaring that you reserve all rights to your speech takes care of everything man.

  8. Good stuff! And yes, workout! Time to be a fucking warrior.

  9. Certainly..@Brizer...
    it's a sad situation.
    A small country like Ireland is divided and people cannot find a solution to solve that problem.
    I feel soo sorry for the Irish....

  10. apropos 'small nation'....

    "The Jews are a horror to all people by whom they were all times Jews have disfigured the truth by absurd fables.

    The small Jewish nation dares to show an irreconcilable hatred toward other people's possessions. They are creeping when hard luck comes over them and impudent when prosperity sets in;
    Get back to Judah as quickly as you can; there you can exercise your detestable jargon and music at your pleasure."

    Additional Voltaire quotes from miscellaneous sources :

    "Whether these circumcised of Israel declare themselves to be the tribe of Naphtali or of Issachar is plainly of little importance; they are nevertheless the biggest scoundrels who have ever soiled the face of the globe."
    Francois M. Voltaire, letter to Chevalier de Lisle, December 15,1773


  11. apropos Jews....

    "Jews did not create the popular song; they debased it."

    Henry Ford, Jewish Influences in American Life
    (Volume III of The International Jew, page 75

    Have a great Sunday...

  12. I think Bob in dc sounds a lot like terrible tommy.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Yo Froz,

    Cool your jets. I'm the first to say that the late and great Adolf Hitler was a savior to the German people, similar to how Trump is saving America, HOWEVER, I also know how the wonderful people of Poland were also deceived by the same enemy - The Jheauyewz!!! Just like the rest of the world. Stop feeling sorry for yourself dude. Get up off the floor and start hitting the bullseye. Shit man, in America we got people believing in dead people voting. The truth is still a far way out to sea. - Here's proof! How to get a dead person to vote:

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I like the Poles because they are said to be the most antisemitic people in all of Europe and rightfully so. That being said, Hitler did more than any other leader to try to free Europe from the same scourge that we see happening today all over the world. Hitler should be highly praised for that.

  17. You over simplify Feelstupidyet We are and have been enslaved even deeper since the series of financial acts of the Talmudists before during and after WW2. Everyone needs something to believe in though, huh?

  18. THREE hours. And yet till this day i have yet to hear one podcast dedicated to how are you going to call out the military to do what they are suppose to do! NOT ONE ! Guys think about what you say. 'uuhh. well i guess its a military operation " NO! Why do you just accept this ? I had to hear 20 god damn years of "thank your troops". For what ? guys. STEP IT UP. You mean to tell me not one of you or all your cronies do not know someone that put their life on the line for this country ? Talk about how you reach them . Explain the oath they took . Explain who Smedley Butler was. Explain how (((they))) will eventually get their families to . Explain how (((They)) would luv to have War with Russia because it puts white Christian against White Christian. !! Guys. Think outside your box on this already. NO it is not the civilians against the MIC and the bankers. You do NOT have to obey illegal orders. You do not have to Fly a B-52 to Ukraine or Force vaxx your neighbor. Get off your dead asses and Arrest the Soros , the Lightfoots, The Gruesome Neusomes of the world NOW or you wont have no country to come back to. Period end of paragraph !!!

  19. Well said: inthemix16 !!!

    (((their))) "clever" "predictive-programming" around "WWII" is (((their))) "black-magic" Lynchpin !!!

    All of the: The Germans are 'Bayonetting-babies...', and SEEK to Take-Over-the-Entire-World ...

    All of the 6-Gorillion/Holohoax ...

    Is NOW: ULTIMATELY to: Round-Up: WHITE-Americans, and Europeans ...

    And: "Just FOLLOWING ((("Orders")))" ... "vaccinate": All WHITES !!! :-o

    All of the "Pay-triotism" (((propaganda))) for 100+ Years ...

    "Just" to Ultimately Lead-TO: The "Greatest-Pay-triots": "Suiciding": The Entire WHITE-Race !!!

    To Usher-in: A jewish-"UTOPIA" -- READ: "Living"-HELL-on-Earth !!! :-(

    🌝 🌚 🌞

    (((Synagogue))) of SATAN !!!

  20. ITM16 - I will do a show slicing and dicing the kosher military agenda in the near future - I agree with all of your points. Gonna say a few things in my opening rant on Sat so stay tuned....


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