November 01, 2020

Stealing your future

Published by John Kaminski: Saturday, 31 October 2020 19:05


Maybe it’s time to
kill the germ theory
before it kills us

Without the germ theory there would be no lockdown, no masks and no bizarre conspiracy aimed at eliminating the final fading vestiges of our own freedom. There would be no vaccine industry suddenly demanding control of your finances from inside your own arm.

Beware the inevitably ineffective remedies of false diagnoses.

They talk about your health but really they are trying to steal your future. They will never give it back.

Consider investigating the theft of your future, which is now under way.

All those positive tests (from tests that don’t work and have no meaning relative to the identification of any disease) allow the government to do anything it wants. And in case you haven’t noticed, it really looks like it wants to get rid of you, one way or another.

If it could get away with fluoride, nuclear power, 9/11, Sandy Hook and a worldwide shutdown over a disease they designed where you have to take a test that doesn’t work which will determine your ability to access your own money, then they can get away with anything. They know that, which is why they ignored sensible medical practice and locked down the world with an old trick.

Namely, putting fear between you and the actual facts.

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  1. You guys need to be posting some of the stuff at Holy shit what a treasure trove. if you don't dig through their page. Nothing says it's the Joos like them forcing the university system to fire professors and school principles for saying that Israel did it and the Holocaust is hollow.


  2. After 18th century breakout, and taking of the 19th, Jews won the 20th century and continue into the present; however: "This, too, shall pass."

  3. Ive always said , the likes of Kaminski are the people one needs to listen to. Hes an older man. He doesnt give a rats ass who he offends, what he says , or the consequences. He, along with Fetch to my knowledge are the only ones that dont dance around and say what needs to be said.
    =Stealing our future? Id use past tense on that one John.Ill never get back another summer in the most beautiful hood man ever knew. I could never ever listen to the seagulls on Oak Street beach on a sat morn. Its gone. And im not a happy camper about that
    =Without the germ theory there would be no lockdown. Lets zero in a little more John. Without Teeevee, there would be no lockdown
    =Consider investigating the theft of your future,. Nah j. Thats long since past. thats like giving me the argument what took building 7 down. That horse left the barn long time ago. Consider a little more than investigating. Chi Brew. You know. Why is it that the corner of State and Lake not crowed with hundreds of angry pitchfork and torch launching pissed off mos ? What did those folks that we are suppose to ehh."thank for our freedom?" do when the first attacks on Baghdad happened? And where are they now? Oh thats right, pickin their asses, pickin off innocent Syrian Children but digress, The Weasels came in and cut the com lines out . The propaganda mechanism was target number one and sadly i must say , Baghdad Bob looks pretty good about now compared to the Hoes we have on Teeeeveee now. Bend over bitchez and squeal like you all do everyday . Pathetic if you ask me.
    =And in case you haven’t noticed, it really looks like it wants to get rid of you, one way or another. uuuh its not Looks. One just reads Protocols or Kalergi plan and youd revise that to they do, not it looks
    =They know that, which is why they ignored sensible medical practice and locked down the world with an old trick. Well , when you have a population so deaf dumb and fucking blind can you blame them ? I cant deny ive actually had more admiration for the juizzz. They show incredible cohesion ,determination , stick together -ness. While Christian kids are out fucking around with their Ishit, Juizz kids are hittin the books. So lets put it this way, Is it the lions fault when he has the gazelle for lunch in the Serengeti? No. Its just a lion doin what lions do. Its the dufus Gazelle that allows Darwin to always come into play
    =If you have a functioning, intelligent mind, you ought to be very afraid right now, because the people controlling your life are proven killers who lie about everything. Try to deny that. Then try to figure out what you are going to do, with nowhere to run and no time left to do it.. Concure. John. Nailed it . i have little hope ill be here this time next year but of those close to me, know, i left in style. go grab the biggest wad of cash you can and "donate" ;) ;) its out there if you know where to go, and you cant take it with
    you anyway.
    =Maybe it’s time we kill the germ theory before it kills us.. i got better ideas john but Im a mostly peacful person. Not going there here.
    =Without the germ theory there would be no lockdown, no masks and no bizarre conspiracy aimed at eliminating the final fading vestiges of our own freedom. There would be no vaccine industry suddenly demanding control of your finances from inside your own arm....Lets replace germ theory with , as Blackbird always says, ech echo , and then your really talkin business.
    ="We do not catch diseases,.. Yea John but we sure got a doozie !
    =tom cowan.Yes worth the time.
    =And the real punchline that will bring the dangerous 5G experiment to a screeching halt...Hmmm not so sure about that but i can think of better ideas. brew.If you read, ever see that Beast above Ogilive Station on Washington ?? Its just begging isnt it ? lol
    =5G is a technology; fear is the problem. No John. 5glee is a military weapon. Nothing else.
    Well yall get the point..I just couldnt help but having fun finding my inner alter ego "Albert". One must have some fun these days

  4. verry interesting "inthemix"...or whatever...,
    yeah yeah....having fun...

    Btw :
    WHY did the clique of international jew bankers and and their cohorts, the jew Bolshevik Communist Red Rats - using the US as their 'battle ship'- start WW II already in 1933 by declaring war on Germany ??

    Daily Express
    Friday, March 24, 1933 (!!)
    Jews Of All The World Unite In Action

    Ok ok ,bla bla bla talking heads like you NEVER heard of that...

    say 'Hey' to your rabbi..


  5. "[Jews] show incredible cohesion, determination, stick together-ness."

    Among themselves they squabble, and will even kill each other. This penchant of theirs should be encouraged into acceleration. Black ops.


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