November 17, 2020

The Brizer Show 2020.11.16

Brizer's guests: Giuseppe And Scorpio.

Cornwall Stream

N.B. This is Graham's recording but it starts abruptly with Giuseppe and it still is missing the Brizer intro and the parts where Graham spoke.


  1. Serious Tel Aviv recording problems tonight. I hope it does'nt spoil your listening too much. :-) I thought it was a very good show, with great guests.

  2. yes yes... he says..

    "...we can make the show and MAKE MONEY..."

    Because we are professional show men !!

  3. :-)

    Yes! -- You Talking to Giuseppe and Scorpio is Nice to Listen to! :-)

  4. I realize the show isnt here probably for a reason but the 11/16 Ted and Austin Show at was a must listen , very intense show last night. I found one of the best i ever heard from those 2. Talk about in a zone, Ted was. Upped their game for sure. Just a suggestion for all
    Listening to this Brizer show i hear G talkin about Nano particles ... Few mention potential fixes. One way that can help flush is a combination of Chlroella, Spirulina , Cilantro extract combo. If you want to dig more i suggest finding an interview with Dr . Dietrich Klinghardt and Dr. Mercola . Hes one of the leading docs regarding Metal Detox.


    "There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It's outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public... It's nothing more than a bad flu season."


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