November 12, 2020

The Show Must Go On - Really Graceful, Max Igan, TDV, Fred B, Yukon Jack & Momma Bear

The Show Must Go On...
Really Graceful
* Suggested by Zeebra *
And The Real Winner is...
The Dollar Vigilante
The Land of Fantasy & Fraud
Fred B
US Election Bait and Switch?
Max Igan
Voting: A Waste of time & A Dangerous Delusion
Yukon Jack

The Face of The Bullshit Industrial Complex

  * Suggested by Zeebra *
Max Igan

Quit muzzling your kids over something that has a 99.999% survival rate!!! It is child abuse on all levels…physically, psychologically, and emotionally!!! WAKE UP!!!


The Dollar Vigilante

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Michael O'Bernicia shows how to Arrest Criminal Politicians



“On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

- H.L. Mencken, The Baltimore Sun, July 26, 1920.


In the land where if it is not on TV it is not real, why is anyone surprised that everything is fantasy and fraud. “Give me control of a nation’s money and the media, and I care not who makes the laws.”, the arch bankster of Britain in the early 1800’s might have said in this day.

It is absurd to think that with all of the evidence of mass deceptions and fraud by our governments, and the power elites who actually rule us, that any electoral process for any position of any real power, would be honest and true. When you see the money spent and the money promised and then the absolute control of the fake media, if you think your voting system is not absolutely corrupt then you are a brainwashed TV junkie. Clearly, the most powerful nation in the world is the most corrupt nation in the world, if there is any truth to Lord Acton’s adage. Whomever, has the most control of the money supply has the most control of the media, the government, and the people, and if that control should fail then they must also have control of the electoral process in a top-down manner just like they control everything else. It is simply absurd to think that in a thoroughly corrupt nation like the US run by the money barons who run the media, there is any real chance for a valid democratic process. 

 In other words, it is absurd to think that in this age where the manipulating, deceiving, fear mongering establishment, corporatocracy, or whatever you want to call “IT”, controls everything, that IT would really want THE PEOPLE to determine anything of any real importance.

Any electronic voting is likely to be compromised and corrupted, and that is exactly why all of the social and political engineering by the power brokers in the US have made everything go electronic. Everywhere, they have used the pretext of having people go to voting stations to vote on a multiplicity of issues, in order the roll the voting on major issues, like electing their President, ostensibly the most powerful position on the planet, onto the same ballot, crafted to determine a multiplicity of issues, including very often who is to be the local dog catcher. This complexity of the ballot or voting process even with a multiplicity of levers, then allegedly has “required” electronic counting, which was one huge step for “elite kind”, to maintain “control” of their power. In any election for such an important position, it is absurd to think that these powers are going let the people decide the course of their nation or even what is best for them.

What we are witnessing now with participation and promotion of the Covid scam, is mass deception and fear mongering to control the people for ends they have no real clue about. The “we know best” people who control things, whom are chose from above and not from us below, simply know best, and we simply have to trust them, no matter how much they deceive and harm us. 


You are bound to have massive fraud and massive deception, without proper verification of real people for voters lists, which are cross checked and published and open for challenges from the citizens before elections. To avoid the fraud in the voting process, the voting has to be totally scrutinized by trusted supporters of all opposing candidates, with voters voting in booths for their leader, with one vote on that one issue, on that one single ballot, and not with a clutter of issues. Actual scrutineers after tracking an identified voter to the voting booth, must stick around and oversee all of the hand counting of the ballots from the box, never losing site of the box, or the ballots. The reporting from the polling stations requires the same scrutiny, with scrutineers on both ends of any results reported, and with ample cross checking. Why would we go to such extremes, and not just push the button of our choice? Because, not only are the power-broker elites corrupt but then have corrupted the entire process to control the outcome, and unless the people take back their system, and even properly regulate the money spent on elections, and ensure balanced media coverage, democracy is a very sad fantasy and a complete joke. A poor third world nation has a better chance of an honest election that in any powerful, rich Western nation where you have a power structure not daring to have and their naïve subjects decide anything of any real importance.


There is much truth in the saying that if voting mattered they wouldn’t let us do it. But they do allow us to vote so the corollary is they control both sides so the system wins no matter who gets elected.

The big reason why voting must be done with integrity is not being discussed at all. There is a great illusion we all play into, the idea of a greater authority than self. We are taught in catechism that some god created man, and has dominion over man, and god is active in politics and chooses our leaders. Many people believe that and obey the state because of passages like in the NT

Romans 13; New International Version

Submission to Governing Authorities

1- Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2- Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3- For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4- For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5- Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

6- This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”

I am sure all the religions teach obedience, as the purpose of religion is to establish political power of the priest. If you doubt this then why does the holy book say the penalty of criticizing the courts is death? That might be found in the Old Testament, but in a modern court if you scream the judge has no authority you will be slapped with a contempt charge.

You are not allowed to challenge the authority, and in modern police state Amerika the cop may execute right on the spot if you tell him or act like he doesn’t have any. That is why cops are the deadly enemy of freedom BTW, as they are agents of the crown who impose by force immoral laws on society. The cop works for Wrathchild as the cop is paid in Rothschild script called Federal Reserve Notes or Pounds.

Voting is a self delusion of the slaves who live on the Ratchildren’s plantation. If our government was not slavishly whored to Jacob Rothschild and Israel, then our government would immediately order military strikes on both. The only path to a free world is to bomb Israel out of existence and end the nation based on the Jew hell book. This can only happen if the brave freedom loving souls overcome their religious indoctrination and fear of the Lord and decide to act in their favor and stop being slaves to God, Jews, and the Bible.

I, for one, volunteer to drop nukes on Jerusalem and Tel Aviv because I know that Jews and their Bible is pure evil and ending the reign of evil on earth is the only path to a peaceful free world.

Here is a good read why voting is a complete waste of time and dangerous delusion.

“On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

- H.L. Mencken, The Baltimore Sun, July 26, 1920.

 “The largest number of Americans in history just did the same thing over again for the 59th time, all expecting a different outcome. The state chosen clowns were sent in to take their place on a preset ballot, and half the people took one side and the other half took the opposite side. Insanity is forever evident, but every four years, that insanity is placed on a pedestal for all to see, and that spectacle is once again proven to be a supreme example of the stupidity of man. It is very difficult to imagine that such a repetitive act so absurd as a presidential election of a controlled tyrant could stir the thoughtless emotion that it does, knowing that in four years these same drones will once again lose their collective minds and play the same game over again.

If Trump wins, we are all doomed! If Biden wins we are all doomed! This is the entirety of the thinking that is taking center stage today. The bottom line is that both sides of this asinine argument are exactly correct, which leaves anyone with even a modicum of intelligence scratching his head to the point of causing blood loss.

It seems obvious that none from the most ignorant to the most ‘educated’ among us are exempt from a temporary, or not so temporary, loss of intellect when it comes time for them to choose their already chosen master. Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives, libertarians and independents all think it mandatory this time around to once again participate in this circus in order to fix the ills of a population that today have to be told to not drink the contents of their car’s battery because it may be harmful to their health. What in the world has happened to individual sanity and responsibility? What has happened to cause division to be so rampant as to be the controlling impetus of all human thought? And why does the near entirety of this population not see that they have been indoctrinated and guided, tricked into voluntarily destroying their own lives, so that the ruling class has an easy time using the people’s cognitive dissonance to bring about their own slavery? Every election is the epitome of this scheme.

While all this voting absurdity is consuming the minds of brain-dead citizens, the top headlines behind the selection process are those that state that the U.S. Covid-19 peak is here, with the most daily cases, and that the killer vaccine rollout will feature app tracking of vulnerable groups. These are very serious matters, but until the current consuming craziness is finished, other important corruption will be ignored, allowing for the advancement of more tyranny behind the cloak of election politics. It seems the general public can only concentrate on one thing at a time, because the capability to think is seemingly lost, while individual intellect has been damaged beyond repair.

 - Yukon Jack

Did Trump Get Defrauded Out of the (S)Election?
Dollar Vigilante – Nov 8, 2020

The Snake Train

Graham Hart

 Do Not Eat



 I chase fowl a lot better than that big dog!

Lucy chases the birds but I haven't seen her catch one yet...

 Any Questions?

 That's All Folks!

1 comment:

  1. tanks as always for posting Voltman.

    I twatted out that Jeopardy F_CK YO_ AND YO_R MASK meme lolz


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