November 05, 2020

Unlimited Electyle Dysfunction & Limited Hangouts


 The Freak Show Goes On
It is scripted as yet another provocation directed at the public
 How the Democrats are Stealing the Election
Yukon Jack
Whitney Webb is Limited Hangout?
Brendon O'Connell

 ELECTION THEFT 2020: The Steal Begins in Earnest!

The Democrats have had 4 long years

Fake Polls,
Rigged Debates,
Ballot Harvesting

Big Tech Censorship,
Mail-in Ballot Fraud,
Fixed Voting Precinct Outcomes,
Discarded Trump Votes,
Banned Republican Advertising,
Blocked Tweets and Twitter Accounts,
Hacked Voting Machines,
Dead Voters,
Illegal Voters,
Voter Suppression,
Ballot Box Intimidation,
Talk of 25th Amendment,
Democrat Lawfare in Blue States,
Hillary Clinton’s ‘Don’t Concede’ Demand
Joe Biden’s Claim He Cannot Lose Except by Theft
Nonstop Bashing of Tump and Praising of Biden

False Accusations about GOP Election Theft
Planned Riots in D.C. and Urban Uprisings by Left
Constant Gaslighting of the Electorate by MSM…


It has become apparent the methology being used to steal the 2020 election. First the Covid Hoax was amped up to convince the voters they would have to use mail in ballots. A record 100 million mail in ballots were cast before election day of November 3rd. Thus the new surge in mail in ballots is a perfect way to swing the vote to Biden.

So because of the huge problem of counting mail in ballots, which in some states can’t happen until election day, there is a stall in the normal 24 hours needed to determine who won. Some states are saying the need a week to count them all, so that means the vote can be tampered with as mail in ballots are decidedly for Biden, and Biden will beat Trump in the battleground states just by a hair so says Jim Stone:

Thousands of mail in ballots were found in dumpsters. The Post Office is missing hundreds of thousands of ballots, bags of ballots are found in parking lots. So now as we wait, on Nov. 4th, we are being told by the MSM that the battleground states are going to Biden. They are literally doing predictive programming psyop on the mass mind as the change the tally to favor Biden.

ELECTION THEFT 2020: The Steal Begins in Earnest!

As of this writing, it appears that Democratic Party machines in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania are trying to steal the election.

 For the rest of the article:
How the Democrats are Stealing the Election



Catherine Austin Fitts, long time Wall Street banker and activist lays it out to Jones - Israel is the great danger, not China. She goes into The Pentagon Cloud and Israel having full access - cry baby Whitney take note, this is how it's done. 
Word of warning...Catherine gets into "multi polarity" and sounds like Russian GRU asset Alexander Dugan at an Alastair Crowley admiration meeting. There needs to be only One - the USA, a GIANT military that answers only to the principals laid out in the US Constitution. That can only happen when Americans wake up. 
The "great game" dictates a US pull back to develop North and South America. Trump is the hero. Expect a booming economy while Israel, Russia and China develop Eurasia under Banker supervision laying out the UN Smart City 5G Communitarian surveillance state. 
If Trump does not take out the CCP and dominate Eurasia, but only "contains" China, then the Cold War 2.0 will have been formed to develop robots and drones to turn on us come Agenda 2030. Cut off the tech to Israel post election. No one gets a thing. Not even high end European consortium's who still need US tech to build the machines to make the machines. 
Cut it all off. Every bit of A.I dazzle, high end machinery must be situated in the United States where it can be kept transparent in the public eye by a highly informed citizenry. High tech is like highly enriched uranium and cannot be in the hands of half witted bureaucrats suffering penis envy and breast feeding trauma issues.

Jeanne Clance 

Jeanne Clance  1 week ago (edited)

Trump isn't even in control here in the states, FEMA is. He handed over the power to them when this PLANdemic started
Thank you for just knowing that. Driving me bat shit crazy that everyone seems to either forget or never have figured it out. Cheers!
Sister CEE CEE
Yes I was on the internet since the 90's when Cooper was still alive and before. Cooper called Jones a bullshit scam artist over event Y2k. I remember. He called out all of them even Jordan Maxwell and Art Bell. I remember who he called out. Assange has 2 children while he has been in lock down. Rogan is owned by Soros, totally. Jones is no better. I hear you Brendon. They are working for Russia, while they call down America, so many of them do this. I live in Winnipeg. Canada. Ernst Zundel was okay and Eustace Mullins was alright and a few others. Most of the people on now except for a few kiss each other's bums. I wish I was rich or had money, I would help you out Brendon. I really would. The gravy goes to the shill, like Rogan and Jones and a few others.
I really hope you're real, Brendon. Although, as you already know, there's so many plants, controlled opposition, and disinfo agents (typically all paid well), can you fault me for being paranoid of even you? Haha. I've seen some doubters of you and some hit pieces. Could be disinfo to try to discredit you for sure, but I now no longer take anyone's word or history as gospel. These people have infinite money and can have infinite agents working for them as controlled opposition. The method I use is to try to triangulate the truth. So I listen to and watch a lot of different people. Try to match what they say up to first principles thinking and human nature and the nature of the Machiavellian psychopaths at the top. If something doesn't hit in terms of reality, I do a blackjack-style card-counting in terms of how many of those little unrealities/myths/manipulations/bizarro-logic statements they make and readjust my view of them based on whether they make sense first principles wise, game theory-wise, human nature-wise, and with what other people are or are not saying that are somewhat credible as well. So I watch you, yes Adam Green, Jeff Berwick, Zerohedge, and a bunch of different alt-media personalities. I don't take anything you all say as being absolute truth. I'm always slightly suspicious haha. In a realistic, measured way of course.  
I mean I know I'm real. I personally think these high-level bankers created all the organized religions and created the concept of the 3-race construct thousands of years ago, which to me and any honest scientist is a crock of sh!t. Humans are animals and have different breeds like dogs called ethnicities. We don't call different breeds of dogs different species or races. So why do they insist on these 3 big fake racial groups be used for identifying people? My theory is it is much easier to control giant fake racial groups because they are so big and unwieldy and unnatural that these elites can hide within them and then blame the large fake racial group they're inside instead of the very specific perpetrators of the crimes and scams that they do. Why would anyone identify themselves by the fake racial group these lunatics created for them? Something that Adam Green (if he's legit and I hope he is or he's a really good actor) needs to wake up to. Not only is religion fake but race is fake too. I don't mean that in the commie Marxist way either. There's differences between human groups, but to make that a premise for genocide or to think you are superior or "chosen" even or a total "victim" are some of the most childish fμcking traits of identity politics that I can't stand at all. I actually have a theory that that trait is an autistic trait. There's a high rate of mental illness and autism among various Jewish groups most likely from inbreeding too much. So even nature wants a balance. You fμck your cousins too much, you turn into a parasitical autistic mentally ill unhinged hegemonic racist supremacist lunatic. That's my theory and it seems to be true observationally.
  It's like agreeing with a criminal that you're a criminal too because you've both got the same phenotypes (skin color) and say first glance, you both look slightly similar. But on further inspection, you actually look completely different. Identity politics at it's evilest. Total manipulation of reality. Humans are meant to show solidarity at a tribal level, historically around 150 people max, the same number of people you can on average memorize the names of. The highest group level you can show any solidarity with in terms of genes are at an ethnic or breed level. People are proud to be Italian, Egyptian, Nigerian, Indian, Japanese, etc. And that's fine if they don't rub it in peoples' faces too much and aren't nepotistically ethnocentric all the time. But what I find completely ridiculous is anyone being proud of their fake race, being "white" or "black" (Freemasonic chessboard colors btw).
  And the biggest problem with "racism" or "racialism", identity politics, identitarianism are the exclusionary aspects solely based on phenotype or genetic makeup. This obsession with "race", diversity, "racial solidarity", "racism", "religion" are all long-running ancient psyops meant to mind control people into obedience and slavery to lazy pieces of manipulative shit that don't wanna do any real work and aren't even smart enough to innovate in any way other than creating more con games and manipulation and mind control. Occult/Black magic bullshit essentially, which is what these lunatics like Chabad and the WEF and Rothschilds and Rockefellers, etc. all practice. They're all giant manipulators.  
This is why I'm starting a new political party called The Striver Party based on a new intellectual framework called Striverism, which is neither left or right but based on what's real. I don't care how long it takes. I'm not voting for the "lesser of 2 evils" anymore and I won't be marginalized anymore for speaking the truth and trying to discuss reality while the vast majority of people walk around in a hypnotized mind-controlled daze running after debt-slavery Rothschild/Rockefeller private monopoly money that they conjure out of thin air and is owed to them at interest that doesn't even exist. 
  Otherwise, good job buddy. I share your stuff. Haven't made more than $1,000 a year for the last 8 years, so I can't really contribute otherwise right now. Gotta pull myself out of poverty first haha. But maybe we'll be in contact in the future. I've got big stuff planned for The Striver Party, including a much more egalitarian monetary system that creates all taxes on the backend of every transaction and automatically deposits the money into every relevant government's account automatically and forcing those government bodies to spend that money on real productive jobs in the real economy to create money rather then allowing private central bankers to create it and only give it to their friends.
 No Junk Food For Me

The Fisher Cat

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