January 20, 2020

The Quest for new "Species of Thinking"...

Another example of mainstream kabbalistic programming using so called modern science.

100 Parliamentarians gather in Auschwitz

100 Parliamentarians from across Europe - including Ministers - are gathered in Auschwitz today and tomorrow are being urged to concretely tighten and toughen antisemitism laws in their countries through direct legislation drafted by the Brussels based European Jewish Association (EJA) and the European Action and Protection League (APL).

The two-day delegation - organised by the EJA and the APL, and other partners from across Europe - takes in a symposium In Krakow and gala dinner on day one, followed by a visit and memorial service to Auschwitz-Birkenau on day two. It has been designed to mark the upcoming 75th Anniversary of the liberation of the death camp.

The meetings and gala dinner address the need for increased Holocaust education in Europe as a top priority, and also include a recommitment from all those present to the shared fight against hatred towards Jews by enhancing and strengthening national legislation regarding stereotyping and the sale for profit of nazi memorabilia.


The David Duke Show 2020.01.20

Dr. David Ernest Duke (born 1 July 1950) is a European American best known as an advocate for the rights of Europeans in the United States and around the world as well as criticisms of Jewish supremacism. Duke has been a prolific author, politician and media personality whose works have reached very large audiences. Consequently he has often been attacked and misrepresented in various ways.

Today: Dr Duke and Patrick Slattery (Virginia gun rally etc)

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The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 1171 - 2020.01.20

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (born ca. 1973) is the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work, "The Synagogue of Satan", which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. His second book is entitled "In The Name of Yahweh". "The Synagogue Of Satan," was an education in who controls the world and how they do it, "In The Name Of Yahweh," shows us why they are in control, and how their control can be broken.

Dr. Adrian Krieg And Mark Dankof – Generations With Adrian, Mark, And Andy #31 – Happy Don’t Judge A Person By The Color Of Their Skin Day!

Info Page

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.com
The Synagogue Of Satan.com


I Own You

I thought about this song when i watched Zaps video below. Its a good rage song :)