January 09, 2021

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2021.01.09

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - Live Coup D'état; Callers
Hour 2 - Live Coup D'état; Callers
Hour 3 - Live Coup D'état; Callers

64k CF Download

641-741-2464 Studio A Listen Number
Revolution Radio @
Revolution.Radio Studio A


  1. Hello zapoper, thanks for the latest downloads.

    BTW, I think you should have NEVER responded to the question of this clown: "which of those 3 Skynyrd-babe backup singers would you shag first?.."

    Since then this guy-I guess a faggott who obviously was squeezed out of somebody's asshole- is now all over "Mami's shit"...
    oy veyy

  2. It seems parts of "Mami's Shit" show has been transformed by people that are still in puberty, into an IDIOT show.
    Also, it seems that quite a few of the 'commenters' here are obviously 'millenials' with not much of a life experience.

  3. Damn - you were fast on this one...

  4. God bless you Dennis ,great show as always.

  5. Hello,
    talking about the US military..
    When the journalist Lesli Stahl asked the former Secretary of State Madeline Albright: "Was it worth it that 500 000, half a million children were killed during the war in Iraq ?"
    The slimy Jewess answered: "... Yes, it was worth it..."

    Now, during the last 80 years US Military killed millions of totally innocent civilians, women and children in countries thousands of miles away from home.

    SO, WHY NOT "TAKE CARE" of the enemy within, may be 200 00o slimy creatures in FINANCE, politics, MEDIA, academia, that HATE OUR WESTERN CIVILIZATION, are destroying our way of life, the future of OUR CHILDREN? AND their down to the bones corrupt lackeys, traitorous bastards among our own?

    Have a nice evening....

    1. The current US military is a mercenary outfit. Period.

  6. NOT just the "current"!!
    The US military has been a mercenary outfit since First World War, serving International Jew interest. Period.

    1. That was true in the upper echelons, front line troops were more naive and idealistic then. 9/11 is the dividing line. For instance in 1983 the USMC infantry in Beruit was on the verge of engaging the IDF due to the sniping and mortar attacks by Israeli Mossad-assisted militias. One captain put his .45 to the head of an IDF major and forced him to turn his tanks around. Then the barracks blew up.

  7. Wait a minute...

    Wasn't Fetcho the same loon that went into the comment section acting like a complete pissed off psycho bitch on the rag because some of the clown here started shit smearing contest with him at his site?

    Or am I wrong? And now we are all big butt buddies doing reach-arounds?

    I don't want to start anything but the people around here sure seem to have short fuses and even shorter memories. LOL

  8. I REPEAT !!
    During the last 80 years-and it still goes on- millions of totally innocent NON-JEW civilians, women and children in countries thousands of miles away from USA.(!!) lost their lives in Jew instigated wars!!
    Now, have a nice day...

  9. Hey 'Harry'
    "Wait a minute..."
    Check out Mami's shit video.
    Go BitChute Doug Stanhope. Doug will tell you :"Fuck YOU JEW"!
    Have a nice day.

  10. apropos "Relax Francis",

    Yes yes...when millions of innocent people out there in the world lost their lives and still do...
    "9/11 is the dividing line "

    When the Towers 'over there' in the USA came down and the "5 dancing Israelis" had fun to see how people were jumping out of windows, millions of Americans watching this spectacle live on TV, had nervous break downs and shit in their pants.

    1. You don't fucking get it. The event was used to turn the military into psychopaths intent upon revenge.

  11. I wish you guys a Happy Jew Year


  12. This jabbering clown doesn't want to fucking tell us WHO, I repeat, WHO " used this event to turn the military into psychopaths".

    I absolutely agree with Doug Stanhope.
    Mami's video, see Bitchute : "Fuck the Jews."

    These slimy creeps ALWAYS want to have the last word.
    My last word: Fuck you Jew.

  13. I had been trying to fly a bit under the radar but Inside the Eye - Live! was taken down on Castbox. I am going to try to re-upload there while adding the podcast to other accounts (just more work which I have been trying to avoid). Inside the Eye - Live! Prime Time! remains up.

    Seems the target was Saturday's show (the bigger one). I guess someone is listening...


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