February 01, 2021

Operation Scorpio 2021.01.30

Scorpio Show # 48 on Revolution.radio

David Scorpio is joined by truth warrior Vicky Davis. Giuseppe Vafanculo and Brutal Honesty Chris Weinert stop by to get the party started. Free hopium shooters for the first 6 million campers.

Topics include:

1) May You Live In Dangerous Times
2) It Ain't Necessarily So
3) In With The 'In Crowd'
4) Hot Dog Logic

Revolution.Radio Studio A

Feel free to contact me: drscorpicusmaximus@gmail.com


  1. WHY are YOU "wearing" FIVE Masks?!

    5-mask-"wearer": I'm Afraid that I HAVE: S.P.A.R.S. ...

    But THAT is NOT for 4 YEARS !!!

    5-mask-"wearer": Yes! -- But You can NEVER be Tooo "Careful" !!!

  2. Alex-Jones etc ...

    Are: Con-Men-Tators on Political Events !!! ;-)

  3. I know this sounds crazy but why do i keep thinking Joosepi, Chris Lowe's twin brother, and Brother Nathaniel would be some premium must listen. Like back in the day when you had to pony up for a Tyson Fight. I know id kick it out for something like that.!! Ive actually chilled with him on one of those Medians on Michigan Ave.. Hes a really straight dude. Hes got a bit of an edge to him but seems like directed in the right place for the right reasons. One thing you can never take from him, his research is like no other. You know im just funnin you guys but Scorp, give some serious consideration to what i wrote on the Braxman post. All i keep thinking in relation is to what they did to the woman who interviewed Cynthia McKinney on Press TV that day. I believe she is American , and they detained her when she came back. Not to say guaranteeing. a degooged phone will help you, but do what you can to not give them a thing. Maybe you dont have a Android, device but if you do, and you come back, ... i dont need to go any farther . If you have one, back up and wipe that fucker before you do. That Lauren chick, i forget her last name, has a vid of all what happens when you come back with your phone. Dont know how much it will help but do what you could and dont make it easy for them

  4. jewess: Get Down THERE, Goy-SLAVE!

    Spouse: I can't BREATHE!

    jewess: You F$#KING 'Racist'!


    Hang in there chris!

  5. I couldn't 'RESIST' it ...

    Since "chris" says such OBVIOUSLY-BS (((gatekeeper)))-stuff about Hitler!
    ("Freemasons", "Freemasons", "Freemasons" ...)

    Folks LISTEN to Dr. Peter-Hammond about Rudolf-Hess', and Hitler's "Bending-Over-Backwards" For PEACE !!!


    --> IF NOT foe (((church-ill))) ... WHITES World-Wide would Be VERY HAPPY and Prosperous Right-NOW !!! :-(

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  6. It's time for Hitler to rest in peace wherever he is.

  7. US President J.F. Kennedy:
    " Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived...He had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him.
    He had in him the stuff of which legends are made."

    These filthy, slimy, lying, war mongering racists - WE jews ARE GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE - these parasitic Bolshevik Communist international bastards, these Red Rats, had this great, peace loving American President assassinated.

    Its time, HIGH TIME, to take "revanche".
    This greasy clique and their jew-dick sucking, those down to the bones corrupt 'goyim lackeys'/ traitors, 'LET THEM HAVE IT'.

    Remember: WE, The People of this World, are 7.5 BILLION !!
    How many are these stinking creeps and their lackeys ??
    Have a great Sunday.

  8. @Unknown 🌝 🌚 🌞

    Yes! the EVIL SATANIC (((BIG-LIES))) MUST END !!!

    -- So that the WORLD can FINALLY: RID itself of this DEADLY-(((PLAGUE)))

    (((they))) "wear"-the-Hermetically-SEALED-Plastic-Bag ... for OUR-Protection! ;-)

    "Star-Gates"-(Situated-at-Sheer-Cliff-Edges) ... For a BETTER Future !!!

    🌝 🌚 🌞

    (((bill-gates and cohen))) Have "philanthropically 'given' US soooo much!
    (POISONING Our-Water... , "jewish-Lightening" and "Enriching" Our Countries ...

    --> TIME to "give-Back": (((they))) have $Trillions, and Thoroughly-DESERVE the FIRST-THOUSAND: Doses of "vaccines" ... for (((their))), and OUR Better-HEALTH !!!

    (((they))) have "Projected" ALL the Terrible Terrible-EVIL which (((they))) DO-to-US (Brutally-"cleverly"-Murdering Millions / BURNING Millions [Dresden etc] / Defaming Millions of US!): ... UPON US ...
    -- TIME to "Project" OUR-TRUTHFULNESS Upon (((them))) ...
    and MAKE (((them))) NOT the Terrible-LIARS (((they))) ARE ... Anymore!

  9. Yes! -- It IS a "War" -- UPON US ...

    ("WE" ["Gate-Keepers etc!] are NOT Even Using-WORDS and TRUTH:
    [There simply WAS NO: Ebil-Germans/Hitler "Gassing"/"HoloCo$ting" 6-Gorillion! etc.]
    --> to DEFEND Ourselves!)

    (((they))) Have: Undisputedly SWORN to ANNIHILATE: US !!!

    (((they))) Have ALREADY (for a Century Plus!): BRUTALLY Terribly Genocided HUNDREDS of Millions of US !!!

    In a REAL-"War" the SIDE Being-(((ATTACKED))): Actually at-the-Very-Least-TRIES: To FIGHT-BACK ... in SELF-DEFENCE !!!

    --> Or Else: Just LIKE (((church-ill))) EVILY: Annihilated the Germans By TREACHERY

    (Yes! -- The German-People, WHILE-THEY-were STRONG-[Having-Secured-the-Western-Front, in-PREPARATION for the VITAL-EASTERN-WAR To-Self-DEFEND Against the MURDEROUS-(((Bolsheviks!)))] Again, and Again, and AGAIN:
    "DESPERATELY" "Sued-for-PEACE: With the British!
    [BECAUSE They Were are Basically the SAME / Cousin-like PEOPLES!]) ...

    and the World has HEARD NOTHING-but-Terrible-LIES about the BRAVE-NOBLE-Germans Since ...

    -----> WE Ourselves, AFTER WE Tooo are Long-since-(((ANNIHILATED)))-[MADE-into-"Good"-Goyim"]-VANQUISHED!, will be: DEMONISED Forever !!!

    🌝 🌚 🌞

    STOP: BeLIEving the (((LIES))) !!!

    WHEN: We DEMAND that OUR Grievances are HEARD, and that WE and OUR NEEDS/DEMANDS are: Actually-SERVED By OUR "Representatives" ...

    WE are-NOT: Doing: "Violent"-("White-Supremacist")-"Extremism" ...

    But simply DEMANDING: TRUE-JUSTICE ...


    Whether Individually: In "Car-Jackings" / "Home-Invasions" / and BRUTAL-"Senseless"-MURDERS ...

    OR as-a-GROUP/Nations: In "Revolutions" ("Russian" etc.) / "Wars" / "WWI" "WWII" etc. / Financial-"Repossessions" / Waves of Millions of "Immigrant"-Enrichers / "Vaccinations" etc. etc. etc.

    --> WE HAVE Indeed: a GOD-GIVEN RIGHT and DUTY: To in Self-DEFENSE: Fight-BACK, and Actually Properly-DEFEND OURSELVES !!!

    ... Or ELSE: WE TOO will indeed: "Go the way of the Dodo!" :-o

    --> ALL WHITES Must-NOW: FINALLY: "Simply"-"GET" THIS Most-BASIC of TRUTHS !!!

    The "clever" "Neat-and-Tidy" GENERALISATION:
    That: the-(((rothschilds))) "cleverly"-"FUND"-and-Build-Up-CONTROL: BOTH-Sides of ALL-"Wars" !!!
    [Libya' and Gaddafi OBVIOUSLY-WERE-NOT! -- Dhuh !!!]

    ------> Is Indeed a "clever" (((BIG-LIE)))!

    [As is indeed the Implied-LIE: That Hitler in Mien-Kampf WROTE of the BIG-LIE as a "Strategy"-upon-the-General-Honest-Populations/Peoples ... Yes! -- a JEW-Strategy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- You "clevery" LEFT-OUT THAT-Part "Gate-Keepers"!]

    The "Innocent" "Russian-Partisans" BEHIND the Eastern-Front-Lines ...
    Were Indeed: Very Very VICIOUS-jews, BRUTALLY ATTACKING ALL: Non-jews !!!!!!!!
    -- Even Often DRESSED as "Brutal-German-Soldiers"!

  10. Excellent show. Thanks for the great work.

  11. I thought Qanon was a 12 step program for Quaalude addicts.


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