February 25, 2021

Inside the Eye - Live! - Prime Time 2021.02.25

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!"

Hour 1 - News And Current Events
Hour 2 - News And Current Events

64k CF Download

641-741-2464 Studio A Listen Number 



  1. Why do you follow a guy, who talks like a kike, looks like a kike, have interests of a kike and who is also probably a spook. US patriot indeed.

  2. The Mystery of LIFE:

    WHAT is "LIFE" ...

    "Living"-Creatures are Characterised by 4-"Activities / NEEDS ...

    Eating, Sleeping, Mating, and Defending-FEARING ...

    Eating and Mating are described as: Rajas-"Passion" ...

    Sleeping and Defending-FEARING as: Tamas-"Ignorance ...

    (Tamas is Characterised as: Miserable in the Beginning, and Resulting in DEATH! - DESTRUCTION! -- Indolence, Hatred, Anti-Life! -- Bitter-POISON!

    Rajas is Characterised by: UN-Limited: Yearnings/Longings/Desires, which "BURN" like FIRE! -- Creating, "Controlling", "Caring", Up-and-Down-Emotions like a Tempest! ...
    It Seems IMMEDIATELY-"Attractive" to the Senses, -- But soon Turns to Distress!

    Sattva-"Goodness" is Characterised as: Its OWN Reward!
    -- Seemingly-"Troublesome" in the Beginning, But Soon Turning to "Nectar"!
    -- It Increases: HEALTH, LONGEVITY, and HAPPINESS!

    [Rajas is VERY Energetic, ... Whereas the Other-Two: Are NOT So much, and, hence, in This-Regard, though actually Complete-Opposites, seem Similar: ie: "Mind" and "Intellect" versus: "FEELINGS"!)

    Eating, and Sleeping, are UN-AVOIDABLE ...

    Spiritual-Practices Not-Only: "Regulate": Eating, and Sleeping, ...
    -- But essentially aim at: MINIMISING: Mating, and Defending-FEARING entirely! ...
    (Jesus in the Bible frequently implores: "Do-NOT be AFRAID!")

    Eating is Regulated: By PURELY-Preparing: Milk-Butter-Yoghurt-Cheese-Cream with From-WHOLE: Fruits and Vegetables, and Grains, ...
    ... and FIRST: Offering Such to "G-d" with-LOVE, ... and THEN Relishing such Blessed-Food!
    --> NO "Meat"-(Pieces-of-Rotting-Corpses!) etc!

    "Sleep" is, at its simplest: "Regulated": By NOT: "Taking"-Drugs ...

    "Mating" is "Regulated": In Marrying, and Lovingly-"Sacrificingly": RAISING-UP: Your Beautiful-Children ...

    "Defending-FEARING": At its simplest is "Regulated": By NOT: "Gambling", or "Pinning" ALL of ones "Hopes" on a Bodily-Existence (Teetering like a Water-Drop on a Lotus-Leaf!) ... Where, Once we DIE (Our Physical-Body irreparably-Broken) ... Everything: Pertaining to THIS-Flesh-Body ... is LEFT Behind!

  3. Part-2:
    STRANGELY: We KNOW / Understand LITTLE:

    Of HOW what we EAT is Assembled into Healthy-Flesh-Bodies ...

    Of WHAT is "Sleep" ... where we LEAVE Our Physical-Bodies for 8+ Hours and Experience a plethora of DIFFERENT Realms ... where WHAT we "Accept" as basic-"rules" can be VERY DIFFERENT to "Waking"-LIFE! (Flying without FEAR etc!)

    Of How LIFE GROWS: Within the Womb ... to Emerge a Smaller-"Replica" of Its-Parents!?

    How we ONLY "Custodially"-"OWN": that-Which-Pertains-to-the-Physical-Body ...
    -- And WHAT we actually FEAR / WHAT is FEAR Itself!? ...

    Though "Obviously": AIR "cut-off" for 3+ minutes, Water for some Days, FOOD for some Days, and ABSENCE of Other Human-Company for some Time ... is indeed something to be: FEARED!

    IF we Derived-ENERGY sort-of "Electrically" From the Atmosphere, ...
    AND Our Bodies Were-NOT FRAIL: Water-Balloon-Like: Bags ...
    and "Extremes" of Heat or Cold etc... Caused even NO Discomfort! ...

    There would BE: Practically NO: "Desperate"-"NEEDS", or thus: FEARS!

    --> And THUS: Even THIS "Life" would "Take-On" a Far-MORE: "Video-Game" / "Virtual-Reality" / "Play" like SIMULATION !!!

    Just LIKE: "Higher-Being"-LIKE humans:
    "PLAY"-Chess (Strategising, and "Sacrificing"-Pawns etc.)...
    or the Board-Game "Monopoly" (Where the "Goal" is to Literally "Monopolise" the "properties across-the-BOARD, and ENTANGLE the Other Players into UN-REPAYABLE-"Rent"-Based-DEBT) ...

    And, just like: WE Experience DIFFERENT-Realms WITHOUT-the-Substantial-FEAR-of-DEATH: In "Dreams" ...

    So Too .. it SEEMS that Earth-Bound "Demons" "Vicariously"-ENJOY: Entering INTO and MANIPULATING: Our World: By "Possessing": "POWERFUL"-"Authorities"/"Elites"!

    The DIFFERENCE Between: "Demons" ........ and "Angels" ...

    Is that: Angels are LIKE: KIND-GENEROUS-Grand-Parents Who ENJOY: Step-by-Step UPLIFTING: Their Wonderful Grandchildren ...

    Whereas "Demons" seem VERY "Alien" to the "Carbon-Based"-"LIFE"-Forms almost-ENTIRELY!
    -- Especially: STRANGE-to-THEM: "Mammal-Based"-Kind-HUMANS !!!
    -- Silicone, Computer-"Artificial-Intelligence", INVADING, Subverting, Terra/Terror-Forming ... To "CREATE": A "World"-of-(((their)))-OWN !!! :-o

    "There is NO 'Substitute' for STRENGTH!"

    -- The "MIND" Sees: TAKE to HAVE: "Zero Sum" 'Gains' ... Though, IN-TRUTH, we are ALL: "OBVIOUSLY" GREATLY-Inter-Dependant upon one-another!

    -- Whereas the "Intellect" "DESPERATELY" "Wishes to SHARE!"

    --> The "Mystery" of THIS: "PAINFUL" and too-Short LIFE ... is To ACTUALLY: Long-Term CARE about Others! ...

    ----> NOT, indeed, to be "Chucklingly"-"DETACHED"! :-o

    BECAUSE Our Present-Bodies are sooo WEAK: We NOW have the GREAT-"Opportunity":

    To FEEL "Empathy" for Others ... because Such-FEARS are also VERY-"Familiar"-to-OurSelves!

    -- To Simultaneously KNOW: BOTH Our-OWN: Needs and FEARS (Due to OUR Own WEAKNESS!) ...

    AND, the JOY of: "A 'Trouble' 'SHARED' is-Halved ... and a JOY SHARED is Tripled! ;-)

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  4. It's amazing that the Fetch is not making a break for the Philippines with the mRNA shot surely going to be a requirement for air travel in the future. The money must really be good in Saudi! Your money or your health, what a Hobsons choice.

    Saudi Arabia is reverting back to a closed society with the non talk of the "vaccine". Any negatives are not allowed on that topic. Get out while it's still viable.

  5. wish rather than FGM, fetch would focus on (esp USA's) widespread & barbaric joo-derived practice of infant MALE Genital Mutilation aka circumcision...


  6. I gather ^^^you're^^^ an "Unknown" sock?

    Shalommmm /rolleyes


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