February 18, 2021

Myth of the 20th Century #205 - 2021.02.16

The Turner Diaries


  1. A spirited conversation,well worth listening to. Thanks for posting, Zap!

  2. Hello,

    The commentator, who sounds like a Jooh, is intentionally absolutely WRONG !!

    Dr. William Pierce never, I repeat NEVER considered Black People an enemy that want to destroy America !!

    Experts on Dr. Pierce's work will tell you that Dr. Pierce researched Henry Fords book " The International Jew" and considered this International group of people the destroyers of not only America.

    Btw: Mr. Ford wrote his book in 1920, a few years after WWI ended and MILLIONS of our young men were killed !!
    Ford also asks in his book: "Did the Jews FORESEE the World War?"
    AN extremely interesting question...

    Henry Ford considered the International Jew "The World's Foremost Problem."

    The chapters: "The Jew in Character and Business"
    "The Historic Basis of Jewish Imperialism"
    "Does Jewish Power control the World Press and does this Explain Jewish
    Political Power?"

    in Henry Ford's book is VERY IMPORTANT Information for the Beginner on the Jewish Question !!


  3. A great, timely, on point conversation.

    And thanks UK for pointing out the jewy commentator's deception.

    Will be reading Ford's book upcoming.

  4. yes yes...
    "..people forget.."...You guys too??

    There are an estimated 7,5 BILLION people on this planet, more than ever before in history!
    But only an estimated 9% of those are WHITE EUROPEAN stock!!
    Are WE WHITES going to be exterminated??

    Listen to what this slimy Jooish bitch, Barbara Lerner Specter, had to say, talking to a Swedish audience... (YouTube video):

    "..I think there is a resurgence of Anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has

    not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes

    of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic

    societies they once were in the last century.

    JEWS are going to be at the center of that!! It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make.

    They are now going into a multicultural mode and JEWS will be resented because of OUR


    But without that LEADING ROLE and without that transformation, Europe will

    NOT survive."


  5. Yes!

    This GREAT Conversation:

    Evoked MUCH DEEP Thought, and Feelings! :-)

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  6. John Denver's SONG at the End Evoked a Strange "NOSTALGIA" ...

    For the TIMES when we could Just: "BE" !!! ;-(

  7. Perfect ending: 1) Compelling reading from the book, 2) Compelling comment: We shouldn't be in this situaion, it's beyond daunting to fix it... but the alternative is worse, 3) John Denver song... almost heaven, West Virginia.

    We are heading to the alternative.


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