February 12, 2021

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2021.02.12

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Guest "Adam DC Protester" with callers in hour two.(Weird guest, weird show)

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  1. Super great to know all about 9/11/2001 in 1974. Hope you don't forget.

  2. When reading THAT 'comment',

    I have to say, like Doug Stanhope, see Mami's video :
    Fuck YOU, JEW !!


  3. That dude was bizarre. Did he ever ponder decaff ? Lay off the adderall bro. Paul and Jim handled that pretty well. Sounds like newly red pilled. Hes just figured out predictive programming ? Theres another 100 instances other than that magazine. Wow. Telling me about how the towers came down ? You worry about the who and why chief.Then runs away when it gets too hot. Buh bye Hes worried about his presentation being acceptable? Its old news. He has no clue of Jims audience Maybe a good sign. Rookies coming looking for Fetz.

  4. and i need to correct myself. Jim and Paul handled that like Pros! Not just pretty well . Good job guys

  5. Strange indeed!

    I managed to Listen-to EVERYTHING that Adam Said, and everyone else, except ...

    Talk about "Filibuster"! ... "Scaredy-Shaat"

    ... The ONLY WAY that I can "Get-THROUGH" Her-"TURN" ...

    --> Is to Talk0OVER-Her the Entire-Time! ;-)

    Near the End ... It Started to Sound-LIKE: They were EACH TRYING to "Talk-Him-Down" Adam From "Jumping-OFF-the-Top-of-the-Building" / Commit-Suicide! :-o

    HALFWAY: As Jim Did HIS: "Triggered"-ANGER Thing ... I Felt Like: CRINGE !!!

    ... But, as the Second-Hour Proceeded ... it Became Almost-Humorous !!! ;-)

  6. Another "Observation":

    Soooo Many Have a VERY-"TRIGGERED" Reaction / "Impression" / "Description" of Trump ...

    But, when it comes to "Describing" Biden ... are rather-Bland !!!

    Yes! -- I KNOW: Various President-"ACTS" create various "Impressions" ...

    "W"-Bush PRETENDED to BE: "Dumber-than-a-Rock" (Though HE was Actually Smarter-than-[Fellow-Bonesman]-Kerry)

    Some thought Barry-Stick-it-up-my-Butt-Soetoro was a "Clean-Articulate-'Blackman" ...

    But, (Actor?)-BLACK-Eyed-Demon-Possessed-Biden ...

    Is CLEARLY MORE of a DANGER to EVERYONE'S "Future"! :-o

    --> Yet, quite-BLAND: "Impressions" / "Descriptions" are: "Presented" / "Conveyed" ...

    By even His MOST-OPPOSED to Him-and-WHAT-He-'Stands-For': "critics" !!! ;-)

  7. By the Way ...

    --> I "wear" 6-Masks ... for-YOUR-'Protection' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You're Welcome! -- White-Soup-re-mast-Neon-Naaatseee Should-be-'Re-Educated'-in-a-Gulag "Hater"-"Conspiracy-Theorist" "Cheeto-Hitler"-Supporter!


  8. LOL... Panz.. Everyone has their style. I hear ya. I just keep thinking of that George Carlin skit where he says, and im paraphrasing, "I do this crazy thing everyday, its called THINKING!" No matter if i agree or not i will never ever knock a man, or woman for using their brain which Albert obviously does! I post shit that some , or all may find twistsed, or hard time understanding where im going , or whats my point, but have fun with it, and challenge yourself. At least thats what i do with Albert. Maybe you remember earlier in the week i suggested listening to "Pitbull" You would get lots out of that 3 hour thing. Remember, they have a code. Sadly these days we have to express our msg without triggering the algos for keywords. Think of it that way. Albert is trying to tell you something but is assuming you have brains and can get it. Its actually a compliment to you ! I doubt hed post that if he thought his audience was in the likes , of like IQ of single digits on Yahoo. BTW . .Albert are you doing shows with Adam Green ? You sound like a guy like that Albert that is with him . Dont blow your cover though. And if you can. That show i speak. Thats unbelievable, especially at the end. Sorry, they aint human.


    EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | KNOW MORE NEWS LIVE

  9. "I think lying and filling the airwaves with complete bullshit is just tuh-riffic"

  10. @KU

    Maybe you should occasionally take a break from all this shit. That's what I do and it helps.

    The head in the sand thing is hard to do but is therapeutic. LOL, I never thought that I'd say that.

  11. IDK I don't listen much less call in anymore. The show has taken a nosedive with all the Qshit and Paul tardness. A pity really.

  12. BTW why is there a range finding laser reflector right there where Apollo 11 didn't land?


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