February 06, 2021

Your Saturday "Cartoons" 2021.02.06

The Tradition Continues...


  1. Dopey Biden is hoping dopey Americans don't notice.

    And when they do notice they will remember Israel is blessing us with their talent because we have been blessing Israel.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A Christian-Friend Wrote: "I dont think they are true Jews, they just use the name"

    After: I had "Messengered" Her: the Biden-jew-Cabinet Meme! :-o

    I Sent Her THIS Back:

    "True jews" ... "J" is Only 400 years old it was an "i"-at-the-Beginning-of-a-word previously. -- Bible is: "Israelite" (yes! "jews" are-NOT: real "Israelites"!), "Hebrew", and "Judean" as in: "INRI" - "Jesus the Nazarean, (Rex) King of the 'JUDEANS'" 🙂

    MOST "jews" are Apparently: "Kazareans"-converted to "Judeism"/"Satanism" 😮

    ALL jews KNOW: WHO is a "jew" ... a "jew" is Someone who MUST OBEY: WHAT the Rabbis TELL them to DO! 😮

    Millions upon Millions of jews ACT as "Sayanim" ... where, when-ASKED: "Assist" the Mossad etc, "NO Questions ASKED": To DO Terrible-CRIMES Like "9-11" for example! 😮

    Yes ....... "Not ALL" (Not ALL of ANY GROUP: ALL DO something! -- Dhuh! 😉 ) "jews" actually DO Terrible Terrible Things ...

    But MOST ALL: Will "Rabbidly"-'Back-Up' the HoloHOAX-Big-LIE: KNOWINGLY !!! -- Hence THEY are "On-the-TEAM"! 😮

    Rothschilds, Schiffs etc, Responsible for Millions Upon MILLIONS of Gruesome BRUTAL: White-Christian MURDERS ... CALL-(((themselves))) "jews"! 😮

    (((they))) are ALL PART of the: GROUP-"Satanic"-HIVE-MINDS !!! -- ie: "International"/WORLD-CRIME Syndicates! 😮

    "Chaabaad-Lubavich" is ONE of the MOST-Ruthless: World-CRIME-"Mafias" ...

    Yes! -- Of course: "Not-ALL "jews" ... 😉 -- But, indeed MOST "jews" ENJOY-the-"Fruits"/"Benefits": Of Being in the-"IN-Group"/ie "jews" ... "It is a BIG-GROUP ... and YOU Ain't IN it!" 😉

    TRUE "Good-jews" ... LIKE: Bobby-Fischer etc... TOTALLY DENOUNCE and DIS-OWN: BEING a so-called "jew" ... -- As CALLING-Oneself a "jew" MEANS: "Following" / OBEYING: WHAT Rabbis TELL You to DO ... -- Being a "jew" MEANS: "Rabbinic-judeism" ... ie: Being a "Satanist"! 😮

    And, Yes! -- "Not-ALL": LYING "Satanists" LITERALLY Have EATEN Tortured-to-DEATH "Goyim"-Babies ... YET! 😮

    🌝 🌚 🌞

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Many "jew-WISE" Good-Folks have TESTED jews ...

    to SEE if there ARE indeed: "Good-jews" ...

    By Chuckling to them, in-Conversation:
    "Yeh, That "Holocaust" stuff is Ridiculous-Bunk, isn't it!" ...

    ... As-of-Yet:

    NO jews have simply-TRUTHFULLY-AGREED!

    ... Indeed ... (((they))) GO "foaming-at-the-Mouth-Ballistic"! -- NOT-"Accepting" the jew-BIG-LIE-HoloHoax-Shield: of the "Holocaust" ...

    -- Is but ONE: Of the jews' "Tells": that indeed: YOU are only "moments-away" from Yet-"AGAIN":
    "Rounding-(((them)))-ALL-Up"--and-INTO-the-'Gas-Ovens' !!! 😮 😉

  6. Listen to this song and tell your neighbors and friends. Its indescribable sad. SO SAD.

    "6 MILLION" John Niems Authorized Version !
    Thank you.

  7. "The final twist to the Neuberger story is that complaints from Jewish groups and individuals began to pour into NBC after it released the story, some concerned that a wonderful organization like AIPAC was being impugned. AIPAC denounced the piece directly, claiming that its “Charges of dual loyalty are anti-Semitic and insult millions of Americans—Jewish & non-Jewish—who stand by our ally Israel.” The news network then surrendered, pulling and archiving the story after claiming that it had not met its usual standards due to its use of anonymous sources and failure to give Neuberger adequate time to respond. NBC did not contest the AIPAC claim that Israel is an actual American ally, which is itself a lie, nor to the compelling evidence that some American Jews certainly do demonstrate either dual or singular loyalty that favors Israel."


    "Once upon a time it was considered unwise to appoint senior officials who had personal ties to other countries lest it create a conflict of interest that would not ultimately be beneficial to either nation. In his often-cited Farewell Address of 1796, George Washington famously warned that “…permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular Nations, and passionate attachments for others should be excluded; and that in place of them just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. The Nation, which indulges towards another an habitual hatred, or an habitual fondness, is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest.”


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