March 27, 2021

GcMAF & The Persecution of David Noakes, Lyn Thyer & Immuno Biotech - Iain Davis

David Noakes
GcMAF Doctors Cured Cancer So
They Were Murdered By The Quaccine Tyrants

Conference Ten Embracing Chaos


GcMAF cured cancer and 60% of autistic children in one week flat.

100 American doctors have been murdered because of GcMAF.




AV10 - GcMAF, Big Pharma &
The Persecution of David Noakes & Lyn Thyer

Recently business man David Noakes was released from prison having served six months following his conviction on four charges relating to the manufacture, sale and supply of an unlicensed medicine.

(This article originally published on Republished in full with permission.)

Noakes pled guilty to all charges, including one of money laundering. This is something the MHRA and the mainstream media (MSM) have been very keen to highlight because it casts Noakes as a ‘real criminal.’

Money laundering is an automatically levied charge if anyone ever sells an unlicensed ‘medication.’ Pleading guilty to selling an unlicensed medication automatically makes you guilty of so called ‘money laundering.’ David Noakes is no BCCI executive.

Over 6 years Immuno Biotech made £7.6 million selling GcMAF. Out of that they paid a staff team of 27 including 4 research scientists, 7 doctors, 2 ultrasound staff, 4 nurses and admin staff for 6 years. They paid for the laboratories, staff travel (a significant expense) and accommodation. Any additional revenue they pumped back into GcMAF research and development. The CEO of GlaxoSmithKline earns approximately £6 million every single year.

The alleged medicine is not a synthetic manufactured pharmaceutical. It is actually derived from naturally occurring human protein. It is called ‘Gc Protein-derived Macrophage Activating Factor,’ or GcMAf for short. How and why GcMAF is being withheld from the public, despite an abundance of supporting scientific evidence, reveals a system of corrupt corporate control designed to profit from our sickness and death.

The scientific evidence clearly shows that GcMAF is potentially the most effective cancer treatment ever discovered. At David Noakes trial Judge Nicholas Lorraine-Smith made it clear that GcMAF was not on trial. He accepted that Noakes had acted out of a genuine desire to treat people; he noted that GcMAF had been instrumental in successfully treating people who had been written off by the medical profession and added that he was looking forward to GcMAF being made available to the public. He then sentenced David Noakes to prison.


Some of the success stories with GcMAF have been remarkable. For example the only 5 patients with terminal stage 4 pancreatic cancer, which is particularly deadly, were all treated successfully with GcMAF. The patients were chosen for the UK administered trials because they had stage 4 cancers (and other chronic or terminal illnesses.) All the cancer patients had been told by the medical profession that there was no hope. Treatment had failed and many were advised to put their affairs in order and prepare for the inevitable.

Following treatment with GcMAF, Immuno Biotech found that it ‘removed’ all cancerous tumours, with 75% of stage 4 cancer patients going on to live full lives for years. Unfortunately, for patients who had undergone chemotherapy the success rate was greatly reduced to 40% but for those who hadn’t it was above 80%.

Among many of note was a 60 year old woman with terminal stage 4 inoperable breast cancer. She was unlucky to be one of a 20% of breast cancer patients who possess a virulent cancer producing gene called the HER2 oncogene, for which there ‘was’ no known treatment. After 3 weeks of treatment with GcMAF she returned to her specialist who was amazed to find her cancer had reduced and was now easily operable. They removed the tumour but were even more stunned when they tested her to find the HER2 oncogene was clear. She went from Stage 4 inoperable cancer to completely cancer free in 4 weeks. A medical first, thanks it seems to GcMAF.

However, perhaps the most remarkable success was Teri Davis Newman. She had a genetic predisposition to contracting a particularly vicious form of ovarian cancer called peritoneal carcinomatosis which, unless diagnosed very early, in stage 2-4 is fatal in 100% of cases. Teri was told by her oncologist that she would be dead by November 2016. She had watched chemotherapy ravage her sister before she died horribly and declined the treatment.

Her insurance company would not pay for the GcMAF and so Immuno Biotech gave it to her free of charge and even paid the shipping costs. As of February 2019 Teri is still posting videos on YouTube. It seems peritoneal carcinomatosis need no longer be considered an automatic death sentence. Another apparent GcMAF medical breakthrough.

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Approximately 300 scientists, around the world, have published more than 140 peer reviewed scientific papers on GcMAF in so called reputable journals. The American National Library of Medicine, through its PubMed collaboration with the National Center for Biotechnology Information, has alone published 73 papers from 180 scientists spanning 8 different nations. The GcMAF used in these studies was predominantly provided by Immuno Biotech.

The scientific research shows that GcMAF appears to have six distinct attack mechanisms on cancer cells. It restricts and cuts off the blood supply to tumours (inhibits angiogenesis;) it stimulates the macrophages, the cells which attack cancer cells and promotes the destruction of cancer cells (phagocystosis;) it promotes apoptosis, cancer cell’s self-destruct mechanism; it reverts cancer cells ‘phenotype’ back to normal cells and it demonstrated the potential to reduce the ability of cancer cells to metastasise (in the petris dish.)

In addition, further peer reviewed scientific evidence demonstrated that GcMAF increases mitochondrial energy production (the biochemical batteries in all cells;) it improves human neuronal metabolic activity; counters the toxic effect of substances such as cadmium; it acts as an effective neuropathic pain killer and promotes neuropathic pathway growth (dendrils & neuritis.)

For example in 2014, by combining GcMAF with olive oil, Scientists at the Italian Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences were able to show a 25% tumour reduction per week for Stage 4 terminal cancer patients who had been told there was nothing more doctors could do. They concluded:

These observations demonstrate that OA, GcMAF and NO can be properly combined and specifically delivered to advanced cancer patients with significant effects on immune system stimulation and tumour volume reduction avoiding harmful side-effects.”


There is absolutely no doubt at all about the wealth of scientific evidence which indicates that GcMAF has the potential to revolutionise, not just cancer treatment but a whole range of treatments for terminal and life limiting illnesses. Certainly significant further research is warranted and there is every reason to hope that GcMAF could make death from most cancers a rarity.

So why have the MHRA and the UK state seemingly decided to mislead the public by claiming there is no scientific evidence to support David Noakes’ claims? Instead of supporting his team they have done everything possible to silence Noakes and Immuno Biotech Laboratories (IBL). They have worked with the MSM to rubbish IBL’s research and to hide the scientific evidence which obviously indicates the enormous, lifesaving potential of GcMAF.

They have destroyed IBL laboratories, made false claims about their research methods, denied unequivocal scientific evidence, imprisoned Noakes and his leading research scientists, hounded him and his loved ones through the courts, are intent upon seizing all his assets and will extradite Lyn Thyer to France where she can expect to spend years on remand in some of the worst prisons in Europe. All because they researched, developed and gave to suffering people what could well be the most effective cancer treatment ever discovered.

But what is truly despicable is that when they shut down Immuno Biotech and seized all their GcMAF, the IBL team were actively treating 200 patients. These people were winning their battle against cancer having previously been told there was no hope. The MHRA decided they didn’t deserve that chance. The MHRA withheld their GcMAF treatment and effectively condemned 200 people to death. The Immuno Biotech team, who knew these people well, had to watch each of them pass away, with devastating effects both on the families and the Immuno Biotech team.

The drugs sold to us by large pharmaceutical corporations (Big Pharma) frequently kill hundreds of thousands of people. In the U.S. The Food & Drugs Administration (FDA), until recently, reported U.S deaths from Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR’s.) In 2015 there were over 2 million ADR’s resulting in 100,000 deaths with ADR’s the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S.

The FDA equivalent in the UK, the MHRA, don’t bother reporting these statistics but with a population 20% of the size of the U.S it would be reasonable to assume that ADR’s affect in the region of 400,000 people annually, resulting in approximately 20,000 deaths. This estimate was corroborated in 2018 when the NHS admitted that the ‘overprescribing’ of prescription medication, and other ‘drug errors,’ contributed to more than 22,000 deaths in the UK every year.


There is absolutely no doubt at all about the wealth of scientific evidence which indicates that GcMAF has the potential to revolutionise, not just cancer treatment but a whole range of treatments for terminal and life limiting illnesses. Certainly significant further research is warranted and there is every reason to hope that GcMAF could make death from most cancers a rarity.

So why have the MHRA and the UK state seemingly decided to mislead the public by claiming there is no scientific evidence to support David Noakes’ claims? Instead of supporting his team they have done everything possible to silence Noakes and Immuno Biotech Laboratories (IBL). They have worked with the MSM to rubbish IBL’s research and to hide the scientific evidence which obviously indicates the enormous, lifesaving potential of GcMAF.

They have destroyed IBL laboratories, made false claims about their research methods, denied unequivocal scientific evidence, imprisoned Noakes and his leading research scientists, hounded him and his loved ones through the courts, are intent upon seizing all his assets and will extradite Lyn Thyer to France where she can expect to spend years on remand in some of the worst prisons in Europe. All because they researched, developed and gave to suffering people what could well be the most effective cancer treatment ever discovered.

But what is truly despicable is that when they shut down Immuno Biotech and seized all their GcMAF, the IBL team were actively treating 200 patients. These people were winning their battle against cancer having previously been told there was no hope. The MHRA decided they didn’t deserve that chance. The MHRA withheld their GcMAF treatment and effectively condemned 200 people to death. The Immuno Biotech team, who knew these people well, had to watch each of them pass away, with devastating effects both on the families and the Immuno Biotech team.

The drugs sold to us by large pharmaceutical corporations (Big Pharma) frequently kill hundreds of thousands of people. In the U.S. The Food & Drugs Administration (FDA), until recently, reported U.S deaths from Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR’s.) In 2015 there were over 2 million ADR’s resulting in 100,000 deaths with ADR’s the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S.

The FDA equivalent in the UK, the MHRA, don’t bother reporting these statistics but with a population 20% of the size of the U.S it would be reasonable to assume that ADR’s affect in the region of 400,000 people annually, resulting in approximately 20,000 deaths. This estimate was corroborated in 2018 when the NHS admitted that the ‘overprescribing’ of prescription medication, and other ‘drug errors,’ contributed to more than 22,000 deaths in the UK every year.

In response, a few months later, a group of 6 eminent doctors including Sir Richard Thompson, the former President of the Royal College of Physicians, and leading heart specialist Dr Aseem Malhotra, publicly stated the need for a ‘Chilcot style inquiry’ to investigate the tactics used by Big Pharma to pressurise the NHS into prescribing drugs patients don’t need. Leading to a situation where prescription drugs are the UK’s third largest cause of death, after Cancer and Heart disease.

There is no doubt that the pharmaceutical giants frequently act with criminal negligence. A 2018 report by the U.S consumer rights group PublicCitizen showed that between 1991 and 2017 Big Pharma paid out over $38.6 billion in criminal and civil penalties. That was just in the U.S.

While these sums are unimaginable for most of us they mean little to an industry that generates nearly $1.2 trillion annually. The odd multibillion dollar lawsuit for killing people here and there is little more than an occupational hazard for Big Pharma and well within their profit margins.

Big Pharma is a corporate venture that has absolutely no vested interest at all in curing disease. They became acutely aware of the problem of cures in 2015 when Gilead Sciences (GILD) developed a 90% effective cure for Hepatitis C.

Initially the $12.5 billion in revenue from the GILD cure was welcomed. However, the problem with a cure, from an investment perspective, is that it cures people. The former Hep C patients no longer needed any treatment, and revenues fell off a cliff as more and more people didn’t require medication. What was even worse were the rapidly diminishing numbers of people spreading infection, creating fewer and fewer new customers.

The global investment firm Goldman Sachs are one of the world’s leading investors in the pharmaceutical industry. They were concerned about the potentially catastrophic financial effects of curing people. They saw that advances in medical science threatened to make people well and thus reduce their return on investment (ROI.) In 2018 they issued their report The Genome Revolution. In it they questioned if curing disease was sustainable from a business model perspective. Their analyst’s conclusions make horrifying reading.

The potential to deliver ‘one shot cures’ is one of the most attractive aspects of gene therapy, genetically-engineered cell therapy and gene editing. However, such treatments offer a very different outlook with regard to recurring revenue versus chronic therapies ...

GILD is a case in point, where the success of its hepatitis C franchise has gradually exhausted the available pool of treatable patients ...

In the case of infectious diseases such as hepatitis C, curing existing patients also decreases the number of carriers able to transmit the virus to new patients, thus the incident pool also declines … Where an incident pool remains stable (eg, in cancer) the potential for a cure poses less risk to the sustainability of a franchise.

While the Machiavellian logic of this analysis may be difficult for most to stomach, it makes sense from a business perspective. The ideal patient is never cured and cures are to be avoided wherever possible. Cancer treatment is fantastic because the ‘incident pool is stable’ and there is ‘less risk to the sustainability of the franchise.’ The last thing Big Pharma wants to see is anything that looks remotely like a cure for cancer.

Recently scientists at the new Centre for Cancer Drug Discovery (CCDD) announced that they were researching drugs which could make cancer a long term manageable condition. Meaning you can live with cancer a lot longer providing you keep taking, what will undoubtedly be, hugely expensive Big Pharma medication.

These lifelong cancer sufferers will represent an extremely stable ‘incident pool’ providing excellent ‘sustainability for the franchise.’ The CCDD is a project of the Institute for Cancer Research who are partners of the pharmaceutical giant Merck, among others.

The problem with GcMAF, from a corporate perspective, is that it looks like it might deplete the ‘incident pool’ dramatically. Not only that, it is relatively cheap at only £380 for a round of treatment. This is nowhere near as lucrative as the chemotherapy and other cancer drugs which vary between £5000 and £40000 per round.

We have all probably lost people we love, or care for, to cancer. So ultimately ‘the incident pool’ does decline. That is why end stage cancer treatments are hugely expensive. Maximising profits to the very end is an essential component of the pharmaceutical corporation’s profit model. As patients and families become more desperate, the opportunities for profit escalate reciprocally.

Cytoxic chemotherapy kills cancer cells but it doesn’t discriminate very well. It also kills healthy cells. This is perhaps unsurprising, given that chemotherapy was developed from the mustard gas that killed tens of thousands on the WWI battlefields. Things have improved because Big Pharma has developed a panoply of very expensive drugs which counter the vicious side effects of the very expensive chemotherapy.


A joint 2015 meta-analysis study between the University of Melbourne, Adelaide and The Mayo clinic in the U.S found that chemotherapy appeared to be effective in less than 8% of cases for stage 3-4 patients. So it is fair to say that it was more than 92% ineffective in this study of nearly 3000 cases.

Therefore, if we consider both that chemotherapy only appears to contribute minimally to 5 year survival rates, mostly for people who were diagnosed earlier, and it is more than 92% ineffective for treating late stage cancers, then the picture that emerges is one of a hugely expensive (profitable) treatment with highly questionable efficacy.

Analysis by the market research company Transparency Market Research predicts a U.S cancer treatment industry worth an estimated $155.6 billion per annum by 2025. This represents a 6 – 7% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the next 5 years or so. The CAGR for Chemotherapy drugs is even better and is projected to be nearly 12% between 2018 and 2023. A fantastic opportunity for venture capitalists, providing no idiot ruins it all be actually curing cancer.

The cost of chemotherapy is the single largest cost faced by the NHS taking almost 10% of the entire central budget. In 2016 this amounted to £1.4 billion ($1.8 billion.) With an estimated 8% cost increase per annum, no wonder the CAGR is excellent.

There has never been a death from GcMAF but there are 100,000 deaths from the <HRA’s licensed drugs, EVERY SINGLE YEAR!!!


For the rest of the article and video:

GcMAF and the Persecution of David Noakes, Lyn Thyer & Immuno Biotech

by Iain Davis

Tuesday, 28th May 2019


  1. @ xyz...

    Plenty may be ok....but TOO MUCH bla bla bla is 'no good', because it's DISTRACTING!!!

  2. You are permanently distracted Unknown!
    You should go watch cat videos for a while and leave the adults alone.
    Your comments are less than useless. You have no class and no style.

  3. inthemix16 said...

    Ya hate to get to that point . Hope im not the shit list. There are some extremely smart people here im honored to interact with. Like they say , every town has its village idiot . This isnt my site. One must respect how the owner feels. ... As i write and listen to the Scorpio show, this adds one more to the list of people that i would luv to hear Scorpio and Giuseppe have on the show. .And please stop using the word "stimulus" Im kind of just joking but its really robbery Its what you do before you run for it. IE one way ticket to Haifa Rob it blind because a gutted , raped culture has a hard time coming after the criminals. .. I can think of a few names. Maybe im crazy . Im sure i am. Dr. Day,Adam Green, Brother Nathaniel (of which i would find pay per view), Andrew Hitchcock if for anything he deserves it, Robert Reyvolt and Dr. Ted and Austin Broer. In fact, speaking of , if you didnt hear Dr. Ted and Austin Friday you missed an epic rant. I had not known too much of Revolt. I checked out some of his past shows. Oddly enough Revolt played a clip of one of Dr. Ted's shows where he speaks of Nagales/GCMaf.

    I hope Giuseppe can twirl this thru his mind. Or run it by Dr. Judy...Could it be, that the V A double X is just a bunch of Nagales ? Is it way too out there to suggest GC Maff can neutralize it ? One can get it easily in Japan. I know, its late, and thats out there theory but its how one has to think . Lets put this simply, as hard as the hammer came down on Dr. Bradstreet, one has to think he and others were on to something ? Suicide with 2 shotgun blasts? Ok. Gotcha on that one. If you can , Its very important that you hear when Reyvolt replayed Dr. Ted's words about GCMaf and connect the dots. i think it was 03/23/21 show I bet its nothing cause im a rambling idiot but hey even a blind squirrel finds one sometimes

    March 28, 2021 at 2:00 AM

  4. inthemix16 said...

    Honestly its way too late to really tear this apart . I cant even figure out whos side this dude is on . Everyone here is very intelligent. Im sure someone can digest this .

    Just an excerpt. Maybe i should lock the doors eh?

    “I know it was murder,” the Immuno Biotech CEO said. “Dr. Bradstreet stated what we all know: that the MMR vaccine causes autism,” repeating a claim often wielded by anti-vaccine activists that’s been totally debunked. “And he was an expert witness in many court cases in the U.S.A. providing testimony to that effect. MMR is a multibillion dollar vaccine and this [GcMFA] hurts the profits of the MMR drug companies and that is why he was killed.”

    In a half-hour phone interview, Noakes told The Post that he was convinced a vaccine company killed Bradstreet to protect its profits from the wonder “cure” that is GcMFA.

    “He was raided by the FDA the day before his murder so the murder is now dressed up to look like suicide,” Noakes claimed.

    “Why would a doctor use a gun?” he continued. “A doctor wouldn’t use a gun at all. He’d use barbiturates or a cocktail of drugs which are easily available to him and take no effort.”


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